Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 352: This is your new boyfriend? (Two more)

Jiaren Wu's phone was answered for more than 20 seconds before she hung up.

Putting down the phone, Jiaren Wu looked back at Wei Shuyi, her eyes full of apologize.

"Brother Wei..."

Wei Shuyi asked in a deep voice, "He has something to do with you?"

Jiaren Wu didn't speak.

Silence is affirmation.

Wei Shuyi only asked, "Don't go, okay?"

The person squatting on the ground wore only one piece of underwear. It was clear that half a minute ago, her body still carried his breath and temperature, but in a blink of an eye, it all disappeared.

Jiaren Wu looked up at him, her long hair covering half of her eyes.

Wei Shuyi saw rejection and guilt in her apologetic eyes.

He suddenly stood up from the sofa and picked up the clothes on the ground, only wearing the clothes in silence without speaking.

All adults, he told himself, learn to be patient.

Seeing Wei Shuyi striding outside the house, Wu Jiaren felt bored.

"Brother Wei." Wu Jiaren suddenly caught up and grabbed one of his hands.

Wei Shuyi stopped and didn't look back.

Wu Jiaren looked up at his back and suddenly said, "Give me a few months, and soon, I will change jobs."

Wei Shuyi finally turned his head.

With his eyes down, Wei Shuyi stared at Wu Jiaren with complicated eyes. After all, he couldn't help but asked her, "Why? Since I want to change jobs, why not change earlier?"

Jiaren Wu's lips moved for a moment, but she couldn't say a word of explanation.

Wei Shuyi still felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't want to embarrass Wu Jiaren.

After a moment of silence, Wei Shuyi's voice resounded in the room, "How long?"

Wu Jiaren gave a hum, her tone was puzzled.

Wei Shuyi said again, "How long are you talking about for a few months?"

Jiaren Wu opened her eyes and smiled. She said, "About half a year."

The eyes of deep inquiring looked back and forth on Wu Jiaren's face for a long time. Finally, Wei Shuyi sighed and said, "You know that I can't do anything about you, so there is no fear..." He whispered helplessly, and it made Wu Jiaren's heart more painful.

Watching Wei Shuyi open the door and leave, Jiaren Wu took a step forward with her feet, and finally took it back.

When Wei Shuyi returned home, she remembered that she had forgotten to tell Wu Jiaren about going to the Cleveland Clinic in Country A. He shook his head and laughed, not knowing whether he was laughing at himself or Wu Jiaren.

Jiaren Wu rushed to Villa No. 7 in Longgang Bay, thinking that there was something big, but only when I came to know, it was Dongliao who wanted to have a supper, and Shenghua Dongli planned to take him out to eat and asked Jiaren Wu to accompany him for protection.

Sure enough, the internship salary of 20,000 yuan is not so easy to earn.

All trivial matters must be called to her.

The driver drove, Jiaren Wu sat in the co-pilot, and Shenghua Dongli and his son sat in the back.

Along the way, Dongliao was chatting and talking nonstop.

Jiaren Wu listened to his voice, a little irritable.

If it weren't for this gadget, she would have gone to bed with Wei Shuyi now.

Dongli Shenghua, who has been patiently listening to his son's muttering speech, noticed Wu Jiaren's expressionless expression and asked, "Miss Wu, are you not happy?"

"No." The tone was hard, and even a fool could hear her outrageous.

Dongli Shenghua said, "You are just getting angry. Could it be my call, the call is not the right time?"

Jiaren Wu looked back at him without explaining, but just asked, "If Mr. Dongli was interrupted suddenly when he was making love with his lover, would you be happy?"

Dongli Shenghua was taken aback for a moment.

He was surprised.

Surprised by Wu Jiaren's frankness.

As a woman, shouldn't this kind of thing feel uncomfortable?

He was a little embarrassed.

"That's my fault."

Wu Jiaren shook her head, and she said, "Don't blame you, the contract understands that Party A has a need, and Party B must be there on call. You are an employer and I am an employee. You can call at any time."

Dongli Shenghua didn't speak, but Dongliao spoke up, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Jiaren Wu looked at the front of the car and answered Dong Liao's question, "Yes, young master."

"It seems that you really don't plan to be my stepmother."

For some reason, Dong Liao is very persistent about whether Wu Jiaren wants to be his stepmother.

