Qiao Jiusheng suddenly felt that he was stupid. Is it worth it for the sake of face?

Qiao Jiusheng, who was in his early twenties, would never imagine that in the second half of his life, he would be entangled and distressed for hundreds of thousands.

Qiao Jiusheng put away the card suddenly and said, "No more, it's boring."

Wei Xin didn't speak, only glanced at her.

But when other poker friends heard this, they had their own thoughts, and some younger women urged her with words, "Madam Fang, don’t you have more than six million cards in your card? Only a few of them are played now. , Luck is all taking turns, maybe you will make a profit with the next one."

Gamblers always hold this kind of thinking, and then they lose and lose their fortunes.

Qiao Jiusheng smiled, waved his hand and said, "I'm so lucky today. It's not suitable for playing cards. I don't want to play." She tilted her head and said in a joking tone, "Gambling is boring. Why don't you take the money to my husband? I bought a trolley with a watch, anyway there is a real thing."

She said she would not fight if she didn't fight, and she was very determined.

Upon seeing this, someone pouted privately, cursing her for not being able to play. Qiao Jiusheng heard it, but he didn't hear it.

Wei Xin also stood up suddenly. "Everyone, we have other event arrangements, so we won't accompany you, and we will play again next time." She can bully Qiao Jiusheng at will, but she can't see others say that Qiao Jiusheng is not good.

Wei Xin and Qiao Jiusheng found Susanna who was playing bowling in another room, and the three left the club together.

When driving to the bar street, Wei Xin suddenly said to Qiao Jiusheng, "You are really sensible."

"Huh?" Qiao Jiusheng was a little confused.

Wei Xin said, "I know it hurts people."

Qiao Jiusheng snorted, "Stop teasing me." She took out her mobile phone and opened the WeChat chat screen with Fang Yusheng. After hesitating for a while, she sent a message to Fang Yusheng.

Ye Ye Shengge: [I came to admit that I was wrong. 】

Fang Yusheng: [Eating. 】

Fang Yusheng: [Picture. jpg. 】

Qiao Jiusheng opened the picture. It was a picture of Fang Yusheng having a dinner with his group of friends. It seemed that they were having a dinner at a half-acre Huatian restaurant. The photo was taken by Fang Yusheng. He should be sitting on the main seat. He should have invited this meal.

In the camera, there are three or four men, all of whom are about the same age as Fang Yusheng, one or two years older, or one or two years younger. They all knew Qiao Jiusheng, and they were considered familiar.

Fang Yusheng: [What's wrong with you? 】

Qiao Jiusheng: [Dinner with people, you play with your phone, okay? 】

Fang Yusheng: [Everyone is playing on their mobile phones, and my wife at home is chasing Gang, so I dare not return. 】

Qiao Jiusheng made a squinting smile.

Fang Yusheng said again: [Quickly say, what did you make wrong. 】

Qiao Jiusheng: [I made a few bets today. 】

Fang Yusheng: […]

Fang Yusheng: [Let’s say, how much I have lost, I have prepared myself. 】

Qiao Jiusheng: [In total, there are more than 700,000 yuan. 】

Fang Yusheng: [It's a bit less than I thought. 】

Qiao Jiusheng: [How much do you think I lost? 】

Fang Yusheng: [I thought you lost three or four million. Qiao Jiusheng said that he had come to admit his mistake, and Fang Yusheng naturally thought a little bit more.

Qiao Jiusheng: [I can continue to lose, but it is not easy for Yu Sheng to make money, so it's better to save a little bit. You just treat me as losing three million. 】

Fang Yusheng: [Just when you lose three million, what do you mean? 】

Qiao Jiusheng: [If the extra 2 million comes out, just buy me something. 】

Fang Yusheng: [Prodigal wife. 】

Fang Yusheng: [It's accurate. 】

Qiao Jiusheng sticks out his tongue, the smile on his mouth can't hide.

Back then, when he was clubbing in the bar street, because Fang Yusheng couldn't drink, Qiao Jiusheng ordered him a glass of lemonade, so he was ridiculed for not drinking.

Qiao Jiusheng praised Haikou at the time and said, "What do you want to drink? If you want to drink milk, there will be milk on the wine list of this bar tomorrow. Hot and warm ones are available. Anyway, we have a lot of money, it's a big deal. I bought it in the street and turned it into a lemon dairy."

Later, although Qiao Jiusheng failed to buy the entire street, he bought the bar he had been to. Nowadays, the bar not only provides drinks, but also lemonade, coconut milk and coffee.

But almost no one ordered these things.

Nevertheless, these few drinks have been printed on the wine list, not for anything else, just because Fang Yusheng comes back occasionally.

So every time a newcomer first enters this bar and finds that the bar also provides lemon juice and milk, it feels strange. Whenever they ask, the staff will tell them what Qiao Jiusheng did to please her husband.

So Qiao Jiusheng and Wei Xin were recognized by the staff as soon as they entered the store.

Qiao Jiusheng ordered a glass of whiskey with ice. Wei Xin was like her. Susanna ran to the bar to be a bartender, thinking about the addiction of being a bartender. Qiao Jiusheng drank with Wei Xin, and commented on the beauties on the dance floor who wanted to twist their waists.

"This chest is good, it's natural, and it's definitely comfortable to pinch." Wei Xin said.

Qiao Jiusheng immediately encouraged her, "Go! If you want to fight with Susanna."

Wei Xin just said that casually. She speaks madly, but her heart is dedicated.

Wei Xin said, "It's better to touch her than to touch her."

Qiao Jiusheng choked by touching this description.

Wei Xin pointed to a man dressed like a peacock. She said, "Based on your years of experience in sleeping with a man, what do you think of this man's waist strength?"

Qiao Jiusheng stared at the man for a moment, and she said, "It's better than Yu Sheng."

"That said, your Fang Yusheng's waist is pretty good."

Qiao Jiusheng gave a thief and didn't answer. She pushed Wei Xin's arm and suggested, "Shall we go jump one?"

"What to jump?"


"it is good."

After dropping the glass, Qiao Jiusheng asked the music DJ to help find a tango. She and Wei Xin walked onto the dance floor and danced a song unscrupulously. Qiao Jiusheng is a few centimeters shorter than Wei Xin, but he is a bit more popular than Wei Xin.

She wore low-waisted butt-lifting jeans and a tight V-neck shirt, and her proud figure was visible. Wei Xin wore a black skirt with high slits today, with long wavy hair draped behind her head, and the two women clung to each other, stepping on the beat of the music, dancing with great joy.

I haven't been out to play for a long time, and I played until one o'clock in the evening, when Susanna drove Qiao Jiusheng home. Qiao Jiusheng was drunk, lying in their car, sleeping unconsciously.

Susanna called Fang Yusheng and asked him to come out to pick up people.

After a while, Fang Yusheng walked out in his nightgown, his face not pretty.

Seeing Fang Yusheng was obviously angry, Susanna shrugged, somewhat innocent. "Ann, I can't be blamed for this, A Sheng himself doesn't want to come back."

Fang Yusheng glared at her.

He bent down and got into the car and fished Qiao Jiusheng out of the car. The drunk Qiao Jiusheng was limp, like every bone, Fang Yusheng held her, feeling that she was heavier than usual.

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