Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1095: Something more important than money

Hearing the man's voice, Lu Yinxi was scared.

Regardless of whether the person opposite is good or bad, just talking about buying eggs is enough to scare Lu Yinxi. But what can she do? She can't make a lot of money from part-time work, so she can borrow from her aunt...

Lu Yinxi knew that her aunt was very good, but her aunt was willing to take in her who was homeless. She has caused so much trouble to her aunt, how can she continue to trouble her?

Taking a deep breath, Lu Yinxi suppressed his anxiety and said to the man on the other end of the phone, "My name is Lu, it is not convenient to meet and chat. What are your specific requirements?"

Lu Yinxi was also afraid that the other party was a trafficker or something, so he didn't dare to meet him rashly.

"Miss Lu, are you healthy without any genetic disease? Are you good looking..."

Lu Yinxi was confused when she heard it, and she agreed to whatever the man asked.

A few minutes later, the other party gave an address.

Lu Yinxi knew it. It was a very well-known place. There were commercial shops nearby. Lu Yinxi couldn't believe that the place for such hidden underground activities would be located in such a conspicuous location.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yinxi turned and walked in the opposite direction of the community under the eyes of the aunt.

Standing at the door of a building, Lu Yinxi looked up at the building.

This building is next door to the Fang Group and has more than ten stories high. Lu Yinxi hesitated at the door for a long time, unable to make up his mind. If the other party is a bad person, a human trafficker, or other gangsters, wouldn't she just enter it?

Lu Yinxi felt quite stupid.

But in the end, the idea of ​​desperately needing a sum of money defeated Lu Yinxi's timidity. She walked to a shop, borrowed the phone from the boss, and then dialed Wan Yuting.

Wan Yuting answered the phone and said, [Who, my Wan Yuting? 】

Lu Yinxi: [It's me, Lu Yinxi. Next, I will do something very important. If you do not receive my call within forty minutes, it means something has happened to me. I'm in the commercial street of Beicheng, Annovi Beauty Club next to the Way International Building. If I did not call you, please call the police and tell the police my address. 】

If he really meets a bad guy, Lu Yinxi still has a way out.

After hearing what Lu Yinxi said, Wan Yuting screamed on the other side of the phone. She hurriedly asked Lu Yinxi, [Lu Yinxi! what happened to you! Why did you call the police, did you have an accident? 】

Lu Yinxi felt warm when he heard Wan Yuting's scream.

The feeling of being cared by friends is also pretty good.

Not wanting Wan Yuting to worry, Lu Yinxi explained. She said: [I am going to see a person at the Anuowei beauty salon. I am not sure if the other person is good or bad. Wan Yuting, we are also friends, I trust you. She considered her life to be handed over to Wan Yuting.

Wan Yuting: [You pay more attention, I will always be by the phone. 】

[Ok, thank you. 】

After the call, Wan Yuting kept staring at the phone, for fear of missing Lu Yinxi's call.

Lu Yinxi put down the phone and paid the phone bill to the boss. Only then did he have the courage to walk into the elevator of the building and take the elevator upstairs.

When Lu Yinxi stepped out of the elevator, he saw one side of the corridor, which read "Annowei Advanced Beauty Club". However, this beauty club is an irregular egg donation organization.

It's really selling dog meat.

Lu Yinxi walked around the corridor and saw a beauty club with a splendid decoration. At this time, there were still many beautiful women doing beauty treatments here.

The lady at the front desk asked Lu Yinxi, "Hello, who are you looking for?" Lu Yinxi looked too young. The lady at the front desk recognized her as a minor at a glance. Such a young girl shouldn't be here for beauty care. of.

The lady at the front desk thought Lu Yinxi was here to find someone.

Lu Yinxi hesitated for a moment before saying, "I, I have an appointment with Mr. Fei."

The lady at the front desk looked a little surprised.

She stared at her with a look that Lu Yinxi couldn't understand, and then said, "Please follow me." Such a young child is really rare.

Lu Yinxi followed the young lady through the beauty hall and into an independent office. The woman pushed open a door of the office, but inside, there was something special. "Mr. Fei."

The receptionist took Lu Yinxi and found a man in an iron gray suit.

Mr. Fei turned around, he was still very upright, and he looked very handsome in a suit.

Lu Yinxi stared at Mr. Fei, feeling nervous inexplicably.

"This...the girl said she had an appointment with you, her surname is Lu."

Mr. Fei was a little surprised. He said to Lu Yinxi, “Listening to your voice on the phone, I think you should not be too old. I didn’t expect you to be so young.” Mr. Fei asked the receptionist to go by himself, and he took Lu Yinxi. Xi went to a table and sat down.

After Lu Yinxi sat down, his fingers tightly pinched the hem of the T-shirt.

Noting her nervousness, Mr. Fei smiled slightly, "Need something to drink?"

Lu Yinxi was afraid that the things here would be unclean, and he would faint if he drank it. When he woke up, he would lack internal organs or move his head and body. She shook her head and whispered, "No need."

Mr. Fei probably saw her guard and thought it was funny in his heart.

A very interesting little girl.

Such a small child looked like a good girl, and he couldn't bear to do her business. "Do you really want to sell eggs?"

Lu Yinxi hesitated before nodding.

Mr. Fei's eyes swept over Lu Yinxi for a long time, and he suddenly said, "Excuse me for being abrupt, I want to ask you, how old are you this year?"

"It's fifteen."

Mr. Fei nodded, and he said, "I think you are at this age." He asked again, "You haven't talked about a boyfriend yet?"

Lu Yinxi was taken aback.

He is an illegal business, and he still cares whether he has a partner?

"No." Lu Yinxi answered honestly.

Mr. Fei showed such an expression as expected.

"Little girl, you may not know that this egg retrieval is very harmful to women themselves." Mr. Fei's expression seemed to be a little hesitant. He saw Lu Yinxi listening carefully, and he said again. "In addition, this operation will destroy ***."

When the words fell, Mr. Fei saw Lu Yinxi's eyes widen.

If Lu Yinxi was only reluctant and afraid of selling eggs before coming, then after listening to Mr. Fei's explanation, Lu Yinxi would regret it completely. The value of some things is more important than 20,000 yuan.

She stood up suddenly.

Mr. Fei looked up at her with a gentle expression.

Lu Yinxi said, "Thank you for telling me this. I, I won't sell it anymore."

Mr. Fei nodded, expressing understanding.

Lu Yinxi said again, "I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm going now, Mr. Fei, go and work."

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