Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 792: The neighbor's surname is Rosen

Next to Xiao Meng was an unusually tall handsome man. He was wearing a smoky gray long-sleeved shirt and glasses, and he looked very gentle. Zhuang Long looked at the man, his head suddenly throbbed.


Zhuang Long couldn't help holding his head, there were many things in his mind jumping around, as if he was about to jump out of his mind.

Seeing that Zhuang Long was suddenly uncomfortable, Ian quickly took the photo of his leg and asked him intently, "Herbert, what's wrong with you? Where is it?"

Zhuang Long shook his head.

After the pain gradually disappeared, Zhuang Long said, "I didn't sleep well last night and I had some headaches."

Ian suggested, "Why don't you go to our guest room to rest for a while?"

Zhuang Long refused.

He pointed to the album, and Ian brought it to him. Zhuang Long opened the photo album, pointed to the man standing next to Xiao Meng in the photo, and asked him, "Is this my father?"

Ian was a little surprised, "Don't you remember?"

Zhuang Long said, "It was too young then, I don't remember them much."

Ian sighed and said, "That's also a good thing."

Zhuang Long felt that this was weird.

He frowned and said quietly, "My mother is out of prison."

Ian was extremely surprised. He exclaimed, "I am out of prison? Is it so fast?" Before Zhuang Long could answer, Ian said again, "28 years have passed, I am going to be released."

Zhuang Long's heart shuddered.

Ian knows about the crimes of his mother!

Zhuang Long lied and said, "When I was over a teenager, I suffered some injuries and some memory problems. I can't remember many things when I was a child. This time my mother was released from prison and we were chatting. , I found out that I have forgotten many things. I came back this time just to find my memory."

"Ian, I want to ask you something confusing."

"Just ask, I know everything." Ian really believed Zhuang Long's lie.

The first question Zhuang Long asked was, "Why did my mother kill?"

Ian frowned, and he said, "Don't you even remember this?"

Zhuang Long replied naturally, "It's not that I don't remember, it's just that the memory is chaotic, it's all fragments."

"That's it..."

After thinking about it, Ian preached with emotion, "Actually, I always think your mother is right. She killed someone, but she killed a perverted murderer! I still can’t believe it, you My father turned out to be a perverted murderer! Your mother killed him for the sake of the people. Although her methods of killing were cruel, I still think she was right..."

Ian lowered his head to speak, and didn't notice how ugly Zhuang Long's face beside him was.

The man my mother killed turned out to be my father...

Zhuang Long never thought that the truth was like this! At this time, he suddenly remembered the photo he saw with his mother the night he brought Xiaomeng back to the manor. In the photo, there are only two people, he and his mother. The part that belongs to the father is obviously torn by the mother...

What makes Zhuang Long feel ridiculous is another truth——

His father turned out to be a perverted murderer!

Ian was still talking endlessly, but Zhuang Long couldn't hear him.

Until I left Ian's house and walked in the direction of his own home, Zhuang Long's ears were still buzzing. So is this the truth? The reason why he doesn't remember what happened when he was a child is because his father was a perverted murderer, and his mother killed his father.

Is that right?

But Zhuang Long was puzzled again, was he so vulnerable when he was a child? Will you be so fragile that you can't believe this fact, and split another person to protect yourself?

From Ian’s description, Zhuang Long learned that he was a cowardly child when he was a child, which is not impossible. But Zhuang Long believed his instinct more, he felt that this was not the root cause of the split personality!

Zhuang Long went to the end of the town in contemplation. He turned around and climbed up the mountain along the trail. At the bifurcation, Zhuang Long suddenly stopped. Going to the left is his home, and climbing up the path to the right, and at the end is the rich family.

Zhuang Long glanced upward, and he saw an old man in a black tuxedo.

The old man stared at Zhuang Long in silence, with thoughtful eyes in his eyes.

His gaze made Zhuang Long realize that this person might know him.

After thinking about it, he stepped closer to the old man.

The old man is about 60 years old, his hair is gray, but his body is straight. Zhuang Long got closer and found that the old man had a pair of light blue eyes, and his deep eyes were looking at himself. Zhuang Long spoke first. He said, "Do you know me?"

The old man answered the question, "I don't know you, but you are like someone I know."


The old man stretched out his index finger and pointed to the house next door.

That is Zhuang Long's home.

Zhuang Long's eyes narrowed and he heard the old man say, "I remember, that kid's name is Herbert. What about you, what is your name, sir."

Under the sharp eyes of the old man, Zhuang Long spoke. He said, "My name is Zhuang Long."

Hearing this, the old man was startled, as if he had heard an incredible name.

Zhuang Long said again, "But I still have another name, Herbert."

The old man's eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking. Zhuang Long heard him murmur, "That's it, it's you, it turned out to be you, no wonder it's you..."

Zhuang Long was confused.

What is he referring to?

Zhuang Long looked at the mansion behind him and asked presumptuously, "What's your owner's name?" Since the old man has seen him, they must have lived here for many years. Zhuang Long thought to himself, he might still remember this family.

The old man smiled and said respectfully, "Rosen, my master's surname is Rosen."

As soon as he said this, Zhuang Long's pupils shrank.


Chrissy Rosen!

Xiaoli is the child of the Rosen family.

In an instant, the doubt that had been hidden in Zhuang Long's heart for a long time was finally answered! His heart was beating violently, and Zhuang Long asked the old butler, "Is it called Kris Rosen?"

The old butler nodded.

This is ridiculous...

It turns out that they knew each other a long time ago, and they knew each other since childhood.

Zhuang Long couldn't digest this information for a while, so he hurriedly said goodbye to the old man and went back to his home. The old butler looked at his back, and the mystery in his heart was also solved. No wonder the lady would rather abandon the whole family, take the initiative to give up the right of inheritance, and marry the man named Zhuang Long.

It turned out that Zhuang Long was the same kid back then.

In this way, the explanation makes sense.

The old housekeeper returned to the villa, thought for a moment, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed a phone number that belongs to New York.

There are not many people who know Xiaoli’s private number, they are all best friends or family members.

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