Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 1113: Do homework (three shifts)

"What's wrong?" Qiao Jiusheng was lying on the chaise longue with a mask on his face.

Fang Yusheng told Qiao Jiusheng the scene he had just met.

Qiao Jiusheng was speechless for a while after listening. At last she said, "Fang Yusheng, what's the matter with your mind? Is it because of the smog and become mentally retarded? Think with your toes, your two sons can't be messed up."

Fang Yusheng was also a little embarrassed, "Isn't it that Fang Zikai's stinky boy is too easy to make people want to be crooked."

Qiao Jiusheng didn't continue to tell him this, but said, "Our kids don't worry about it. Look at Qiao Qi'an. He is so good that he won't worry about my brother and sister-in-law.

Fang Yusheng expressed envy.

"Speaking of which, our family is certainly twelve years old."

"Well, what's the matter?" Fang Yusheng became nervous when he heard Qiao Jiusheng mention Ranran. "What do you want to say?"

"Look closely at your little princess. If she dared to fall in love early, it would be a failure for us to be parents."

Fang Yusheng said, "Don't worry, I understand my daughter, she will definitely be obedient in the future."

Qiao Jiusheng glanced at Fang Yusheng with some pity. "Don't talk too early." Ran Ran, the kid is the same as Qiao Jiusheng, with a stubborn personality and his own opinions.

To be honest, Fang Zicheng's fall in love was a little shocked to Qiao Jiusheng. Qiao Jiusheng thought it was incredible that the child who had thought the most worry was the first to fall in love.

"That's right." Qiao Jiusheng remembered something. It was inconvenient to put on the mask, so she tore off the mask. Fang Yusheng saw it, and felt a pain in his heart. He asked Qiao Jiusheng, "The mask for seven or eight hundred yuan is just torn off. Don't you apply it for a while?"

If Fang Yusheng were to say nothing, it would take an hour.

Qiao Jiusheng couldn't help laughing. "What's wrong, my heart hurts?" Qiao Jiusheng touched her beautiful face. She said, "Men, I want women to be beautiful, but they also hate women for spending money. I want to be beautiful and beautiful. , I miss my natural beauty, you want to be beautiful!"

"Do you know how the beautiful women came?" Qiao Jiusheng pointed to the mask in the trash can and said, "It came out with money!"

Fang Yusheng laughed sullenly after hearing this, "I am the person who is born with beauty."

Qiao Jiusheng: "..."

"Please shut up, thank you."

Fang Yusheng accepts as soon as he sees it. "By the way, what did you just want to say?"

Qiao Jiusheng almost forgot to do business. As soon as Fang Yusheng reminded her, she remembered and quickly preached, "Wei Xin and Susanna adopted a boy."

Fang Yusheng has not logged into OK software today, they have already discussed this in the group. Qiao Jiusheng didn't see Fang Yusheng bubbling to participate in the discussion, so he guessed that he might not know about it yet.

Qiao Jiusheng said to Yu Sheng, "I called Wei Xin, and she told me the reason for adopting the child, which made me sigh."

Fang Yusheng asked, "What's the matter?"

"That's the case. Wei Xin doesn't go out often, so does Susanna. These two people, one is busy with work and the other is busy traveling when they have time." Their days after marriage are similar to those before marriage.

Wei Xin is busy with her career, and Susanna is busy with her life. They are the people who care about each other most. They will contact each other at a fixed time every day. Susanna missed Wei Xin, so she went to see her. Wei Xin missed Susanna and would arrange time to travel with her. Sometimes travel for three or five days, sometimes stay for one day.

They are independent of each other and care about each other. Such days are actually very pleasant.

Things changed when Susanna broke her leg during a Jedi expedition last month. When she landed, she fell into a coma. When she woke up, she realized that it was dark, but she was not discovered.

Susanna found the phone and found that it was almost out of power, so she sent Wei Xin an address before the phone was turned off. Wei Xin received the address, and out of years of tacit understanding, she understood that it was Susanna who was calling for help.

Wei Xin contacted the rescue team and rushed to the place in person. She picked up Susanna. At that time Susanna looked embarrassed, Wei Xin hugged her, Susanna suddenly said, "Let's adopt a child."

