Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 906: This is my father

Jiang Wei is used to being abused by Jiang Bo every day.

He patted off the hand on his shoulder, turned his head and looked at the window, with a silent appearance, carrying out the feminine style to the end. Jiang Bo sighed and said, "I still learn to play melancholy with a little girl, you are such a big man, it's not appropriate."

Jiang Wei twitched his brows and glanced at his dad with a bit of resentment.

Jiang Bo spread his hand and said, "I'm just telling the truth."

Seeing that the father and son were about to quarrel if they continued to communicate, Jiang's mother hurriedly blocked their conversation. "What's the matter between you and Yu Qing? Did you catch it?" The son's little thoughts, how can I hide the Jiang family.

Everyone knows that Jiang Wei's opponent Yu Qing is desperate, but unfortunately he hasn't caught up.

Jiang Wei didn't answer directly, he just pursed his lips and smiled, his beastly appearance was particularly arduous. Jiang Bo couldn't stand it anymore, so he scolded him coldly, "It's so funny, don't be like a traitor."

Jiang's only breath was almost stuck in his throat, and he was almost suffocated to death by that breath.

Probably noticing that he was smashing his son everywhere, and indeed losing his face, Jiang Bo frowned uncomfortably, and did not continue to ridicule Jiang Wei. Thinking of the cause of Jiang Wei's injury, Jiang Bo's face straightened and his voice became serious. He asked Jiang Wei, "What are you fighting with the old five of the Lu family?"

The smile on Jiang Wei's face dimmed, and he said lightly, "It's nothing."

As soon as Jiang Wei finished speaking, Jiang Bo ‘touched’ his forehead again.

Jiang Wei grinned with pain, and couldn't help snarling at Jiang Bo, "I am a patient, please pay attention, don't move! Don't think you are my father, I just..."

Jiang Bo squinted at him with dangerous eyes, "What about you?"

Jiang Wei's lips moved.

He said vigorously, "I'll cry for you."

Jiang Bo seemed to be frightened by Jiang Wei's shameless style, but he was speechless for a while.

Mother Jiang felt funny.

"Puff!" She also laughed. After laughing, she divided the orange in her hand into three and gave Jiang Wei and Jiang Bo a few petals. The rest was handed to Jiang Jie, who was playing with her mobile phone on the sofa. Mother Jiang went to wash her hands, returned to the ward, and said, "I heard some time ago that Mrs. Lu intends to match Yu Qing with his son. You are fighting with Lu's fifth son, isn't it for Yu Qing?"

Although the woman is asking questions, her eyes are clear.

Jiang Wei glanced at his mother and said, "You know, what else to ask?"

"Jiang Wei, you have always been a worry-free. This time I will fight with someone because of a girl. I think it's quite incredible."

Jiang Wei fell silent.

More than Jiang's mother felt incredible, he himself felt quite stupid when he thought of it afterwards. If you say you fight, just fight, how can they fight like stinky kids? Jiang Wei remembered kicking Lu Lingyu in the crotch during his fight...

It's really horrible.

"Forget it, you have to be more or less discreet. Now that you are such an adult, you can't do this kind of thing in the future." Father Jiang stood up to wash his hands. He walked farther and farther. Jiang Wei heard him seem to say, "I want to fight." You have to find a hidden place to fight. What is a fight in the street..."

Father Jiang has always been sturdy and not afraid of things. Hearing his mumble, Jiang Wei reflected on it again. He felt that fighting with Lu Lingyu in the street this afternoon was indeed something a fool would do.

Upstairs, the atmosphere is fairly pleasant.

There is no such good atmosphere downstairs.

Lu Lingyu has been accustomed to evil since he was a child. When he was three years old, because a dog named Ah Hei next door bit his sister, he went to bite Ah Hei the next day. I don't know how Lu Lingyu frightened Ah Hei. Later, until he died, every time he saw Lu Lingyu, he would run away with his tail clipped.

When he was seven years old, he tied a fake devil in the courtyard to a basketball stake, causing the whole courtyard to search for half the night, and finally found a trembling little bully on the basketball court.

When he was thirteen years old, he kidnapped a cousin who secretly scolded him, and finally sold him to the auction house, took off his clothes, clearly marked the price, and asked him to buy him for one night, regardless of gender. When they found Lu Lingyu's cousin, his cousin had already been **** half-dead.

This was a big mess at the time. At that time, the old man Lu came forward to make compensation and beat Lu Lingyu in front of the family of the person involved. This stopped. Afterwards, Lu Lingyu asked Lu Lingyu that he knew nothing wrong, but his face turned pale with pain, but he still insisted.

He said, "I'm not wrong. He called my mother cheap, and I let him be cheap to others, I'm not wrong."

Hearing this, Old Lu was so angry that he hit him again.

Lu Lingyu has been so arrogant and domineering for more than ten years. After sixteen, less than seventeen, he was sent to the northwest for training by the old man. This child has a fierce energy that is not afraid of death, as well as the treacherous treacherousness of not paying for his life. In the years of the army, he has done a lot of merit. But because of his evil temper, he also made a lot of mistakes, but in general, he is still a good soldier.

Later, after going to the military academy for a few years, Lu Lingyu came back with a fake skin.

On weekdays, he looks like a good-looking man with two small tiger teeth when he smiles. But if you are anxious, you will transform into a wolf dog, catching who bites whom. Everyone said that the Lu family’s eldest had turned five, but when the Lu family’s parents heard this, they thought they had heard a loud fart.

So today I received a notice that my son was fighting outside. Not only was the couple not surprised, but they had the idea that this should be the case.

When I came to the hospital, seeing Lu Lingyu's legs in plaster cast on the rubber bench, the Lu family's parents did not show too sad expressions. Lu Lingyu suffered from serious and minor injuries, and his parents were used to it, so he was not very worried.

After a few questions about the routine, the mobile phone in Mrs. Lu's pocket rang.

She took out her phone and took a look, and said to Mr. Lu, "It's Dad."

"Go out and pick it up."

After Mrs. Lu got out of the ward with her mobile phone to answer the phone, Father Lu walked to the bed and asked Lu Lingyu in a low voice, "Little Five, where are the roses I asked you to fetch? Today is the 30th anniversary of my marriage to your mother. Anniversary, it’s impossible to have no flowers."

Lu Lingyu thought of the bunch of roses he used to fight, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the urn said, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Father Lu narrowed his eyes, with an aura of no anger and prestige, "Where is it!"

Lu Lingyu whispered, "When fighting, just give it to..."

Before he finished speaking, a pillow hit Lu Lingyu. Lu Lingyu hurriedly caught the pillow and heard his dad scolding, "I asked you to fetch a rose for me, and you can fight with others! You fight when you fight, and when you break a bone, how can you destroy me? Roses for your mother!"

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