Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 362: Can't do it (three shifts)

At 9:30 in the morning, Wei Shuyi went to the ward, locked up all his patients, and then returned to the office.

Less than ten minutes after he sat down, Yuan Jun also came.

He had just finished the ward round, holding a pile of patient's examination reports in his hand, passing by Wei Shuyi's office, he turned around and turned into his office.

"Did you have a good date yesterday?" He always likes to sit at his desk and chat with people.

This is a stinking problem, but he can't fix it.

Wei Shuyi pulled out an inspection report under his butt, and he raised the X-ray to the bright spot and looked at it intently.

Seeing him not speaking, Yuan Jun was quite surprised.

"What's wrong? Didn't you have a good time yesterday?"

How could Wei Shuyi tell Yuan Jun about the pigeon being released.

He poked Yuan Jun's **** with the tip of his nose, and said coldly, "Get out of the way."

Yuan Jun moved his **** and urged him, "I'm asking you something."


Seeing Wei Shuyi's thorny speech, Yuan Jun's smile became particularly thief, "Couldn't it be, the date is ruined?"

He was joking, but he didn't know it, but he got the truth.

Wei Shuyi's face sank, raised his head, and glanced at Yuan Jun. He raised his right hand, pointed his index finger to the door, and said to him, "Please, get down from my table, and then go round and fast to the corridor."

After a daze, Yuan Jun understood what he meant.

This is calling him to get out...

"Cut, it's a bad relationship and a bad mood." He pursed his lips at Wei Shuyi and watched him joke, "Let you be ridiculed all day long, God has eyes, you finally got retribution. "After speaking, seeing a dark figure hit his head, Yuan Jun turned around and rolled away.

A book fell on the ground with a snap.

Wei Shuyi stared at the book for a long time, his aggrieved indignation was a little relieved.

Jiaren Wu came back two days later.

When she came back, she went directly to the hospital to find Wei Shuyi. When she came, Wei Shuyi was undergoing heart bypass surgery. She waited outside for a long time, and the operating room door opened just after 8 o'clock in the evening. After a while, Wei Shuyi walked out of it.

He was surrounded by his family and thanked him again.

Jiaren Wu looked from a distance, proud and sad.

She is proud because the person she loves is so good.

She was sad because she had a foreboding that Wei Shuyi would go further and further away from her sooner or later.

Wei Shuyi looked up unintentionally, and when he saw Wu Jiaren, he was taken aback. Soon, he lowered his head again and continued to talk to his family. It was more than ten minutes after all the family members left. Wei Shuyi lowered his head, glanced at Wu Jiaren, and walked past her without saying a word.

Wu Jiaren is like a little follower, following him.

Wei Shuyi entered the office and closed the door.

Jiaren Wu boldly reached out to hold the doorknob, and found that Wei Shuyi hadn't locked the door, and she was slightly relieved. She opened the door and saw Wei Shuyi sitting in a chair.

He didn't sit down, just looked up at the window.

Walking slowly, Wu Jiaren stood beside Wei Shuyi, took a look at him, and then sat down on his lap.

Wei Shuyi didn't push her away.

Jiaren Wu took the initiative to stretch out her hand and put her arms around his neck. She said, "I'm back, Brother Wei."

Wei Shuyi said nothing.

Upon seeing this, she knew that Wei Shuyi was still angry.

She sighed silently in her heart.

Thinking that Wei Shuyi has always been soft-hearted to herself, she can forgive herself as long as she speaks nice things and acts like a baby. Jiaren Wu leaned on Wei Shuyi's neck and hugged him and kissed him slowly.

No matter how she invited her, Wei Shuyi remained motionless and unruffled.

The closer she gets closer, Jiaren Wu feels uneasy.

Suddenly, the person in his arms moved, but instead of responding to her kiss, he moved his hands and pushed her head away from his neck.

"Don't be like this." Wei Shuyi's voice was a little cold, and he looked down at Wu Jiaren.

After seeing the apology and anxiety in Wu Jiaren's eyes, Wei Shuyi felt uncomfortable and unbearable, but this time, he was not prepared to forgive her easily. "Beauty, you go back first, I want to work." He couldn't bear to say harsh words to her in the end.

Wu Jiaren was crying in her heart, but there was a slight smile on her face.

"Brother Wei, how long are you going to be angry with me? I dropped my phone in the water that day, so I didn't mean to not answer your call."

