Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 374: I don't seem to like you anymore (three shifts)

Jiaren Wu immediately used a fork to throw the little cat's coconut ball into her mouth and ate 78 yuan in one bite. The taste is good.

"Is it delicious?"


The waiter removed the plate in front of her and brought another plate of snacks.

Wu Jiaren took a bite and it tasted good. In terms of taste and ingredients, the price is still expensive, but the presentation is very delicate and beautiful.

Until the end of the meal, Wu Jiaren did not taste all kinds of tastes. She thought she was a layman after all, and she couldn't appreciate such noble things. After coming out of the restaurant, they took the car home, passing by a food stall, Wu Jiaren asked Dongli Shenghua to park the car.

"do what?"

Jiaren Wu didn't answer, she got out of the car, and before running to the stall, she bought a hand cake for eight yuan.

Seeing her holding hands, grabbing cakes and returning to the car, Dongli Shenghua's expression was complicated. The 18-person three-star Michelin restaurant didn’t make her full...

"Have you not eaten enough?"

Wu Jiaren nodded, "I can't get enough to eat. Every time I eat Western food and Japanese food, I can't eat enough."

Hearing this, Dongli Shenghua suddenly remembered the conversations Wei Shuyi had told him about Chinese food and Japanese food during the last meeting.

Smelling the scent of hand cakes full of the carriage, Dongli Shenghua's face in the night light looked a little gloomy.

The car stopped at the gate of Wu Jiaren's community.

Dongli Shenghua insisted on sending Jiaren Wu home.

Jiaren Wu refused, "I know here, you send me in, I have to send you out, trouble."

Dongli Shenghua still insisted. "Miss Wu, don't refuse my kindness."

It's rare for Jiaren Wu to break with him, just as he pleases.

She walked in the front, and Dongli Shenghua walked in the back.

Entering the community, she walked downstairs to the house where Wu Jiaren was located. Wu Jiaren heard the footsteps of the person behind her still. She couldn't help but turn around and said to Dongli Shenghua, "Mr. Dongli, I'm here. I am a girl living alone, so I won’t invite you to drink tea. Go back."

Dongli Shenghua said, "I watched you go up."

His piety made Wu Jiaren feel numb.

She nodded. Just about to turn around and leave, Dongli Shenghua suddenly asked her, "Does Miss Wu like to eat Japanese food?"

Japanese food...

Wu Jiaren curled her lips in disgust. She said, "I hate Japanese food the most." She loves the pork knuckles and spare ribs of Greater China, which are delicious and rich in meat. A few tens of dollars can be full.

Hearing this, Dongli Shenghua's eyes darkened.

"Is it…"

"what's happenin?"

Dongli Shenghua smiled, she looked pretty.

He restrained his smile before saying, "Someone told me before that a person who likes Chinese food, you can't force her to like Japanese food." Wu Jiaren felt that the one who said these things to Dongli Shenghua People, it makes a lot of sense.

"But I, I just want that person to like Japanese food." After Dongli Shenghua finished speaking, taking advantage of Wu Jiaren's chance, suddenly stretched out his hands and hugged her waist.

He hugged Wu Jiaren into her arms, and Dongli Shenghua bowed her head, making a gesture to kiss her.

Just as Wu Jiaren was about to fight back, she saw the man standing not far behind Dongli Shenghua.

The man in a white trench coat with a gift bag in his hand is not Wei Shuyi, but who is it?

Wu Jiaren was stunned and kissed her forehead by Dongli Shenghua.

She thought tactfully and gave up resisting.

Dongli Shenghua let go of her, he looked down at Wu Jiaren's cheek, chuckled, and said in a low voice, "Think about me, I really like you."

"You like my face."

Jiaren Wu pushed him away decisively.

The two stood farther away. When Wu Jiaren looked up, she saw Wei Shuyi a few meters behind them. That stunningly beautiful face naturally showed a touch of panic, and at first glance, it was a manifestation of a guilty conscience.

She had a series of natural reactions, as if she had just discovered Wei Shuyi.

"Wei, Brother Wei..."

Jiaren Wu's voice was full of panic, anxiety, and some guilty conscience.

Dongli Shenghua turned around when he heard the sound, and saw Wei Shuyi with a gloomy face.

Wei Shuyi didn't know where and how long he stood.

He was standing in the cold wind, his body straight like a pine, looked desolate and lonely.

Dongli Shenghua raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

But in the depths of his eyes, there was even a hint of gloat.

The man seemed to be struggling.

After turning to leave and struggling for a few seconds, Wei Shuyi finally opened his legs and walked directly towards Wu Jiaren.

He carried the bag and walked to Wu Jiaren, standing side by side with Dongli Shenghua.

