Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 819: Jimmy's selfishness

Jimmy was speechless, his throat felt like a row of needles, and the pain was sharp.

Herbert asked again, "Why didn't you come when I sent you a distress message? Why didn't you come until everything settled?"

Jimmy was speechless when he was asked a few questions from the kid.

He stared at the child's desperate eyes and felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

"Sorry kid, sorry."

When Herbert heard Jimmy apologize, he suddenly chuckled, his laughter made Jimmy feel weird.

"What's the matter with you?" Jimmy was confused.

Herbert said, "I am the murderer who killed Robert, that weak and incompetent woman, where is that talent!" Herbert was desperate for the world, he didn't want to live anymore, he deliberately told Jimmy the truth Want sanctions.

"Not only did I kill Robert, those who died, I buried them. When Robert was dissecting them, I stood by." Herbert smiled coldly, and he said, "I am an accessory, you Take me away, that woman is innocent."

That woman is so courageous, if she goes to prison, can she survive?

In this regard, Herbert was worried.

Jimmy's face changed drastically when he heard this.

In Jimmy's heart, he actually believed Herbert's confession, because he had seen the child's footprints on the pool of blood in the stairwell. Even though that footprint had been destroyed by Xiao Meng, Jimmy still found it. He was puzzled at the time, since Herbert had been imprisoned in the basement, how could there be his footprints upstairs.

If what Herbert said is true, then all the doubts can be explained.

In an instant, two years flashed in Jimmy's mind-telling the truth? Or pretend to be ignorant?

There was no one else in the basement, and Kris was also taken upstairs.

Jimmy thought of the distress signal on the corner of his clothes and the relieved expression when Xiao Meng was taken away. He lowered his head and looked deeply at Herbert's face. After a long silence, Jimmy suddenly said to Herbert, "Little Herbert, don't talk nonsense, you are so small, how can you kill people."

"In fact, it was your mother who killed Robert because Robert hurt you and wanted to kill your friend."

Hearing this, Herbert's eyes flashed, and he didn't speak any more.

"By the way, are you injured?" After speaking, Jimmy started to check Zhuang Long's body. When he accidentally touched Zhuang Long's chest, he found that Zhuang Long had escaped uncomfortably.

Jimmy's eyes flashed and he forcibly pulled Herbert's clothes away.

Looking at the horrible scar on Herbert's chest and the large and small blue-purple scars on his back and abdomen, Jimmy felt a pain in his heart and cursed Robert as a beast. Jimmy hugged Herbert in his arms and left the basement in his arms.

"This child needs to go to the hospital for an examination!"

Jimmy asked his boss for instructions, got permission, and took Herbert into the police car.

Chrissy was surrounded by Julia, the housekeeper, and the family elders who had arrived from New York, and they greeted her with coldness. Chris told them that she was okay, and saw Jimmy helping Herbert come out. Chris wanted to get close to him.

Herbert saw it, and subconsciously wanted to speed up.

He is avoiding Chris.

Kris stood there, staring at Herbert's thin back, frowning tightly.

Jimmy opened the door of the police car, Herbert got into the car, and the car drove away. He suddenly glanced at Chrissy. Chrissy shouted at him, "Herbert, where are you going? Will you come back?"

The window next to Herbert was not closed. He stared at Chris, his lips moved slightly.

Chrissy's eyes widened, staring at his lip movements carefully. She learned to imitate Herbert's lip shape and found that he was talking about—

I am sorry.

Chris suddenly rubbed her eyes.


It's not that you want to harm me! Obviously you saved me!

The police were evacuated from this small town just before dawn.

However, when the police left, they could not take away the gossip. Chris went back to the villa and saw the servant picking up the trash, what she thought of, hurried to open a trash bag.

Fortunately, the photos have not been thrown away.

Chris took the photo, but didn't have the courage to turn it over.

The next day, the manager of the town, Ellen, delivered the necklace personally and solemnly apologized to Chris. Chrissy disappeared in his shop, anyway, he was jointly and severally liable. Chris accepted his apology. In the end, Store Manager Allen didn't charge the cost of making the necklace and gave the necklace directly to Julia.

Julia has white skin and looks very beautiful when she wears the purple pearl shell necklace.

Julia turned slowly in front of Chrissy a few times and stopped. She asked Chrissy, "Does it look good?"

Chris stared at the necklace on her sister's neck, and then she said, "It looks good." It didn't look good. It took Herbert several mornings to find the shell.

Chris went back to the room, saw the photos, she hesitated for a long time, and finally opened the photos. Behind that picture, Chris saw a sentence like this--

Leave here, the devil is staring at you, don't come to me again.

Chris stared at the typesetting, and she didn't respond for a long while, and somehow she burst into tears.

"Fool! Fool!"

Although Robert is dead, the sins he committed will not disappear, and all the property of the couple will be confiscated, including the house. Xiao Meng was sentenced to 28 years in prison, and for a while, Herbert became a homeless orphan. He was finally sent to an orphanage.

Chrissy heard about this and visited Herbert in the orphanage before returning to New York.

He was still indifferent, sitting alone under a tree and seeing Chris standing outside the iron fence as if he hadn't seen it. He looked away particularly indifferently.

Kris knew he remembered himself, he pretended not to see it on purpose. Chris stared at him for a long time before turning to leave.

As soon as she turned around, Herbert looked at her quietly.

He can't be friends with her, he almost killed her...

When Kris left California, she kept Kevin, and she asked Kevin to pay more attention to Herbert's news. Before long, she heard from Kevin that the dean of that orphanage was a violent man, he liked beating, and it was said that he had killed a child.

Because of his personality and always being unable to eat enough, Herbert sometimes couldn't help stealing something to eat, and was often beaten by the dean.

Chris feels heartache. She knows a couple who are quite rich, but have not given birth for many years.

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