Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 801: He is young, so are you young?

Herbert stood in the stairwell, staring blankly at the kitchen.

He looked at his daddy and pulled his mother's hair tightly. Mother was begging for mercy. The more she begged for mercy, the happier he was.

Herbert's cheeks were a little pale.

Mother is obviously very painful and very unhappy, why does Daddy have to do this?

The young Herbert already understood what they were doing. Their physiology teacher had said that **** should be a pleasant thing, but daddy made mother unhappy. Herbert wanted to step forward to stop it, wanted to tell Daddy that he hurt his mother.

At this moment, Robert suddenly turned around and glanced at him.

Robert smiled in his eyes, and he curled his lips at Herbert, smiling softly.

Herbert got a cold back, turned around and ran upstairs.

Herbert hid back into the room, and it took almost two hours before Xiao Meng came upstairs to call him to eat.

Xiao Meng had changed her clothes, and her aqua blue dress made her even more charming. Herbert stared at his mother, his eyes falling deep on the bite marks on the mother's collarbone and shoulder.

After discovering what his son was looking at, Xiao Meng hurriedly pulled on his clothes, and a moment of unnaturalness flashed on his face.

"Go downstairs to eat, don't let your daddy wait too long."

Hearing the latter words, Herbert quickly jumped off the bed, put on his shoes, and went downstairs. He walked to the restaurant and looked at Robert who was waiting for him to eat with his back facing him, biting his little mouth tightly. After Herbert was seated, Robert said to him, "You must eat on time, and you must not wait."

Herbert straightened his back and said subconsciously, "I won't be late in the future."

"Good." The man praised, his voice was gentle, but his eyes were cold.

Herbert became more and more nervous.

When eating, Robert gets along well because he doesn't speak at all. Herbert pretended to have something in his heart, and started talking to his mother. He asked Xiaomeng, "Mom, did you say that the tramp disappeared or was killed?"

Xiao Meng shook his head and said softly, "The police will find him."

"I can't find it!" Herbert exclaimed, "They said that the homeless man is homeless, whether he has relatives, and the police will not spend any effort to find his whereabouts. If this is the case of the wealthy people living 17 miles missing. , Then I will definitely look for it."

Thinking of something, Herbert pointed his finger at the next door and said, "The wealthy people like us next door, their business is the most important thing."

Xiao Meng lowered her face and asked him, "Where did you hear these words?"

Herbert said, "The adults in the cafe didn't say that."

"In the future, you will not listen to such things. The police will not all be useless. They are still powerful."

When the mother and son were about to quarrel, Robert suddenly put down his chopsticks. Before he finished eating the dishes on his plate, he put down his chopsticks, obviously he had something to say.

Xiao Meng and Herbert fell silent at the same time, and did not speak any more.

Robert stared at the spicy shrimp on the table, twitched the corners of his lips, and said in a whisper, "I said, don't make a noise when eating." He raised his head, and his smiling eyes swept over the big and the small. After a moment, he withdrew his gaze, but put his hands on the table.

He bent his elbows, his ten fingers and thumbs pressed against each other, and asked, "Did you take what I said as the wind in your ears?"

With a soft sentence, both mother and son closed their mouths tightly, not daring to talk nonsense.

Without hearing any answer, Robert looked at Herbert.

He asked Herbert, "Tell me boy, did you forget what I said?"

Herbert's face became tight.

He bit his lip to apologize and said, "I'm sorry Daddy, I won't be anymore."

Robert was not satisfied.

"I hate disobedient children the most." He frowned, his voice still soft, "Herbert, why are you so bad? How many times do you want me to say before you can remember? Isn't it, you should be punished? , Can you remember what Dad said to your heart?"

After saying this, Robert's eyes became cold.

There is no more temperature.

If people who know Robert see his face, I'm afraid they will be scared into a cold sweat. Where is the gentle and kind Doctor Floyd? This is simply a devil wearing a handsome mask!

Upon hearing the word punishment, Herbert was even more afraid to speak.

He hooked his head, and his small body was shaking slightly.

Xiao Meng couldn't bear to see the child being frightened into this look, she quickly persuaded Robert, "Robert, the child is still young, don't be familiar with him."

As soon as Xiao Meng finished speaking, Robert looked at her.

Robert didn't speak, but slowly picked up the iron fork at his hand. He wiped the iron fork with his napkin, then raised the iron fork and made an unusually quick and shocking movement. Without frowning, he fiercely inserted the iron fork into the back of Xiao Meng's left hand on the table.


Xiao Meng's face turned pale with pain, she screamed uncontrollably.

Herbert was so frightened that he jumped from his chair and took a quick step back. He leaned his back against the wall, unable to retreat, and Herbert stood on the edge of the wall with a panic, staring at the scene before him in fear.

He is about to cry.

He saw blood coming out of the back of his mother's hand, staining the iron fork red.

Robert's hand was still on the fork, and he gazed at his wife with a smile, his eyes full of money. Like reading a poem, he said in his gentle and gorgeous voice, "He is still young, are you young too?"

Xiao Meng gritted her teeth, her face twisted with pain.

Herbert finally opened his mouth timidly. He yelled to daddy. Seeing Robert's gaze, Herbert knelt on the ground suddenly. He told Robert, "Daddy, it's me who was wrong, I'm not good, I'll be obedient in the future, don't hurt mother."

Seeing his mother's face turned pale, he said, "Mom hurts."

Robert looked at Herbert deeply, and finally, finally took out the iron fork.

He returned to that gentle appearance.

He took Xiaomeng's left hand and gently blew on the **** wound, and said with a distressed expression, "Don't do anything that makes me angry next time, you will get hurt." That gentle, satin tone , As if talking about the most beautiful love words of time.

Xiaomeng trembling tremblingly, hummed softly.

Robert personally poisoned Xiaomeng's wound and applied medicine. From the beginning to the end, he never called Herbert to get up. Herbert didn't dare to get up, Xiao Meng looked at Herbert several times, hesitated for a long time, afraid of angering Robert, and finally did not dare to say anything.

Herbert knelt until eleven o'clock at night when Robert walked down from the stairs and allowed him to go upstairs to sleep.

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