Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 407: Hello, uncle and aunt

When Fang Yusheng came back from outside after finishing his work, he was very happy when he saw his son sitting at the door from a distance. He parked the car at the door, stepped out of the car, walked in front of Fang Zikai, lowered his head and glanced at him, his brows were flying, and he asked softly, "Fang Jingjing, waiting for Dad here?"

Fang Yusheng's heart is warm.

Sure enough, it was his bastard, and he knew to pick him up.

Fang Zikai shook his head. The child was not good at lying. He broke Fang Yusheng's beautiful fantasy. "It's not waiting for you, but Uncle Wei."

Fang Yusheng's smile faded slightly.

Empty and rejoice.

"Uncle Wei?" He frowned, thinking, and it's been a long time since he had seen that cheap brother-in-law. Fang Yusheng sat down next to Fang Zikai. Seeing that he seemed to have cried again, he couldn't help but asked, "Did you pee again today?"

Fang Zikai snorted coldly, "Nothing."

"I haven't said that, here, the tears haven't dried yet." He reached out and touched the bottom of Fang Zikai's eyes. A faint tear was clearly visible.

Fang Zikai was a little embarrassed, he moved a little to the other side, and then turned his head in the direction from which the car came, just not showing Fang Yusheng.

"Tsk. Like a little girl."

Fang Yusheng took out his mobile phone and waited for Wei Shuyi while playing.

Wei Shuyi and the others arrived at about eleven:20.

The two came by motorcycles.

It had long been known that the two people had reunited, and Fang Yusheng didn't feel surprised. He stood up, opened the door, and said to Wu Jiaren who was driving, "My beautiful woman, let's drive in."

"it is good."

When entering the house, Jiaren Wu deliberately drove the car a little slower, so that she could appreciate the Fangjia like a small park.

At the entrance of the villa, the two got out of the car.

Jiaren Wu first said a few words to Qiao Jiusheng who was waiting for them by the door, and when she heard the sound of the sports car, she looked back.

Fang Yusheng finally didn't drive a broken battery car. This time he drove a silver Maserati, which is probably the one he picked up at the San Hua Entertainment Anniversary Party last time. The door opened and Fang Yusheng walked down with Fang Zikai in his arms.

Fang Zikai stared at the faces of Wei Shuyi and Wu Jiaren for a long while with both eyes.

Then, Wei Shuyi and Wu Jiaren saw at the same time, the face of the little guy with the sullen face suddenly burst into a bright and lovely smile.

The speed of face change is amazing.

Without introduction by Fang Yusheng and Qiao Jiusheng, Fang Zikai consciously yelled at Wei Shuyi, "Hello, uncle." After calling him, he smiled and looked at Wu Jiaren next to him. This time, his smile was even sweeter. "Good aunt!"

With a loud voice like a report, she called out her aunt, and Jiaren Wu suddenly became excited.

"Eh! Eh!" Wu Jiaren responded quickly. She lifted Fang Zikai high and turned around before saying, "Kai Kai has grown up, so beautiful!" Fang Zikai's character is more lively than Fang Zicheng. His eyes look the same as his mother, and they look pretty.

Fang Zicheng's eyes are like Fang Yusheng's. Most people distinguish between the two of them by the color of their eyes.

Fang Zikai likes to hear others praise him for being good-looking.

If he had a tail, it would have been up to the sky.

"Auntie is also pretty."

"All look good."

Jiaren Wu directly hugged Fang Zikai into the Fang family villa.

As soon as he walked into the villa, Wei Shuyi saw Fang Zicheng, who was wearing the same suit as Fang Zikai, standing in the middle of the hall, with a well-behaved and restrained appearance. He stood there stiffly, looking up at the person who came in, with a slight curiosity in his eyes, not obvious.

Compared with his younger brother, his brother Fang Zicheng is really too quiet.

Wei Shuyi smiled kindly at Fang Zicheng. He squatted down beside Qiao Jiusheng, faced Fang Zicheng, and patted both hands, "Cheng Cheng, come and take a look, uncle, okay?"

Fang Zicheng actually didn't want to go.

He subconsciously looked at his mother for help.

Qiao Jiusheng nodded at him and encouraged him to come over, "Tie Dan, come here, this is your Uncle Wei. When you were just born, your Uncle Wei often hugged you."

Fang Zicheng slowly walked over.

Wei Shuyi stared at him carefully for a long time, and then he said, "Cheng Cheng is also very good-looking, he has been cute since he was a child."

Fang Zicheng hummed and said thank you, polite and alienated.

Wei Shuyi picked up Fang Zicheng and teased him a few more words.

Fang Zicheng was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't refuse, he always behaved politely.

Turning his back to Fang Zicheng, Wei Shuyi cast a surprised look at Qiao Jiusheng. Qiao Jiusheng shook his head slightly at him, obviously not wanting to say more.

It's been a long time since I saw each other, and a few adults will inevitably have to say something to each other.

The two children were not interested in their conversation. After sitting next to the adult for a while, the two children ran to play.

Only then did Wei Shuyi ask Qiao Jiusheng, "Cheng Cheng has a temperament..."

"He has a slight affective disorder." Qiao Jiusheng's tone is still calm, but the smile on his face has been put away a bit.

Wei Shuyi frowned.

Jiaren Wu asked, "He can't understand feelings?"

"A little bit, my sister-in-law is a psychiatrist. She said that Cheng Cheng's situation is not too serious. As long as we care about him and enlighten him, it may get better."

"That's good."

While talking, Aunt Jin had already prepared lunch.

A group of people moved into the restaurant, and just as they were about to eat, they heard the doorbell ring.

Aunt Jin turned on the video doorbell and saw a little brother in a yellow jacket outside the door. She asked the person outside the door suspiciously, "Hello, who can I look for?"

"Hello, I am an employee of Dongfang Mall, here to deliver the goods."

"Oriental shopping mall...wait a minute, let me ask." Aunt Jin returned to the restaurant, and Wei Shuyi stood up as soon as she said the four-character Oriental shopping mall. "The gift I bought for the child has arrived."

"Something needs to be delivered..." Qiao Jiusheng stood up after him. She thought to herself that Wei Shuyi might have bought a big gift for the children.

Aunt Jin opened the door, and the deliveryman entered Fang's house.

Wei Shuyi and Qiao Jiusheng walked out of the villa together and stood at the gate. From a distance, Qiao Jiusheng saw a seven-seater van coming to them from the side of the lake around the spacious concrete road.

The deliveryman jumped out of the car and opened the door.

Jiaren Wu was surprised to see a large number of packaging bags. "How much did you buy?" Qiao Jiusheng couldn't help but turned his head and asked Wei Shuyi in shock.

Wei Shuyi said casually, "I think it's useful, so I just bought some."

He greeted Fang Yusheng and Wu Jiaren.

There are too many things, four people, after running back and forth four times before moving all the things into the house.

When the deliveryman opened the van and revealed a lot of things inside, Qiao Jiusheng was surprised.

"Why do you buy so much?"

Wei Shuyi didn't explain, but asked Qiao Jiusheng to help her move things down.

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