Jiaren Wu wants to roll her eyes.

Dongli Shenghua glanced at Dongliao and said softly, "Little Ao, be good."

In the short four words, Shenghua Dongli's tone was not harsh, but Dongliao was horrified.

For the rest of the journey, Dongliao didn't be naughty anymore.

Dongliao wants to eat spicy crayfish.

The car stopped at the entrance of a tall crayfish supper. Wu Jiaren got out of the car, stood behind their father and son, and followed them into the shop.

Dongliao ordered five catties of crayfish.

Dongli Shenghua doesn't eat much, so she is responsible for peeling it for her son.

Wu Jiaren is a bodyguard, not a nanny. She doesn't need to help Dongliao peel the lobster, she just needs to be responsible for protecting their safety. She stood aside, listening to all directions, playing the role of bodyguard particularly well.

Dongliao didn't enjoy it until half past eleven.

"Come here next time." Dongliao said.

Dongli Shenghua said, "Don't eat more crayfish."

Just beside this crayfish shop, there is a row of night market stalls.

There are many people eating lobsters in summer. When Wu Jiaren and the others passed by the stall and accidentally passed by the group of men and women sitting in a stall, her expression was slightly stiff. Noting her gaze, Dongli Shenghua looked in the direction she was looking at.

It was a group of police officers in plain clothes.

Dongli Shenghua turned around and asked Jiaren Wu, "You know?"

Jiaren Wu nodded, was silent for a second, and then said, "Colleagues."

Nodding, Dongli Shenghua continued to move forward.

Jiaren Wu followed them.

"Hey, isn't that Wu Jiaren from the Narcotics Control Office?"

By the way, Wu Jiaren wanted to go faster, but those people found him.

Several people looked up at the same time, and saw Wu Jiaren in black costumes, and they were all a little surprised.

Two new colleagues have only heard of Wu Jiaren's name before and never saw the real person. According to legend, Wu Jiaren of the Narcotics Control Office of the Office of Narcotics Control is the most beautiful policewoman in Binjiang City. Her appearance is inferior to those female stars on TV.

When they met the real person, they believed the rumors.

"Is she the Wu Jiaren who was expelled from the party because of beatings?"

"Well, that's her. Wearing a police uniform and beating people in the street, he didn't admit his mistake and was fired."

"It's pretty good-looking."

Their comments did not deliberately cover up.

Jiaren Wu heard it, and she didn't respond to her face, but her eyes filled with unwillingness and annoyance.

Dongli Shenghua noticed the look in Wu Jiaren's eyes, and there was a slight reflection in her eyes.

"My dear, what a coincidence, you also came out for supper?"

Among those people, a pretty-looking policewoman stood up.

Jiaren Wu recognizes her. She is a colleague of the Household Affairs Department named Sun Qian. Before Jiaren Wu came, she was a branch of the Public Security Bureau of Binjiang City. After Jiaren Wu came, she was the green branch next to Jiaohua.

Wu Jiaren doesn't believe it, she will kindly greet herself.

I'm afraid it's going to be a disaster.

She didn't even bother to make a fake smile. Wu Jiaren glanced at Sun Qian indifferently, and said to Dongli Shenghua, "Let's go, Mr. Dongli."

Sun Qian turned out to notice the appearance of Dongli Shenghua.

"Is this your boyfriend?" A flash of jealousy flashed in her eyes. When Wu Jiaren was fired, she was very happy. As a result, goodbye to discover that Wu Jiaren's boyfriend is so tall and handsome, and Sun Qian's heart is unbalanced again.

She said again, "Beauty, you broke up with Wei Shuai? This is your new boyfriend? Yo, even the son is there." I'm afraid it's someone else's son.

Jiaren Wu swept over with cold eyes, "Shut up. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Taking off her police uniform, Jiaren Wu has no more taboos.

If Sun Qian dared to insult her by words, Jiaren Wu could go back doubly.

Sun Qian's expression was a little uncontrollable after being reprimanded by Wu Jiaren's merciless face.

At this time, Dongli Aocai spoke out to prove his innocence for himself and his father. He looked at Sun Qian, but his small body had a big voice. He said, "Auntie, you can't slander people. Sister Wu is my father. The bodyguard you please is not my stepmother, and the innocence of me and daddy cannot be insulted by you."