Wei Xin asked why. She said, "I have been thinking about a question during these hours waiting for rescue. If I fall to death, what should you do? I know you will live well, but it is inevitable that you will live alone. I feel lonely. If you have a child, he can accompany you."

Susanna is not afraid of death, she is afraid that one day she will die, Wei Xin will be alone.

After a month of thinking, Wei Xin finally agreed to Susanna's decision.

Adopting a child means a change in their status. Children want to study and need someone to accompany them to grow up. The two people who used to be alone and go wherever they want to go, now have to change into a different life.

Raising a child is an adventure for them, but they look forward to this adventure.

After Qiao Jiusheng told Fang Yusheng about the incident, she sighed and said, "I agree with Susanna's view that after the death of her lover, there are other people who can accompany the remaining person, at least not so lonely. ."

Fang Yusheng did not respond to her words.

What he thought in his heart was: If you die, no matter how many people around you accompany me, I will still be lonely.

The child adopted by Susanna and Wei Xin is quite old. Both are nine years old. It is a silent child. According to the director of the orphanage, this is the first time that child has been admired.

The previous adopters felt that the child was too silent for fear of being unfamiliar.

The unfamiliar one is a white-eyed wolf.

Wei Xin liked the child, not because of anything else, but because of what the child said. When Wei Xin was picking children, she asked them a question, and she asked, "Why do you think I want to adopt a child?"

The answers are varied, some say that she likes children, some say that she feels lonely, and some say that she hopes to be accompanied by someone when she gets old in the future. Only the child stared at Susanna behind Wei Xin and asked uncertainly, "Do you hope that someone will love her with you?"

Wei Xin felt at the time that this child was caring.

Yes, she is not afraid of loneliness, but she is also afraid of Susanna's loneliness. Suppose one day, any of them suddenly disappeared. She hopes to have a child and accompany the surviving person to remember the other person.

Fang Yusheng didn't have time to visit the child in Switzerland. He thought about it and said to Qiao Jiusheng, "When you come back, we will buy some gifts together and send them to the child."

"Good." Qiao Jiusheng said again, "It's not early, I should go to bed. I don't have enough sleep, no matter how expensive the mask is, it's useless."

"OK, good night."

A good night's dream.

The next day, Fang Zicheng went to the urban library during the day for a long time, and then went to Qi Bufan for a long time in the afternoon, and finally stayed up to the evening. He went home to take a shower, put on a down jacket, and went to find Lu Yinxi.

Fang Zicheng went directly to the place where Lu Yinxi worked.

Lu Yinxi values ​​their first date very much. Before going to work in the morning, she deliberately washed her face with her aunt's facial cleanser and took a toner. Seeing Fang Zicheng pushing the door in, Lu Yinxi said to the foreman, "The handover time is up, I'm leaving."

"it is good."

Lu Yinxi walked towards Fang Zicheng.

Today Fang Zicheng is still online, wearing a white down jacket and black casual trousers. He held a cup of milk tea in his hand. After entering the store, he didn't sit down and waited for Lu Yinxi to walk over.

While working together, I was a little surprised to see Lu Yinxi walking towards Fang Zicheng. This won't be Lu Yinxi's boyfriend, he looks really handsome.

When Lu Yinxi approached, Fang Zicheng asked, "May I go?"

"Well, it's okay."

Lu Yinxi and Fang Zicheng walked out of the store together.

A blast of cold wind hit the face.

Fang Zicheng heard Lu Yinxi say that it was cold. He was about to take off the scarf for Lu Yinxi to use. He saw Lu Yinxi pull up the collar of the turtleneck sweater to cover his neck.

His fingers paused on the towel for a moment before putting them down unnaturally.

Lu Yinxi asked him expectantly, "What are we going to do tonight?" Is it watching a movie? Or go shopping? Or go to the park to play?

Fang Zicheng said, "Do your homework."

Lu Yinxi: "!"

Fang Zicheng looked at Lu Yinxi with a serious expression. He said sternly, "We are still high school students now, and we should focus on learning."

Lu Yinxi was dumbfounded before saying, " are right."

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