Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 575: Playing with objects

Ji Yinbing thought his words were inexplicable.

She showed a puzzled look and asked Zhuang Long, "What do you mean?"

Zhuang Long said, "I didn't want to say it, but I think you have the right to know."


"Twenty days ago, Xiao Fengyi visited Country A."


Zhuang Long did not say clearly, only said, "He stayed in Cambridge for two hours. After he left, Craven went to the hospital."

Ji Yinbing's face changed slightly.

"I know."

On the way to the airport by taxi, Ji Yinbing kept thinking about what Zhuang Long said.

If what he said was true, Xiao Fengyi had really been to Country A, and it happened to be the day when Craven's accident happened. Ji Yinbing could hardly not doubt it.

Promise is possessive.

Ji Yinbing had always known, but she had never expected that the possessiveness of promise would be so terrible.

Thinking of what he said when Yan promised to leave at the end of December last year, Ji Yinbing was in a mixed mood.

It must be the words she asked some time ago that made Yan Nuo unhappy. He promised to know that Craven still didn't give up on her, he must be angry. Craven only injured a pair of legs this time and didn't really lose his life. It wasn't because he was dead, but because he promised not to take his life for the time being.

The promise is to warn Craven!

As for Craven, it is very likely that he knew the truth of the car accident.

Otherwise, he wouldn't perfuse himself like that last time we met.

Ji Yinbing is not disgusted with his promise to do something to take the oath of sovereignty, but it is wrong to make a move that hurts others.

This time, Yan Nuo did not personally come to the airport to pick her up.

He was out on a mission, and it was Aka who came to pick up Ji Drinking Bing.

After Ji Yinbing got home, he took out the things from his suitcase and placed them on the bookshelf in his room. The next day, she received a call from Arosenger. He invited her to play golf, Ji Yinbing said that he would not, Arosenger expressed his willingness to teach her.

Ji Yinbing went.

The golf course is very large, with professional caddies to accompany it.

Ji Yinbing does not know how to play golf, but after Arosenger's explanation, she quickly understood the key. However, it is one thing to understand the rules, and it is another thing to be able to penetrate the hole.

Throughout the afternoon, Ji Yinbing finally scored a goal after numerous failed exercises.

"Not bad."

Arosenger clapped her hands and praised her.

Ji Yinbing looked back at him, and she said, "You are looking for me, is there something else?"

After being dismantled by Ji Yinbing, this handsome middle-aged man was not embarrassed. He smiled and said, “We are calling for the complete abolition of the caste system recently. I would like to invite you to attend an interview program on national radio. The legendary experience agitated national audiences, especially female audiences."

Arosenger said frankly, "You are the golden phoenix flying out of the slums, and you are the idol of squeezed women across the country. Bing, I hope you can accept an interview on the radio."

Ji Yinbing did not take a bite.

"Let me think about it."

Arosenger has no opinion, "Okay."

When I went back, it was Ji Yinbing personally delivered by Arosenger.

At the entrance of the manor, Ji Yinbing jumped out of the car, and Arosenger rolled down the car window and said to her, "Bing, there are hundreds of millions of women in our country and need your encouragement."

Ji Yinbing looked back at him, "I understand."

She returned home and saw the promise.

Yan promised to stand up when she saw her. "Listen to Rapp, did you go golfing with Arosenger?"

Ji Yinbing did not answer.

She looked at the man who promised.

Yan promised his face indifferently, probably the incident of Craven was just a trivial matter for him.

Ji Yinbing said, "Yes, why, are you planning to knock Arrosenger almost paralyzed in the lower limbs?" The girl used sharp words, with indifferent eyes, and unsparingly removed the gentle mask on her promise.

The promised face was gloomy in an instant.

"Are you blaming me?" He said in a dark tone. Before Ji Yinbing could explain, he promised to say, "Are you blaming me for that boy?"

Ji Yinbing was annoyed.

She was expressionless, accusing her of promise, "That is a life! Have you ever thought that if you are not careful, Craven will die!"

"Are you feeling distressed for him?" Yan promised's focus was already biased.

Like a paranoid, he focused on Ji Yinbing's crusade against other men.

Ji Yinbing scolded him, "Promise, that's a life! What do I care about, don't you understand?" The person she loves should not be a dictator who tramples on the lives of others. Ji Yinbing's anger hit his heart, and he threw out the cruel words, "If you still don't realize where you are wrong, then we...let's break up."

But for a moment, with the promise as the center, the air around several meters seemed to be frozen in a layer of ice.

Yan promise squeezed his hands and suddenly said, "Go out!" This was not to Ji Yinbing.

His sullen and cold voice spread throughout the hall.

All the servants, including the butler of Rapp, stopped their actions and exited silently.

Ji Yinbing panicked as they watched them retreat.

Inside, only Yan promise and Ji Yinbing were left.

Ji Yinbing was in a daze, what is he going to do?


Yan Nuo suddenly bent over to pick Ji Yinbing up and threw her onto the sofa.

Ji Yinbing's head hit the armrest of the sofa, a little dizzy and a little painful. Not to resist Ji Yinbing, promised to lean over and press her under her body, and the angry kisses densely landed on Ji Yinbing's body.

Ji Yinbing is wearing a sweatshirt today, and she promises to take off very smoothly.

"Promise, you can't do this!" This almost violent behavior caused Ji Yinbing to collapse.

Promises are unheard of.

He pressed her under him and kissed her out of nowhere.

Ji Yinbing felt that his collarbone was bitten by promise, and it was so painful.

She was still struggling at first, but when she saw that she was pretending to be a fool, she was determined to punish her in this way. Ji Yinbing simply gave up struggling, she looked at the gorgeous ceiling pattern above her head with hollow eyes. The violent promise, I heard Ji Yinbing say a little softly, "Yan promise, it turns out that with you, I am always the slave who can play with you."

Yan promise stiffened all over.

The heat in the body cools down instantly.

He was a little flustered, stretched out his hand to pull Ji Yinbing's cheek, Ji Yinbing did not cry, nor did he look flustered. She stared at Yan Nuo, her lips opened, and she yelled softly, "Master."


Something exploded in Yan promise's head.

He stood up abruptly, without even looking at Ji Yinbing, fled upstairs in embarrassment.

Ji Yinbing smiled bitterly.

She picked up the clothes on the ground, put them on, and then walked outside the manor without looking back.

Butler Rapp saw her coming out with messy hair, a little worried, "Miss Ji..."

Ji Yinbing glanced at Rapp, smiled sadly, did not speak, and left like that.

Arosenger opened the door and was a little surprised when he saw the girl outside.

Ji Yinbing looked up at Arosenger, she smiled lightly and said, "You are right, I should set an example for them."

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