Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 398: A walk around the Civil Affairs Bureau

Her voice was so angry that Jiaren Wu hoped that Wei Shuyi had heard it, but also hoped that he hadn't heard it.

Wei Shuyi was eating fish, spitting thorns quickly, his expression unchanged.

Jiaren Wu wondered, he probably didn't guess what he just said.

She couldn't help feeling disappointed.

During the meal, Yuan Jun called.

The result of the check is out.

Wei Shuyi glanced at the caller's name, then raised his head and said to Wu Jiaren, "I'll answer the call."

He never avoids answering the phone by himself.

Jiaren Wu felt strange and curious, but she didn't ask much. "Go ahead."

Wei Shuyi got up with the phone and went outside the hotel to answer the phone.

In less than three minutes, Wei Shuyi came back, his expression flying, like a farmer who has worked so hard for a long time, suddenly rested from the burden on his shoulders, very relaxed. He put his mobile phone on the desktop and said to Wu Jiaren, "Yuan Jun's call."

"Cut, it's rare to answer the phone behind my back."

Wei Shuyi didn't speak.

They continue to eat.

When Jiaren Wu was eating fish, she acted extremely cautiously, and Wei Shuyi wanted to laugh when she saw it.

If you want to laugh, you will laugh.

"What's the matter? Be so careful, afraid of getting stuck in a fishbone?"

"I was stuck in my throat by a fishbone when I was a child." Wu Jiaren's expression was a little ugly thinking about the experience. "Such a long one." She compared it with her fingers, about the length of her little finger.

Wei Shuyi was a little surprised, "It's amazing, how did you swallow such a long thorn?"

Wu Jiaren also felt magical, "I don't know how to eat it myself. Anyway, it tastes very scary." She shivered and sighed, "So the number of times I eat fish in this life is really rare. "

She is ashamed to say that she, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, is afraid of fish.

After speaking, she saw Wei Shuyi stretch out the dishes and plates, came to her, and took away the fish bowl in front of her.

"What are you doing?" After she asked, she saw Wei Shuyi lowering her head, picking out the thorns of the fish in the bowl with chopsticks.

That way, focused and serious, just like he was on the operating table.

Jiaren Wu was a little moved.

She was dumbfounded.

After a while, Wei Shuyi sent the fish with the thorn to her.

Wu Jiaren looked down at the fish and did not speak. She lowered her head and heard Wei Shuyi's low and charming voice. He said, "In the future, I will pick a fishbone for you for a lifetime."

She was moved overwhelmed.

Looking up in a panic, he met Wei Shuyi's affectionate eyes.

Jiaren Wu slammed into Wei Shuyi's eyes.

His eyes are hazel.

Jiaren Wu suddenly felt that hazel is the most affectionate color in the world.


After she finished speaking, she wanted to laugh, and just about to lift her lips, she realized that her nose was a little sore. She stopped smiling. She told Wei Shuyi frankly, "I feel like crying." The bigger this person is, the easier it seems to be moved. A few words can move her to tears.

Wei Shuyi smiled and said, "Then cry."

He told her to cry, but Wu Jiaren couldn't cry anymore.

She burst into laughter and said, "I don't cry."

After dinner, the two settled their bills and planned to go to the movies.

After leaving the restaurant, walk to the street on the right for more than ten minutes, and there is a cinema. It's not big and there are not many people, but the environment is pretty good. Two people plan to go there to watch a movie. The two walked side by side to the cinema, passing by the traffic lights, and Wei Shuyi subconsciously pulled Wu Jiaren.

Wu Jiaren pursed her lips again for fun.

Looking up at the red light on the opposite side, Wei Shuyi suddenly said, "I changed the plane ticket to three o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

Jiaren Wu raised her head in amazement and asked him, "Why?"

He said, "There is something to do in the morning, you have to go with me."


Wei Shuyi looked down at Wu Jiaren, his eyes were focused and fiery that Wu Jiaren could understand.

Seeing Wu Jiaren's skin is getting hot, Wei Shuyi only then said, he asked, "Civil Affairs Bureau, will you go with me?"

Jiaren Wu was stunned.

He heard what she said at the dinner table.

She nodded and told Wei Shuyi, "Don't say just accompany you to the Civil Affairs Bureau, that is, the wedding hall, the new house, the delivery room... and even the old small box, I will accompany you to the end."

After hearing Wu Jiaren's almost confession, Wei Shuyi was moved and felt horrified.

"You don't need the small box." It sounded strangely terrifying.

Jiaren Wu also felt that what she said was wrong.

"You know what I mean."

"I know."

He naturally understood what she meant.

What she wants to express is that the same point is the same when you are born and die.

He couldn't help but took her hand again.

Jiaren Wu also held him back.

The two bought a cup of milk tea and a cup of coffee at the milk tea shop outside the cinema, and then they entered the theater. Wei Shuyi went to buy tickets, and Wu Jiaren went to buy popcorn.

This theater has a lot of people today, but they all choose fantasy and romance movies, but anime movies are not interesting. The two entered the screening room and found that besides them, there were only three spectators.

"Tsk, we almost signed up."


They sat down in their seats.

They watched the movie from a serious perspective, and they chose the best movie-watching corner. The location is slightly back, in the middle of the projection room. They are all serious people, even if they are watching movies, they watch them with special attention.

After watching a movie, Wu Jiaren dared to cry so that her eyes were red and swollen.

"This is a good movie." She told Wei Shuyi.

Wei Shuyi didn't speak, but stared at Wu Jiaren in surprise.

Watching a movie can make your eyes cry and swell, this is really...

This cartoon movie talks about a person's life.

From when he was young, to crying, to talking about his old age, the overall story is slow, the music is gentle, sad when it should be sad, and funny when it should be funny. What moved Jiaren Wu the most was that after the middle-aged actor lost his wife, in order to take care of his son's feelings, he never remarried. Later, the son got married and started a business, and he found a companion for his father blatantly because he was dragged down by his abandonment of his father.

The protagonist was so angry that he ran to the nursing home.

What makes Wu Jiaren cry so silent is the actor who went to the nursing home and said, "Your mother said you are like her. I think you are not as good as one percent of her."

Wei Shuyi also felt that some parts of this movie were too sad, but he really couldn't cry.

When she returned home, Jiaren Wu was going to fall asleep, but when she remembered the contents of the movie, she cried again.

Wei Shuyi was full of black lines.

He turned on the bedside lamp, sat up, and asked Jiaren Wu, "Why are you crying?"

Jiaren Wu covered her eyes with her arms, and the pillows were all wet from crying.

She sobbed and said, "I, I thought, if I were the protagonist's wife, if my child treats you like that after I die, are so pitiful!" Her tone was a pity. .

Wei Shuyi: "..."

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