The next morning, Fang Yusheng was woken up by Fang Zikai.

Fang Zikai lay on his legs, crawling and shouting, "Dad, why are you sleeping in our room!"

Fang Yu woke up abruptly.

He covered Fang Zikai's mouth and whispered to him, "You can't tell anyone." He promised that they were still here, and Fang Yusheng was also a man, so he had to save face.

Fang Zikai nodded, his mouth was gagged, and his voice buzzed. He said, "I know, I know." Then Fang Yusheng picked him up from his lap and placed it on the ground.

He swept around the room and saw that Fang Zicheng's quilt was laid flat, thinking that he should have gotten up. Unlike Fang Zicheng, Fang Zikai was uncleaned, and his bed was messy, like a doghouse.

Fang Zikai stomped his feet and urged Fang Yusheng to get up quickly. "Wake up late and breakfast is cold. Granny Jin will go back to her hometown this afternoon. This is the last breakfast of the year." Fang Zikai could have imagined how their life would be very hot after Granny Jin left.

Annoyed by Fang Zikai's quarrel, Fang Yusheng simply lifted the quilt and got up. He folded all the quilts, then led Fang Zikai, opened the door and went out. As a result, as soon as I opened the door, I saw the promise and Ji Yinbing standing at the door of the opposite room.

Fang Yusheng was taken aback.

Those two people also looked at him. The promise made a move of his lips, as if he was about to say something. Fang Yusheng spoke before them. He said, "I just came to ask Fang Jingjing to get up."

Both Yan Nuo and Ji Yinbing showed confused gazes.

Yan promised and asked him, "You come to get your son up, what do you tell us about this?"

Fang Yusheng touched his nose without speaking. He only then realized that his words were superfluous, and there was no suspicion of three hundred taels of silver here.

Fang Yusheng took Fang Zikai to the restaurant in the front room for breakfast. The father and son walked in the front and promised behind. He stared at Fang Yusheng's clothes, frowned, and suddenly asked Fang Yusheng, "Did you not go back to your room to sleep last night?"

Fang Yusheng was helpless in his heart, but his expression was pretending to be calm. He asked in doubt, "How did you see it?"

"You didn't change your clothes." Ji Yinbing said this.

Fang Yusheng was still wearing the same clothes last night.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Fang Yusheng preached steadily, “The iron egg said that it was a little cold last night, so he forced me to sleep in his bed for one night. He said that he was so old that he wanted to sleep with his father. Shame. That's why I said that when I saw you just now."

Anyway, Fang Tiedan is not here, and there is no proof, Fang Yusheng can say whatever he wants.

Ji Yinbing and his promises were truly believed.

Fang Zikai was dumbfounded.

He pulled Fang Yusheng's hand, Fang Yusheng bent over and hugged him in his arms, Fang Zikai's small hand was made into a trumpet shape and placed it next to Fang Yusheng's right ear. Fang Zikai whispered to his father in a low voice. He said, "Dad, you are lying."

Fang Yusheng said calmly, "This is called a special situation, a special explanation."

"But you are lying." Fang Zikai looked innocent, he muttered softly and asked him, "Daddy, why are you lying?"

Fang Yusheng did not speak.

Fang Zikai said again, "You just say that you were locked out by your mother last night, isn't it all right?"

"What do you know." Fang Yusheng bit his ears with his younger son. "This is a matter of man's dignity, so I can't say it."


The two whispered all the way to the restaurant.

Fang Zicheng held the milk, greeted every adult politely, and then bowed his head to eat breakfast slowly. Yan Nuo especially appreciates Fang Zicheng's kind of children, who are sensible, worry-free, and smart. After they all sat down, Fang Yusheng asked Aunt Jin, "Where is A Sheng?"

Aunt Jin was surprised, and she asked Fang Yusheng, "I didn't see Madam, did you not see her, Master Yu Sheng?"

Fang Yusheng frowned, got up, and quickly returned to the room.

He called Qiao Jiusheng's name several times, but there was no response.

Fang Yusheng worried that Qiao Jiusheng had an accident.

The door of his house was locked from the inside, but it couldn't be opened from the outside. Fang Yusheng couldn't, so he had to find a chainsaw in the tool room and saw a hole in the heavy door. Such a big movement finally woke up Qiao Jiusheng.

She muttered, "What are you doing..."

Qiao Jiusheng's voice was hoarse, rubbing like sand on paper.

Fang Yusheng's eyes were cold when he heard Qiao Jiusheng's voice. He got in through the hole, unlocked the door, opened the door, and walked to the bed.

Qiao Jiusheng was lying on the bed, his lips a little dry.

Fang Yusheng leaned down, touched Qiao Jiusheng's forehead, and said, "It's too hot. You have a fever." He looked for a thermometer and gave her a test. It was thirty-nine degrees higher. Fang Yusheng didn't say anything, and ran to the hospital with Qiao Jiusheng in his arms.

Qiao Jiusheng was very hot all over, she was held in Fang Yusheng's arms, and her body was bumping up and down following Fang Yusheng's movements.

Qiao Jiusheng felt sad inexplicably.

As Fang Yusheng said, when he was absent all night, she caught a cold after kicking the quilt. This is not what he should do. On the way to the hospital, Fang Yusheng scolded Qiao Jiusheng worriedly, "Look at you, you caught a cold if I was absent all night."

Qiao Jiusheng hadn't spoken before, leaning listlessly on the back of the car. After hearing this, she glanced at Fang Yusheng faintly, and said in a low voice, "So, how could I leave you like this."

Fang Yusheng was taken aback when he heard Qiao Jiusheng's words, then frowned.

Qiao Jiusheng squinted at him, and didn't speak any more.

Suddenly, a hand fell on Fang Yusheng's.

Fang Yusheng slowed the car down a bit, he looked down at the jade hand covering the back of his hand without making a sound.

Qiao Jiusheng said, "Yu Sheng, although people will not live without them, but you believe me, if there is such a person, his loss will make me unhappy." Fang Yusheng tilted his head and saw Qiao Jiusheng said, "Then. It must be you."

Fang Yusheng was a little touched in his heart.

His throat rolled, and Qiao Jiusheng heard him hum.

Qiao Jiusheng had a high fever for an afternoon. The hospital prescribed antipyretics, but it was useless. The fever got worse as the fever got worse. In order to avoid further aggravation, Qiao Jiusheng stayed in the hospital. In the evening, Lisa came to see her with hot soup.

Fang Yusheng was also there when she came.

Lisa and Chi Boguang bought a new house outside, which is also close to where Chi Boguang commutes. The old couple will only return to Fang Yusheng's house when they are on holiday. After all, the two of them still don't want to make trouble with Fang Yusheng.

After all, young people have their own lives.

Lisa boiled ginseng lotus seed soup, and she served Qiao Jiusheng a bowl, and seeing that Fang Yusheng had not eaten, she also served him a bowl.

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