Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1108: Sleep one per person

Wan Yuting didn't believe that Lu Yinxi would fall in love with someone at first, until one afternoon after school, Wan Yuting accidentally saw Lu Yinxi go home with Fang Zicheng.

She stood on the opposite side of the street, looking at Lu Yinxi who rarely smiled from a distance, and smiled at the tall and handsome boy. The way she laughed was really bright and beautiful.

At that moment, Wan Yuting believed the rumors.

Lu Yinxi is really in love!

When the boy turned his head to talk to her, Wan Yuting finally saw the person's appearance. For an instant, Wan Yuting was stunned, and only felt that this absurd world made a ridiculous joke with her.

Lu Yinxi was with Fang Zikai!

Gou Fugui who said he would come to sleep?

As soon as he arrived at school the next day, Wan Yuting dragged Lu Yinxi into the corridor during get out of class time, pretending to question Lu Yinxi seriously. "Are you with Fang Zikai?"

God knows that Wan Yuting was so shocked last night that she didn't sleep well all night.

Lu Yinxi was startled at first, and then guessed that Wan Yuting might have seen her walking with Fang Zicheng. She opened her mouth to explain Fang Zicheng's identity, but Wan Yuting said angrily, "Okay, you are Lu Yinxi! Gou Fugui, everyone is going to sleep together, but you slept with him secretly! Lu Yinxi, you Too stingy!"

Lu Yinxi quickly explained, "I haven't slept yet..."

Wan Yuting cut, "I haven't slept yet, which means I haven't slept for the time being, I will sleep when the time is right!"

Lu Yinxi thought for a while, but he didn't object. Wan Yuting didn't know what she was thinking. She didn't say a word for a while, and Lu Yinxi suddenly said, "My man, can't sleep for others."

Wan Yuting opened her mouth, looked up at her, and cursed, "Little fool. I still know how to protect food." Wan Yuting sighed, and she said, "Is Fang Zikai blind? Fatty."

She squeezed Lu Yinxi's cheek, and asked in confusion, "Could it be that a beautiful face really works like this?"

Lu Yinxi knocked her hand away, and her face was pinched by Wan Yuting.

Lu Yinxi rubbed his cheeks before saying, "You are mistaken, that boy is not Fang Zikai." Seeing that Wan Yuting was obviously not convinced, Lu Yinxi explained, "He is Fang Zicheng, Fang Zikai's brother, they are Twins. Fang Zicheng's eyes are green, different from Fang Zikai."

Wan Yuting was dumbfounded, and then said, "Damn it." Her expression looked very surprised, "Why haven't I heard of Fang Zikai's older brother?"

"I just learned about it soon."

Wan Yuting thought of something, she suddenly embarrassed her face and smiled. Lu Yinxi asked her what she was laughing at, and Wan Yuting said happily, "This is so great, my brother sleeps with you, and my younger brother sleeps with me. From now on, we will both be Fang's daughter-in-laws."

Lu Yinxi: "..."

Are the girls now so shameless?

When the two said this, they were in the toilet. While talking, I saw a group of girls coming in. There were four girls who came in. Such a young girl even put on makeup.

One of them was wearing an orange off-the-shoulder sweater. He was tall, thin and pretty. It seems that she should be the backbone of the small group.

The two were washing their hands. Noting the entry of these girls, Wan Yuting gently pulled Lu Yinxi's hand. Lu Yinxi looked at her with questions in his eyes. Wan Yuting didn't explain, pulling Lu Yinxi out of the toilet.

Out of the toilet, Lu Yinxi asked Wan Yuting in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Wan Yuting also kept her voice down. She looked back at the toilet and confirmed that no one would hear the voice. Then she said to Lu Yinxi, "The group of women who entered the toilet just now are in the second grade. Girls are a group of school bullies who have an affair with the second-rate in society." The second-rate refers to the young people who are idle, that is, gangsters.

In every school, there are such boys and girls, and they often appear in groups as soon as they appear. This group of people are mostly people with ordinary grades and poor character. Lu Yinxi asked Wan Yuting, "They are in the second grade, what are they doing in our first grade?"

The first and second high school buildings are next to each other, but they are two separate buildings. It's fine at ordinary times. Different grades don't cross each other.

Wan Yuting said, "I seemed to have seen Hu Yu go into the toilet just now."

Hu Yu...

Lu Yinxi knew that Hu Yu was a girl from the class next door, she was pretty and she danced very well. During the military training, Hu Jue also performed ballet dance on the playground.

It is said that Hu Jue has studied ballet for twelve years, and she danced very well. At that time, the boys were all watching wolves howling, so Lu Yinxi still had a deep impression of Hu Jue.

When the group of girls entered the toilet just now, it was obvious that the visitors were not kind. Lu Yinxi asked Wan Yuting, "Hu Jue has grievances with them?"

"The **** is Luo Yanrong. She was a couple with An Cheng who was in the third grade, but An Cheng broke up with her and stayed with Hu Jue last month." Wan Yuting stuck her tongue out, she said, " You probably have heard about women fighting for the wind and being jealous. Luo Yanrong is here to clean up Hu Jue."

"Didn't they have broken up, don't they allow their ex-boyfriend to find a girlfriend after breaking up?"

"Maybe Luo Yanrong hasn't given up on An Cheng yet?"

Wan Yuting couldn't figure out other people's affairs.

Lu Yinxi thought of Hu Jue, and suddenly felt a little worried for her. Hu Jue is tall, thin and tall, and he looks like he can't fight. On the other hand, Luo Yanrong looks like a social man when he is dressed and dressed.

Four to one, Hu Jue will naturally fall in the wind.

Lu Yinxi couldn't bear to think that a woman like a flower like a jade would face the beating of four girls alone. "Let's go and see."

"Do you want to be beaten?" Wan Yuting scolded Lu Yinxi as stupid. "This kind of thing, let's not get involved, don't deal with Luo Yanrong and the group of people, it is a group of malignant tumors, and you can't get rid of it."

What Wan Yuting said is also true.

But Lu Yinxi didn't know about it. If he knew it but didn't care, his heart would always be uncomfortable.

It is not that she can be the Virgin, she is too indifferent to die.

But Lu Yinxi also understood that Wan Yuting's words made sense, and it was indeed the wrong choice to provoke Luo Yanrong and the group of people. But watching coldly, Lu Yinxi couldn't do it either.

She suggested, "Then, shall we tell the dean?"

Wan Yuting still wanted to refuse. Lu Yinxi saw it and said, "Wan Yuting, are you really going to die? If Hu Jue is really hit by Luo Yanrong and the others, he will face Hu Jue's At that time, don't you feel guilty in your heart?" If this happened to him, Lu Yinxi also hoped that when he was desperate, someone could help him.

Just pull it.

Wan Yuting was moved by her. She sighed, then sighed, "I really can't do anything with you." The two turned around and went to the dean.

At this time, Luo Yanrong's insults suddenly came from the toilet.

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