The man's eyes, which always seemed gentle and tolerant, became deeper at this moment.

"One month and four days." Wei Shuyi said inexplicably, with a hint of irony in his tone.

Jiaren Wu felt tight.

One month and four days, it's been a long time.

Wei Shuyi's gaze fell on Wu Jiaren's forehead. Just half a minute ago, other men kissed there.

The aura around him seemed to become violent, but soon it was deliberately suppressed by Wei Shuyi.

With a low laughter from his mouth, Wei Shuyi said, "You said you are tired, and you want to think about calming down for a while and think about our affairs." He cast his gaze to Donglisheng next to him. Hua Xiaoren, but facing Wu Jiaren, he asked, "Is this the answer you gave me?"

Wu Jiaren's lips moved, and she couldn't speak for a long while.

Dongli Shenghua was ambition. At this time, he pretended to be kind and generous and said to Wei Shuyi, "Mr. Wei, it was the Miss Wu I took the initiative to kiss."

Wei Shuyi said, "But she didn't resist."

Jiaren Wu's expression changed slightly.

Dongli Shenghua narrowed his eyes, feeling very happy.

This can be regarded as a prying corner and getting caught. He has a deep manner, and he doesn't feel embarrassed or guilty at all.

Wei Shuyi is a transparent person in Dongli Shenghua. He couldn't help looking at Wu Jiaren, she was the only one in his eyes. He reluctantly asked Wu Jiaren, "This is the answer you gave me, right?"

Jiaren Wu finally spoke.

She said, "Wei Shuyi, I'm sorry, I don't seem to like you anymore."

As soon as she said this, she saw the figure of the man in front of her sway.

But soon, Wei Shuyi maintained his basic decency.

If it weren't for his fingers holding the gift bag so tight that the bag was shaking gently, Wu Jiaren would have thought that he had really accepted the news calmly. He endured even the breakup, unwilling to show embarrassment in front of her.

After a moment of silence, the man in front of him said, "Okay, I get it."

Suddenly he stretched his right hand into the pocket of the windbreaker and took out a bunch of keys. He took down one of the keys and handed it to Wu Jiaren. "Give it back to you, I can't afford this thing." Just like Wu Jiaren, he also can't afford it.

He has lost the right to keep this key.

When receiving the key, Wei Shuyi once said that he had taken over both Wu Jiaren and the key to her house.

But now, it's not that he wants to shirk responsibility, it's that Wu Jiaren doesn't give him this right.

It's not sad, it's fake.

Jiaren Wu slowly stretched out her hand and took the key.

In winter, the key is cold, but not as cold as her heart.

Wei Shuyi took a deep look at Wu Jiaren, his lips moved several times, and he brewed for a long time before he said to her, "Don't be sultry anymore. Not everyone is as easy to get rid of like me. Be careful when you encounter them in the future. Bad guy, you will get hurt."

After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Dongli Shenghua on the side.

He left with a gesture, but when passing by Dongli Shenghua, he slammed a punch in his face.

"Fuck you uncle!"

"If you dare to deceive her, I will kill you!" Dr. Wei, who was always educated, broke out completely. It was not enough to punch Dongli Shenghua with a fist, and he had to curse a few words to relieve his hatred.

Dongli Shenghua had no idea that Wei Shuyi would suddenly move his hand at him. He was about to resist. At this moment, Wu Jiaren stepped forward and stood between the two people. "Enough!" She said to Wei Shuyi when she guarded Dongli Shenghua behind her.

Her attitude to protect Dongli Shenghua somewhat stimulated Wei Shuyi.

"You protect him! You have never protected me!"

His heart ached like a knife.

Jiaren Wu was also in pain when she heard it.

But when it comes to fighting, Wei Shuyi is Dongli Shenghua's opponent, his hands are scalpels, how can he hit people. Dongli Shenghua didn't make a big move, if it really hurts Wei Shuyi, what should he do.

Jiaren Wu coldly said to Wei Shuyi, "Let's go."

Wei Shuyi was taken aback for a moment, his face was stunned, as if he didn't believe Wu Jiaren would say such a thing.

Jiaren Wu looked slightly cold, and said again, "You go!"

Wei Shuyi's pupils shrink slightly.

He roared, "Okay, I'm going!" After roaring, holding his gift bag, he turned around and ran away quickly.

The footsteps lost the usual stability and grace, and looked embarrassed.

Jiaren Wu stared at his back running further and further, her eyes reddening.

She closed her eyes and turned her head.

Opening his eyes, he looked at Shenghua in Shangdongli. "Are you afraid of me hitting him?"

"I'm sorry for him." Wu Jiaren turned her head and walked upstairs.

She didn't listen to what Shenghua Dongli said behind her.

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