The six-year-old child speaks like a little adult.

Sun Qian was shocked by her aunt.

Why is she an aunt, Wu Jiaren is her sister!

Because of her identity as a police officer, Sun Qian also had a face, and she couldn't argue with a kid in Dongliao. She chuckled, looked at Wu Jiaren, and said, "Unexpectedly, you went as a bodyguard."

Wu Jiaren replied indifferently, “It’s good to be a bodyguard, including food, a monthly salary of 20,000 to 30,000, air-conditioning in hot weather, and car transportation. Except that the salary is more than 10,000 or 20,000 more than being a policeman, and nothing else. s difference."

Sun Qian: "..."

In the calm and indifferent eyes of Dongli Shenghua, there was another circle of bright waves in full bloom.

The corners of his mouth curled up and he was already smiling.

Dong Liao glanced at his daddy in surprise.

"You..." Sun Qian stomped her feet, angrily, and said, "Really depraved."

The fallen Wu Jiaren directly ignored Sun Qian and urged Dongli Shenghua and the others to leave.

Sitting back in the car, Dongli Shenghua suddenly said to Wu Jiaren, "I thought, as the people's police, you are all united and friendly."

Wu Jiaren curled her lips and replied, "Where there are women, you have to be jealous. It's a small river and lake. I look better than her. Everyone loves Wu Jiaren when I'm in the game. She naturally jealous of me. "After finishing speaking, Jiaren Wu was silent for a moment and then snorted again. She said again, "Don't think that we are united and friendly. Even if we are police, there are bad guys."

She thought of something, her eyes dimmed, and when she spoke again, her tone became sore, "Our team, except for a traitor, caused the death and injury of our brothers."

Dongli Shenghua said with emotion, "Human heart..."

He squinted his eyes and looked ahead, but he was a little confused.

She even dared to tell him that there was a traitor in the team. It seemed that she really didn't know who she was.

Also, my hands and feet are always clean, and these policemen in Binjiang City are all rubbish. It was Huang Junsheng, who killed many drug dealers over the years. After seeing him, don't you know his true identity?

Perhaps, this time she was really worried about it.

At one o'clock in the evening, Wu Jia returned home.

She lay and put it on, thinking a lot of things.

I miss Wei Shuyi, Dongli Shenghua, and Sun Qian's words.

From the moment she took the first step, she had anticipated what would happen now.

Sun Qian and their contempt, Dongli Shenghua’s suspicion and suspicion, Wei Shuyi’s incomprehension...

This road was even more lonely than she thought.

She has been sleeping recently and has frequent insomnia. Jiaren Wu woke up the next morning and looked at the person in the mirror who was tired from laughing. She couldn't help feeling more and more lonely.

Every month, Jiaren Wu has two days off, and she takes a vacation for the last two days at the end of July.

Jiaren Wu directly connects her mobile phone, letting him leave Shenghua in the east, no matter how urgent it is.

On this day, after get off work, Wei Shuyi pressed the password to open the door as usual and opened the door carelessly.

The door opened, and the room full of lights squeezed out from the door, falling all over Wei Shuyi.

He looked up in amazement and saw Wu Jiaren in front of him.

She was well dressed, wearing a flowing orange dress, her hair draped, and her back against the wall of the hallway. Hearing the sound of the door opening, she turned her head away and looked at Wei Shuyi with peachy eyes.

Wei Shuyi stood outside the door, holding the doorknob in his hand, looking at Wu Jiaren carefully.

The orange dress is very short, it can cover her buttocks, and it may be out at any time.

The black strappy high-heeled sandals entangled her symmetrical muscular legs.

The hair looks messy, but it has been carefully sorted out.

Although the makeup is light, the eyeliner is very attractive.

Wei Shuyi became excited.

He suppressed the joy in his heart, pretending to be indifferent, entered the house, slippers, changed shoes, and then ignored the woman leaning against the wall and scratching his head, and walked over in front of her with unmoving eyes and sonorous steps.

The man's upright posture did not squint or stop when he passed her.

Anxiously, Jiaren Wu stretched out a finger and gently hooked the little finger of the person's left hand hanging on the leg of the trousers.

Wei Shuyi was hard-hearted, but he still couldn't hold back the hook by her, and his lips moved slowly.

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