Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 902: The brain was eaten by a pig

He walked over and touched Jiang Jie's head, "What are you worried about? Brother will find you a reliable man in the future."

Jiang Jie curled her lips, "I can't find it anymore."

"You are still young, you can't be so pessimistic."

The brothers and sisters spoke for a while, and Jiang Wei confirmed that Jiang Jie really didn't do anything foolish, and then dared to leave. As soon as he left, the strong smile on Jiang Jie's face disappeared. She took her mobile phone and stared at Fang Yuqing's head for a while, and finally typed a few words and sent them.

Fang Yuqing sat in Fang Yuan's car.

Knowing that Fang Yu'an is a serious mouth, Fang Yuqing told him what happened tonight. Fang Yuan was not surprised by what she said, and showed an expression that this day has come.

"Brother, aren't you surprised?"

Fang Yuan shook his head and looked at the front of the car. He drove the car intently and said aloud, "That girl is the queen of the nightclub, and no one on the street of the bar doesn't know her. It's not surprising that things happen when you walk in the nightclub." He thought. What? He said, "Speaking of which, that girl confessed to me."

Fang Yuqing was a little surprised.

"When did this happen?"

"Just a few months ago."

"You refused?"

Fang Yuan nodded and said, "Of course. I don't like her, so I naturally want to refuse."

Thinking that Fang's family and Jiang's family are also family friends, Fang Yuqing is a little curious, what reason Fang Yuan used to refuse Jiang Jie. "Why did you refuse her?" Fang Yuqing asked what she was thinking.

Fang Yuan said, "I told her that I don't like her. She asked me which one I like. I said taller one, shorter hair, and the best one with a mole on the corner of the eye. A pear vortex, with long and naive legs, plays the game very well, like the kind of Lays potato chips."

In fact, what Fang Yuan told Jiang Jie was: I don't like you, you are a good person, but your gender is wrong.

Fang Yuqing was stunned, "Is there such a woman?"

Fang Yuan shook his head and said, "No."

As soon as she rolled her eyes, Fang Yuqing suddenly asked, "Brother, do you have someone you like?" The requirements he just said, at first glance, is that there is such a person beside him, and that person really exists.

Fang Yuan snorted without denying it.

Fang Yuqing was curious, "Brother, who is it?"

"you do not know."

"Any picture of her?"

Fang Yuan said yes.

"Can I see it?"

Fang Yuan hesitated before nodding.

"Where? In your phone?"

"Right pants pocket."

The two are siblings, and Fang Yuqing didn't get too shy, and directly reached into Fang Yuan's right trousers. She took out the phone, and after a while, she met a red light, and when the car stopped, Fang Yuqing handed the phone to Fang Yuan.

"Come on, open me and see."

Fang Yuan took the phone, opened the homepage, turned out the album, turned out a photo, and handed it to Fang Yuqing. "This is it."

Fang Yuqing leaned forward curiously.

After a glance, Fang Yuqing's expression froze.

What's wrong...

"Brother, this is a man." Fang Yuqing set off a stormy sea in her heart.

I rely on...

Fang Yuan said, "I know."

Fang Yuqing didn't speak any more.

She turned her head and looked out the window, not knowing what she was thinking about.

After a long time, when she was almost hungry downstairs in her apartment, Fang Yuqing dared to believe the fact that her brother liked people of the same sex. She took a deep breath before asking, "Does my mother know?"

"She will know." But not now.

"What if she doesn't agree?"

Hearing this, Fang Yuan showed a strategizing look. He said, "She will agree."

Fang Yuqing stopped talking.

"Here." Fang Yuan's voice interrupted Fang Yuqing's thoughts. Fang Yuqing raised her head and looked out the window, and saw that she had reached the gate of the community. She put her hand on the doorknob, but did not rush to open the door. Fang Yuqing's throat rolled a few times before Yu An said, "I might meet him secretly. I don't worry if I don't look at it."

Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows and did not refuse.

"I'm home, thank you brother."

Fang Yuqing then got out of the car.

On the way home, her mind was confused, like a mess.

This world is crazy!

Fang Yuqing went home and fell on the bed, still can't believe that his brother actually likes men. She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling with a nasty expression. At this time, the phone rang, and Fang Yuqing heard the WeChat prompt.

She turned on the phone and saw another message from Jiang Jie.

Fang Yuqing clicked on it and saw a sentence--

Do you know my brother likes you?

Seeing this, Fang Yuqing's heartbeat jumped by a beat at first, but in an instant, it returned to normal.

She replied to Jiang Jie: [Don't make such a joke, he doesn't like me. 】

Jiang Jie returned the news soon.

Jiang Jie: [Why don't you believe it? 】

Fang Yuqing: [Because he has Hua Wushuang. 】

Jiang Jie returned a helpless emoticon.

She took a screenshot of the conversation and forwarded it to Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei was taking a shower, and he was about to go to the company after the shower, and went to see Fang Yuqing after get off work. He took off his bath towel and put on his shirt, and when he heard the phone ring, he picked it up and took a look. Seeing the screenshot of the picture sent by Jiang Jie, Jiang Wei was a little shocked.

Jiang Jie was right...

Jiang Wei arrived at the company and held a regular meeting. When the meeting ended, he called Secretary Jiang.

"Secretary Jiang, if you stay, everyone else will go out."

Secretary Jiang thought Jiang Wei was going to ask her for help again, and thought that he was going to increase the bonus again, Secretary Jiang was happy. When everyone was gone, Jiang Weicai raised his eyes and glanced at Secretary Jiang. The corners of Secretary Jiang’s lips rose, obviously in a good mood.

Seeing her in a good mood, Jiang Wei was in a bad mood.

"Secretary Jiang, I have a question. I would like to ask you to help me think about the answer."

"Mr. Jiang, you say."

Jiang Wei asked her, "There is a boss who likes a girl very much. In order to catch the girl, he learned a few tricks from his secretary. As a result, those tricks not only did not help the boss catch the girl, but he almost died. It's the end."

There was no smile on Jiang Wei's face. He asked Secretary Jiang, "In this situation, how do you think the boss should punish the secretary?"

Secretary Jiang's face paled.

She is not stupid, she naturally knows who the boss and the secretary in the story represent. Secretary Jiang’s breathing was slightly stagnant, she thought for a while, and then said, "Mr. Jiang, I was dull and almost missed your major event."

Seeing that Secretary Jiang’s attitude was so good, Jiang Wei couldn’t ask her for questioning.

He snorted and said, "The bonus is gone, you can go out."

Just deducted the bonus, okay, okay! Secretary Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

When she left the conference room, Jiang Wei couldn't help but shook his head and laughed, "Jiang Wei, Jiang Wei, is your brain eaten by a pig? Stupid enough!"

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