Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 677: The child is gone (five shifts)

Yuan Ting laughed for a long time. Seeing Han Bing’s eyes were red with anger, she picked up the walkie-talkie on the counter, and said, “When the child is dead, the child is born a stillbirth. When the child dies, Ji Yue goes crazy. Up."

"Han Bing, it's useless to look at you. Do you think you have brought down my father, you are the winner in life?"

"Ha! Shit! In the end, you are the poor guy!" Seeing Han Bing's pain as if he could smash the glass and run in to kill herself at any time, Yuan Ting felt the pleasure of self-abuse, as if adding fuel to the fire. Add another sentence, "How ridiculous, Ji Yue and your child are dead long ago, you have to be willing to raise my child!"

Yuan Ting saw Han Bing glared, and she laughed nervously.

She said to Han Bing, "I have a hard time in jail, so don't want to live outside!"

Looking at Yuan Ting, she seemed to be going crazy on the spot, and Secretary Han's reaction was particularly horrified. The two police officers looked at each other, and the one inside immediately dragged Yuan Ting out. The police officer who had received Han Bing walked over to Han Bing and asked in a low voice, "Secretary Han, how are you? Come and sit here for a while."

Han Bing did not answer.

He put his hands on the cold tiled countertop, his heart ached as if he had been hammered several times over and over again.

How ridiculous he is!

Just like Yuan Ting said, his and Ji Yue's children died a long time ago, and he has to be willing to raise his and Yuan Ting's children!

This is really ridiculous.

On the way back to Han Bing, the car he was driving almost had an accident several times. He was still a man of conscience. Knowing that he was in a bad state at the moment, he was afraid of hurting others, so Han Bing didn't dare to drive anymore. He parked the car to the side of the road, drove a car himself, and went straight to Ji's house.

He suddenly wanted to see the kid named Ji Yinbing. He wanted to find someone to confess his sins. If he could get Ji Yue back earlier that year, she would not go to the Maldives or disappear, their children It will not die.

They might have lovely children, and their children might be as smart as Ji Yinbing.

Han Bing got off the car at the gate of Ji's house, and the chief manager of the Ji's house saw him and went out to greet him personally. Seeing that the expression on Han Bing's face seemed very wrong, the general manager was a little surprised, and asked, "Secretary Han's face is not good, but is he unwell?"

"I'm fine." Han Bing asked the chief executive, "Is Miss Drinking Bing here?" Han Bing's tone seemed a little urgent.

The general manager frowned and said, "Secretary Han, how can this be good? Miss Yinbing has been away for a while."

"Where did you go?"

"I heard that I went to country A, with Mr. Yannuo."

Hearing that, Han Bing's expression seemed to be paler.

"What is Secretary Han looking for Miss Yinbing? She left her contact information and phone number. If you are in a hurry, you can call her."

Han Bing waved his hand before saying, "It's nothing big, I just want to see her."

The general manager has been in Ji's house for so many years, and he also knows about Han Bing and Ji Yue. Seeing Han Bing’s desperate affection, he transcended his identity, and said, "Secretary Han, Lao Qiu boldly say, you and Those things about Miss Fifth are all over."

"Now the bad guy has been caught, and Miss Fifth has been redressed. You also have your own family and children. Miss Fifth is gone. Miss Yinbing is doing well now and is about to get married. I advise you to go as far as possible. It’s better to look ahead."

Hearing that, Han Bing was not irritated. He knew what the chief executive said was right, and he also understood in his heart that the matter between him and Ji Yue was long gone, and no matter how obsessed, it was just his unilateral stubbornness. He thought of the child, shook his head, and said to the chief executive, "I'm leaving now. Excuse me."

The general manager felt that there was something wrong with Han Bing's situation, so he couldn't rest assured, so he called Cai Jie and said about it. After hearing this, Cai Jie tried to call Han Bing, but the call could not be reached. There were many people on the roadside, and Cai Jie called Han Luofan for fear of accidents to Han Bing.

Han Luofan was working in the company. Hearing about it, he was worried and couldn't let go of it, so he skipped work and went out to look for it.

Han Luofan knew this father well, and he probably guessed where his father would go. Han Bing drove to a teahouse called Keju. The old habits continued in the teahouse. There were places to eat and to listen to music.

When Han Luofan found Han Bing, Han Bing was sitting by the corridor on the second floor, listening to Mr. Narrator downstairs telling a story, and all that was in his mind was Ji Yue and the child.


Han Luofan's voice interrupted Han Bing's thoughts.

Han Bing looked up at Han Luofan, and he smiled bitterly.

This laugh made Han Luofan feel uneasy. "Dad, what happened? Did you see Yuan Ting today?"

"Do you know everything?"

"Guess it."

Han Luofan sat down opposite Han Bing. He stared at his father's white cheeks. After thinking for a while, he asked, "What did she tell you?" Seeing Han Bing's silence, Han Luofan was patient. , Said, "Dad, don't be bored alone when you have something to do. It will be easier to say it."

Han Bing stared at Han Luofan's face that looked exactly like him when he was young, whistling at the corners of his lips, and then spoke after a long time. "Miss Ji Wu, I have a child."

Just this sentence was enough to shock Han Luofan.

Han Luofan suppressed the absurdity in his heart and asked in a trembling voice, "Well, what about the kid?"

"Nothing." Han Bing said with a wry smile, "she kept Xiaoyue for more than seven months. When Xiaoyue disappeared, she should have been pregnant, maybe two months later." Han Bing's expression was more than crying. To be ugly, he lowered his head and said, "She is crazy when the child is gone..."

Han Luofan also lost his words.

But he wasn't Han Bing the person involved, and he quickly calmed down. He said, "I think Yuan Ting lied to you."

Han Bing's expression moved slightly, and he glanced up at him.

Han Luofan said, "Think about it. Since Yuan Ting has detained Miss Ji Wu for more than seven months, she definitely wants her to give birth to the child, so she will not allow that child to have an accident!" Han Luofan is standing. Yuan Ting's position came up to analyze this matter.

Han Bing's expression was shocked and asked, "But what does she want that kid to do?"

"I don't know." Han Luofan didn't know what Yuan Ting was going to do. "Take care of Miss Ji Wu for more than seven months, let her give birth to a child, and then have a stillbirth... Yuan Ting will not do this kind of thing, thankless. She really wants to deal with Miss Ji Wu in many ways. Destroy her, such as removing the child when she learns that Miss Ji Wu is pregnant."

"But she didn't do that, she must have something else."

After listening to Han Luofan's analysis, Han Bing pursed his lips in thought.

After Han Luofan said this, Han Bing noticed some doubts.

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