Wei Shuyi accepted her explanation.

"Then you don't get angry, okay?"

Upon hearing this, Wei Shuyi narrowed his eyes. He pushed Wu Jiaren away, and Wu Jiaren stood up. Wei Shuyi said, "I have never really fallen in love."

"Huh?" Wu Jiaren was puzzled.

A trace of distress and confusion flashed across Wei Shuyi's face.

He said helplessly, "I don't know what to do with this. I know, we are all adults. I should be more generous. But." With his right hand on his chest, he said, "These days, Here I am always bored."

"How ridiculous, I am a doctor in this area, but I can't heal my heart."

Wei Shuyi looked up at Wu Jiaren who was standing, and he asked her, "Tell me how to like you to be happy and not painful."

Jiaren Wu almost blushed in front of Wei Shuyi's face.

He really loves himself.

Jiaren Wu almost told him the truth about her approach to Dongli Shenghua.

But she abruptly held back.

She can't tell him, tell Wei Shuyi, it just adds to his burden and it will hurt her.

Wu Jiaren laughed, but said, "There is a way that may give you a temporary pain, but soon, it will stop."

"What?" Wei Shuyi's eyes became complicated.

Jiaren Wu said, "I don't love it."

If you don't love, it won't hurt.

Wei Shuyi guessed that she would say this.

He shook his head and said, "It can't be done."

You can't do it if you don't love her.

Love her, and painful.

He wants to fall in love only when he is full.

"You go back first."

"…it is good."

After leaving the hospital, Jiaren Wu went to see Kang Hui.

Seeing Kang Hui, Wu Jiaren rushed towards him.

Kang Hui was stunned. As soon as he was about to ask her what happened, he heard Wu Jiaren who was hugging him crying.

Kang Hui froze in place, feeling helpless. "Junior sister, beautiful woman, what's wrong with you? Did Dongli Shenghua bully you?"

Jiaren Wu cried out loud.

"I like him!"

"I really like him!" Wu Jiaren tugged on Kang Hui's back clothes tightly with both hands, she said, "I'm too human, I went to provoke him first, but now I make him suffer again. He asked me, how could it not be uncomfortable. I told him that it would not be uncomfortable if I didn't love me, but he said he couldn't do it..."

"Brother, I really want to be with him, really. I almost told him several times, brother, brother, you tell me, what should I do?"

Kang Hui felt uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, I suffered you."

Two people, like two little beasts, hugged each other and licked their wounds.

All of these are the bureaus set up by them.

When Kang Hui found out that Shenghua Entertainment was recruiting bodyguards, he discussed with Jiaren Wu. He wanted to find a way to take off his police uniform, apply for bodyguards to Shenghua Entertainment, and approach Dongli Shenghua. They struggled to find a convincing opportunity.

The appearance of Yang Shu was that opportunity.

Due to the entanglement between Yang Shu and Wu Jiaren in the past, Wu Jiaren deliberately beat Yang Shu in the street, which makes sense.

And because it happened that higher-level leaders came to inspect the work that day, Wu Jiaren who got into trouble would easily be expelled.

She successfully took off her beloved police uniform and became an unemployed person. Then, she deliberately posted multiple application letters on the Internet, and went to interview family by family. Finally, she managed to get close to Dongli Shenghua.

Doing so is risky.

From taking the first step, Jiaren Wu has made it possible to accept various consequences.

She thought that she might be discovered by Dongli Shenghua, and the worst would be her death in some kind of accident. I also thought that Wei Shuyi might break up with her because of various things.

Although she had practiced in her heart countless times, when this moment really happened, Wu Jiaren was still in pain.

"Or, give up." Kang Hui said.

Wu Jiaren asked with tears, "Give up... and let more people die like Xiaocheng. In the end, they can only choose to commit suicide to end their lives? Let more colleagues let Huang team lose their lives? People, like Xiaojun, lose their relatives? Let more parents like Leizi’s parents, lose their children and have nowhere to rely on.

Kang Hui was heartbroken.

Jiaren Wu cried fiercely, her mood seemed to stabilize a bit.

Jiaren Wu suddenly said, "Dongli Shenghua confessed to me."

Kang Hui was taken aback.

"What kind of trick is this?" Whether it is Kang Hui, Wu Jiaren, or Wei Shuyi, they all think Dongli Shenghua is playing tricks with Wu Jiaren.

Jiaren Wu shook her head, "Let's just watch the changes."

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