The maid apologized to her promise with her lips in fear, and then walked out of the cabin and closed the door intimately.

When Ji Yinbing woke up, the food was cold.

She felt a little happy when she found that Yan Xu hadn't pushed herself away.

After the two of them had eaten, even if they were angry, they still had to explain clearly to Ji Yinbing about something on the battlefield. When he said the promise, Ji Yinbing listened attentively. At this time, his promise became a little chattering. He told Ji Yinbing almost all the matters that needed to be paid attention to on the battlefield.

After speaking, I still don't worry.

He spoke for a while, and then said, "Forget it, you just have to follow me."

Ji Yinbing: "..."

"it is good."

Yan Nuo and Ji Yinbing, as well as Vera and Mary, entered North K country as tourists.

On the private plane before coming, Ji Yinbing checked some information about North K country on the Internet. To her surprise, this country is not as backward as written on the Internet. Although there are not so many high-rise buildings, the citizens of Pingcheng are dressed neatly and neatly. Of course, they are still not as trendy as in European and American countries.

At least, in the streets, Ji Yinbing has never seen girls wearing suspenders and short shorts.

The people here look a lot like the people of Country Z. The difference is that most of them have single eyelids.

This is a very interesting phenomenon, Ji Yinbing can't help but glance at it a few more times.

Yan promised to see that she was interested in this city, so she asked her, "What are you looking at?"

"The clothes they wear are beautiful."

Ji Yinbing was looking at a little girl in Hanfu, thinking that the little girl was cute. Yan promised and said, "That's Hanbok."

"Hanfu?" Ji Yinbing tilted his head, showing incomprehension.

"Han." Yan promise corrected her pronunciation.

"Oh." She said, "I thought it was Hanfu."

"It was a family hundreds of years ago, and it evolved from Hanfu."


At night, Aka took other mercenaries and sneaked into North K country by diving.

After the two parties converged, they went to Songcheng where the hostages were imprisoned. The female star Han Suzhu was brought to North K by a man named Song Chengan. Because Han Suzhu publicly insulted people in North K on the Internet as pigs, Song Chengan was targeted.

On the way, Aka said, "This woman deserves to be arrested."

Yan Xu glanced at him and didn't say a word, but he agreed with it in his heart.

Ji Yinbing said, "Poisoned mouth will bring a murderous disaster."

Upon hearing this, Vera looked up at Ji Yinbing, her eyes inexplicable.

"Be quiet." Yan promised, and everyone was silent.

In silence, they went to the place where the hostages were imprisoned.

"Song Chengan imprisoned Han Suzhu in a bed and breakfast on the top of this mountainous area. Our task is to rescue her and return her to K. Song Chengan is a spy, and he has good skills. Everyone should be careful when they act."

Aka explained the matters needing attention with his men. Ji Yinbing and Yan Nuo stood beside the car side by side. They looked up at the lighted house on the mountain in the dark night. Ji Yinbing suddenly asked Yan promise, "Yan promise, are you sure that Song Chengan is the only person on it?"

The promise said, "No."

He said, "Country K has sent people to investigate the situation. They figured out the other side's deployment. There are three special forces on this mountain. In addition, there are five or six sentries standing guard."

The sentinels are not worth mentioning, but the three special forces must be extraordinary.

However, they promised that they have brought enough elites, this time the task should not be difficult.

When Aka stopped speaking, he turned around and promised to turn around. He glanced at the mercenaries with fierce eyes and said in a deep voice, "Although the hostages are very important, our lives are equally important. If the situation changes, first Evacuate for a while."

They are a mercenary company, the life of the hostages is life, and their life is also life.

Every mercenary here is a good seed carefully cultivated by the philosophers. Losing one's own elite for a vase is not a good deal anyway.

"Okay, divide into three paths and go up the mountain."

They all wore black night clothes, and everyone, like a leopard lurking in the woods, climbed up the mountain with agility and lightness.

Ji Yinbing, Yan promise, and two other mercenaries formed a group, Vera followed Aka and their group, and the other group was led by a man named Rosen.

Three groups of people approached the house where the hostages were located from different directions.

"Second boss, we are here."

Aka wore night vision infrared rays to find out the scenery around the house and the deployment of personnel, and then communicated the situation to the promise through the headset. "Five guards were detected, centered on me, one at twelve o'clock, one at eleven o'clock, and one at three o'clock..."

"Roger that."

"Roger that."

Hearing everyone's replies, he promised to say, "Give me the two at the main entrance, and give the others to you."

"Roger that."

Yan Nuo tilted his head and glanced at Ji Yinbing.

Ji Yinbing picked up the dagger and weighed it in his hand.

Yan promise suddenly said, "Your hand is for a scalpel."

Ji Yinbing stopped weighing the dagger, tilted her head to meet promised eyes, she looked at him without speaking.

The promise also said, "You don't want to kill."

"...Okay." Ji Yinbing's voice was dumb.

"You stay here, I'm going." Seeing Ji Yinbing didn't speak, he said for a while and said, "Then you cover me."

"it is good!"

Ji Yinbing climbed to find a concealed position, set up a sniper rifle, and covered his promise.

Silent killings proceeded quietly.

The sentinels standing guard fell one after another, and under the cover of Akka, Mary attacked from the side door. As soon as she entered the house, she saw Han Suzhu. Han Suzhu was indeed held here by Song Chengan, but the people who held her were not three special soldiers, but six!

Mary realized what was wrong in an instant.

She lowered her head and yelled into the earphones, "Ambush!"

At the same time, gunshots sounded inside the house.

And Mary's figure fell down like that.

Promise roared, "Withdraw!"

When Ji Yinbing heard the movement, his expression also changed.

The six elite soldiers in the room rushed out with their guns and swept wildly at them.

Vera fell, followed by other mercenaries.

Aka was shot in the leg, he staggered and fell to the ground. Yan Nuo bent over and lifted his shoulders, dragged him to flee, Akka called him to go, Yan Nuo turned a deaf ear. "Shut up!" He yelled at Aka and dragged him to escape.

At this time, the bullet finally shot towards the promise.


The bullet hit the foot of promise.

And the person who fired the gun fell to the ground in an instant.


Another bullet emerged from the hidden bushes and hit Song Chengan.

Song Chengan fell to the ground, his body twitching frantically, and a stream of blood poured out of his neck.

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