Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 675: There is a ghost in the dormitory (2)

"Aying, didn't you hear the crying? A woman's crying, she was still talking." Yuan Ting seemed to be insane, and she was about to collapse.

Zhu Cuiying cursed, "Insane, where is the sound!"

After speaking, she fell to bed and fell asleep.

Yuan Ting thought she had misheard, she curled up in the quilt, and just about to fall asleep, the voice rang again. Yuan Ting was so scared that her soul was about to get out of her body, and she had no time to analyze where the sound came from. Yuan Ting was really scared, she lifted the quilt and ran to the next bed, shaking Zhu Cuiying up.

Zhu Cuiying was very impatient and asked her again, "Are you sick?"

Yuan Ting asked her nervously, "Aying, listen, did you hear that woman is still crying!" Yuan Ting did not dare to admit that the crying woman's voice was especially like Ji Yue.

Zhu Cuiying listened with her ears erected, and then said, "No."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Ting's face became completely white.

"How come! That voice is clearly still there, listen to it again!" Zhu Cuiying cursed insane, fell asleep, and ignored her. Yuan Ting was really going crazy, she didn't care about other things, and ran to pat the door, while patting the door, while asking the policeman on duty outside for help.

"Help! Help! There is a ghost in my room!"

In the middle of the night, many cursing sounds came from the same building.

A few minutes later, the prison police came to their cell angrily, but at this time, the voice disappeared. They searched the room again, but did not find the so-called ghost or suspicious objects. They finally criticized Yuan Ting and left after a meal.

When working the next day, Yuan Ting told everyone that there was a ghost in her prison. Everyone regarded her as a lunatic, and no one believed her.

After waiting for several days, something strange happened in Yuan Ting's cell.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, she would hear Ji Yue’s crying, while taking a bath, she would hear Ji Yue’s laughter, and once when she woke up from sleep, her chest was engraved with death. Words, and she doesn't even know when it was engraved!

Yuan Ting cried and found the prison guards and showed them the dead words on her chest. Seeing the lettering, the police even thought that Yuan Ting's spirit was stimulated in prison and could not accept the cruel reality, so she became crazy. She is a masterpiece carved out of self-abuse on herself.

No one believed Yuan Ting's words. Everyone regarded her as a lunatic. Over time, even Yuan Ting wondered if she was crazy.

Winter has already left, and spring has stepped into Gunyang City.

On a sunny day, after lunch, Han Bing took off his thick winter clothes and changed into a thin short jacket. Cai Jie asked him where he was going. He only said that he was going to meet an old friend's appointment, and Cai Jie asked him if he would come back for dinner.

After thinking about it, Han Bing said, "It shouldn't be used."

"it is good."

Han Bing did not call the driver, but the women's prison he drove to. His visit disturbed the prison police who came to receive him. Han Bing saw the police's uncomfortableness, and said, "I'm just a visitor. Comrade, you don't have to be nervous."

After hearing Han Bing's words, the prison police were still nervous.

"Secretary Han, sit here and wait for a while. I have notified the people inside to find her." Although Han Bing has retired, people still used to call him Secretary Han after seeing him.


Han Bing's identity is different. As soon as he sat down, the prison policeman who was entertaining him brought him a cup of tea. "It may be a while, Secretary Han, you have a cup of tea first."

"Okay, thank you."

The policeman was also clever, so he closed the door and left without staying much.

Han Bing was not the only one who came to visit his relatives and friends today, but after he entered, the interview room was cleared, leaving him alone.

The broadcast inside the prison factory building resounded Yuan Ting's name.

Yuan Ting stopped her work and was taken to the interview room by the police. Along the way, Yuan Ting was thinking about who wanted to see her. Is it the old lover who has raised her for many years, or the younger friends she made in the entertainment industry?

She was actually quite surprised. After those things she had done were revealed, she has become a cancer in the entertainment industry. Who of those juniors who have fawned on her dare to associate with her? I'm afraid to mention her name, I'm afraid it will affect their future.

Yuan Ting has had a very bad time recently, and she has been suspicious all the time. She even wondered if Ji Yue's ghost had come to see herself.


Yuan Ting entered the interview room. The interview room was divided into many compartments. Yuan Ting entered the room and found that she was the only one in the room. She walked inside and saw that there was no one in the opposite house. After walking all the way to the inside, Yuan Ting could see the person sitting in the chair clearly.

It turned out to be Han Bing.

After seeing Han Bing, Yuan Ting stayed for a while.

Han Bing raised his head with feeling. When he saw Yuan Ting, his eyes were a little dazed. Yuan Ting has only been in jail for more than a month. She seems to be several years old. How can there be the charm of the past on that face?

However, Han Bing has always hated this person. Seeing her end up like this, his heart is calm.

Yuan Ting smiled sadly before sitting down on the chair.

After staring at Yuan Ting for a moment, Han Bing picked up the walkie-talkie on the high platform in front of him. Yuan Ting squinted her eyes, then stretched out her older right hand and picked up the walkie-talkie. Yuan Ting's lips moved, but did not speak, and Han Bing was also speechless.

Yuan Ting looked at the person opposite, thinking about her youth.

When she was young, she really loved Han Bing.

At that time, Han Bing was from a poor family, but he was more arrogant than everyone else. He is good-looking, has a boundless future, and is upright. This kind of person is most attractive to an eldest lady like Yuan Ting. Yuan Ting has been confused since she was more than ten years old. Her father was powerful and he spoiled her, and she developed a lawless character.

When she was young, she fell in love with that boy, confessed casually, chased after him, and she got it. Therefore, Yuan Ting was really angry and annoyed when he suddenly hit the iron plate of Han Bing, but he liked it even more. She knew what happened between Han Bing and the fifth Miss Ji family, but the Ji family was a medical family, and Yuan Ting was not afraid of their family no matter how famous they were.

Yuan Ting always harassed Han Bing, relying on her own power and strength, her beauty and figure. But Han Bing simply didn't get in oil and salt, and only the fifth lady of the Ji family was the only one in his two eyes. Yuan Ting couldn't understand that Ji Yue, who looked like a white lotus, was annoying when she looked at it.

During that time, she did bad things in order to separate Han Bing and Ji Yue, but Ji Yue's silly white sweet actually believed in Han Bing's heart and never doubted Han Bing. Unable to move their feelings, Yuan Ting had to beg her father to take the initiative.

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