Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1103: The iron egg brother who loves to learn

Shouldn't he be angry?

The little girl who blushed and beaten as soon as she saw him, actually admitted him to the wrong person!

Fang Zicheng was so angry!

"Fang Zicheng." Fang Zicheng said suddenly.

"What?" Lu Yinxi was dumbfounded.

The next second, her chin was pinched by Fang Zicheng.

Fang Zicheng raised Lu Yinxi’s cheeks. He stared down at the girl’s fat cheeks and said again, "My name is Fang Zicheng, and I am Fang Zicheng. Remember, I am Fang Zicheng. I will dare to admit my mistakes later. , I get angry."

Lu Yinxi was dumbfounded. "You, aren't you called Fang Zikai?" Lu Yinxi had listened to Fang Zikai's name for many years. She always thought that the person in front of her was Fang Zikai. If he was not Fang Zikai, who was he? Who is Fang Zikai?

"I'm not Fang Zikai that idiot."

Fang Zicheng saw Lu Yinxi's eyes become more and more confused, it was a very confused but unexplainable look. What Fang Zicheng thought of, the anger in his heart faded a little, and there were more unclear feelings.

He didn't like that feeling anyway.

Fang Zicheng realized that there was something wrong.

Lu Yinxi seemed to have admitted the wrong person.

Fang Zicheng asked Lu Yinxi, "Do you like Fang Zikai?" She likes Fang Zikai, and she happens to look a lot like Fang Zikai, so she doesn't like herself at all!

Fang Zicheng had an urge to tear Fang Zikai to pieces.

Lu Yinxi was completely trapped.

Hearing Fang Zicheng’s question, Lu Yinxi subconsciously asked, "What is your relationship with Fang Zikai?" His name is Fang Zicheng, and Fang Zikai’s name is only one word difference. The two look the same again. Could it be...

Lu Yinxi also thought of a possibility.

She asked dumbfounded, "Are you twins?"

"Don't you know?" Fang Zicheng was a little surprised.

There are people who don't even know that he and Fang Zikai are twins.

Lu Yinxi shook his head naturally. "I do not know."

"My brother is called Fang Zikai. He looks very similar to me, but shorter than me. My eyes are green, like my father. He is brown, like my mother. My brother can play the violin, but he does not have my grades. it is good."

It is really rare for Fang Zicheng to introduce the difference between him and Fang Zikai for a person so seriously.

Lu Yinxi's mouth has grown a bit more.

She stared silently into Fang Zicheng's eyes, and after a while, she realized a problem later. "So your eyes are naturally green, not the ones you wear?"

Fang Zicheng pointed to his eyes and asked Lu Yinxi, "Do you think this looks like a cosmetic contact lens?"

"Let me just say, I have never seen anyone who wears cosmetic contact lenses is as natural as you." Lu Yinxi was puzzled before, why every time he sees'Fang Zikai' in the photo, he has brown eyes. In real life, every time she saw Fang Zikai, he had green eyes.

It turns out that they are not the same person at all!

Lu Yinxi understood the source of Fang Zicheng's anger.

She quickly explained, “I didn’t admit you wrong, I just made a mistake of your name. I didn’t know you before. Later in our class group, I saw a girl who posted a picture of Fang Zikai. I saw it accidentally. Seeing him look the same as you, I thought it was you."

"I always thought you were wearing cosmetic contact lenses. I really didn't expect that you and Fang Zikai were actually two people."

After listening to her explanation, Fang Zicheng's gloomy handsome face seemed to clear up a lot.

Lu Yinxi asked him again, "Why haven't I heard of your name? Your brother is so famous in school, why are you not famous?" Whether in Luoyang Junior High School or No. 8 Middle School, Lu Yinxi has I've heard of Fang Zikai's name.

Regarding Fang Zicheng, it was as if he did not exist.

But it shouldn't be. Fang Zicheng is such an outstanding person, he should also be a man of the Xiangjiang International College. Why is he so unknown?

Fang Zicheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Because my brother is relatively high-profile and loves to show off. He is like a peacock everywhere. And I only love to learn." Fang Zicheng was embarrassed for himself.

He felt that he was particularly shameless. In order to rectify his name, he deliberately described his brother as worthless.

Why is Fang Zicheng not famous?

Because he is a high-cold and low-key academic bully, he has almost no friends. He listens carefully in get out of class, reads after class, and occasionally goes to the teacher's home to discuss and study on Saturday and weekend.

Therefore, Xiangjiang International College knows that Fang Zikai has a Xueba brother who looks the same as him, but he is very indifferent, but there are not many people who have actually seen a Xueba brother. In addition, Shang Zicheng was really low-key and didn't cause any major incidents. Naturally, he didn't have much reputation in school.

His little fame can't be passed on to other colleges at all.

Lu Yinxi nodded and said, "I understand."

Lu Yinxi was embarrassed to have a big oolong. She touched her nose and whispered, "I'm here, I have to go home."

"it is good."

Fang Zicheng picked up the schoolbag that had fallen on the ground first, and handed it to Lu Yinxi. Lu Yinxi glanced at Fang Zicheng again, then turned and left. Fang Zicheng was a little surprised when he saw her just leave.

Just left?

Don't you give a parting hug?

When his parents are going to separate, they usually hug and kiss each other for a long time.

Fang Zicheng was still a bit lost.

"Elk!" Fang Zicheng suddenly called out her name.

Lu Yinxi was taken aback.

She looked back at Fang Zicheng and asked him, "Are you calling me?" Where did she hear the name Elk?

Fang Zicheng nodded.

"Why call me an elk?" Lu Yinxi was a little curious.

Fang Zicheng has always remembered the origin of Lu Yinxi's name. Boss Lu named her Lu Yinxi, which is derived from the picture of Elk Yinxi. "The Elk Drinking Creek, is where your name comes from."

Lu Yinxi was a little surprised.

"I like this name." She said.

"See you tomorrow." Fang Zicheng said.

Lu Yinxi was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that Fang Zicheng's reason to stop him was just to tell her what he saw. Lu Yinxi's heartbeat started fast again, "Ming, see you tomorrow."

She ran into the community and walked downstairs to her aunt's house. Lu Yinxi's face was still red.

She is not a fool.

Fang Zicheng suddenly wanted to take her home, and also explained that by heaven, Lu Yinxi still understands what this means. She felt that this afternoon's experience was like a dream, and the brother she had a crush on suddenly became interested in her.

Lu Yinxi, who was always shy and introverted, stood in the elevator holding his schoolbag, smiling like a second fool.

On the other side, Fang Zicheng walked for only half an hour before returning home.

Fang Zikai came back long ago and is doing homework. Fang Zikai doesn't like to do his homework in the study, so he likes to sit in the living room and gag Fang Taoran while doing his homework.

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