Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 865: What a coincidence

Fang Yuqing and Fang Shan pitted twice, compared to the sea battle.

Fang Shan's personality is very stable, and he is not impetuous in playing games. When he died, he didn't even raise his brows. He was always calm and composed. Fang Yuqing stared at such a Fang Shan, and suddenly thought of Fang Mu's brother.

Really worthy of being a father and son, Fang Shan is the reduced version of the second brother.

I just hope that when Fang Shan grows up, he will not be as extreme as his second brother.

When Fang Yuqing was distracted, she was killed by Fang Shanyi's shell. Fang Shan turned his head, curled his lips towards Fang Yuqing, and said arrogantly, "Auntie, you lost."

Fang Yuqing recovered.

Staring at the screen displaying OVER, he couldn't help but curl his lips, "It's not interesting." Even a child can't do it.

"Then let's sing." Fang Zikai suggested.

Hearing this, Fang Shan and Fang Yuqing, as uninformed people, reacted naturally and agreed. Only Fang Zicheng showed an expression that was difficult to say, he looked at Fang Yuqing, and stopped talking. Fang Zikai saw it and quickly pulled Fang Zicheng's hand.

Fang Zicheng looked at his younger brother, and when he saw his younger brother blinked at himself, he had to press down to his mouth.

The four of them entered the small karaoke room.

Because Fang Zikai proposed to come and sing, Fang Yuqing naturally asked him to order the song first. Fang Zikai could not write the words of the song he wanted to sing, so Fang Yuqing asked Fang Yuqing to help.

"Okay, what are you going to sing?"

Fang Zikai pursed her lips, a little embarrassed, and said embarrassedly, "The Old Dream."

"Yeah?" Fang Yuqing looked at Fang Zikai twice, "I like this song too, can aunt sing with you?"


They ordered the old dream.

Fang Yuqing sings the first paragraph.

Fang Yuqing: The old memory is like a window. Once opened, it is difficult to close. Whoever has stepped on the dead branches makes a light sound, and the fireflies paint the screen incense.

Fang Zikai sings without watching the screen, and he can't read it anyway. He sings from memory. Fang Zikai took his mouth and sang: For whom is the fragrance of a sleeve, the letterhead of the red leaves is long and affectionate, he said that he would just go wandering and go to a beautiful place.

When Fang Zikai sang, he was intoxicated and squinted.

When he finished singing and opened his eyes, he found that the other three people were all staring at him, their expressions were a bit horrible.

There was no smile on Fang Zikai's face.

"Applause, am I not good at singing?" He smiled hard, trying to make himself look happier.

Fang Yuqing took the lead in applauding, Fang Shan hesitated, followed by applauding, only Fang Zicheng looked at his younger brother with indifference. Don't know why, Fang Zicheng especially wanted to take Fang Zikai home, and it was embarrassing to let him go.

Listening to the sparse applause, Fang Zikai's injured little heart felt better.

In the song room next door, Hua Wushuang originally wanted to sing, but before she could speak, she heard the broken gong voice of a little boy next door. That tone and voice made people want to commit suicide. The emotions that Hua Wushuang had brewed were gone.

After the guy next door finished singing, Hua Wushuang put down the microphone in his hand, smiled at Jiang Wei, and said, "This kid is really confident." He sang so loudly, Hua Wushuang dared to sing so loudly. Admire the courage of the child.

Jiang Wei didn't speak, but lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

As soon as the singing sounded next door, Jiang Wei could hear that the female voice was Fang Yuqing's voice, but he didn't know whose family the child was from. After sitting for a while, Jiang Wei heard that the person next door seemed to be leaving. He suddenly opened the door and said to Hua Wushuang, "Wushuang, let's go."

Hua Wushuang stood up hurriedly, picked up the bag, and went out afterwards.

Fang Yuqing heard Jiang Wei's voice and thought she had auditory hallucinations.

When she looked back, she saw a pair of Bi people holding hands. In all fairness, Jiang Wei is very handsome, and Hua Wushuang is worthy of her name, and she is beautiful and unparalleled in appearance. The two of them stand together, and they really fit together.

Even if Fang Yuqing had thoughts about Jiang Wei in that respect, but seeing the scene of Jiang Wei and Hua Wushuang standing together, she still felt that they were a good match.

She didn't even have the courage to be jealous.

Jiang Wei glanced around casually, and saw Fang Yuqing looking at him, his eyes seemed a little sad, he felt a pain in his heart, and he was about to pull his arm out of Hua Wushuang's hand. Hua Wushuang saw Fang Yuqing, but subconsciously clasped Jiang Wei's arm.

Of the two, one wanted to pull the hand out, but the other held the other's hand tightly.

The two people pulled and pulled, and fell in Fang Yuqing's eyes, as if they were flirting.

She breathed a pain, nodded towards Jiang Wei and Hua Wushuang, and said with a smile, "Jian Shao, good fortune." She looked at the hands of the two people held together, the smile seemed to deepen, and then raised her head, Fang Yu Qing took out the majestic demeanor of Miss Fang Jia, smiled and blessed them, "Congratulations."


He worries about her, in order to test her deliberately, she reacted on this?

She said congratulations.

Jiang Wei couldn't laugh.

The man's eyes suddenly sank, he suddenly pulled out his arm, Hua Wushuang's expression was slightly stiff, but when a man's hand was wrapped around his waist, her heartbeat accelerated again. Jiang Wei hugged Hua Wushuang, and Yu Qing said, "Thank you."

He glanced over Fang Yuqing and the three little guys beside her, and said, "These three children are so cute. These twins are the children of Brother Yu Sheng, right?"

"Yeah." Fang Yuqing's voice was slightly cold, but she didn't see angrily.

Jiang Wei looked at Fang Shan and guessed his identity from the age of the child. Jiang Wei is not a fool either. Naturally, he would not mention Fang Shan's dead father in front of his children, so what he said was, "Is this your nephew too? Very cute."

Fang Yuqing pulled the three children behind her and said, "I want to take them to play elsewhere, so I won't bother Jiang Shao and Ms. Hua on dating. Goodbye."

Fang Yuqing didn't care what Jiang Wei would be like, took the three children and left.

She only walked a few steps, and heard Hua Wushuang acting like a baby with Jiang Wei, "Jiang Wei, I want that doll, can you help me catch it?"

Fang Yuqing couldn't hear Jiang Wei's answer, but she didn't care anymore.

After playing with the three children until more than nine o'clock, Fang Yuqing sent the children home. When she returned to her home, it was already eleven o'clock. Fang Yuqing returned home, took a shower, and found out the only polar bear Jiang had caught. She took the polar bear and sat down on the sofa.

She stared at the polar bear, her face uncertain.

When Fang Yuqing got up, she calmly threw the polar bear into the trash can.

You see, this is not a rare thing either. He can catch you or other women. Fang Yuqing told herself so in her heart. It was not the polar bear that was thrown into the trash can, but her secret love for someone.

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