This weekend, Lisa and Chi Boguang both went to Villa 9 Mansion. When they received the news from Fang Yuqing, they had just finished their lunch and were sitting in the living room chatting. When Fang Yusheng saw the news, he raised his eyebrows and handed the phone to Qiao Jiusheng, "Look at it."

Qiao Jiusheng read Fang Yuqing's question but did not answer.

Chi Bo was just peeling the kiwi fruit for Lisa to eat. Seeing that his son and daughter-in-law were doing tricks, she interrupted and asked. "looking at what?"

Fang Yusheng asked him, "Is it great that someone can lift a motorcycle with brute force?"

Chi Bo glanced at his mouth and said with a look of disdain, "What is this? In the past, there was a little furry boy in prison with incredible strength. We worked hard to survive. Li, he just hit him all the way from Building B to Building A, no one dared to move him."

Fang Yusheng knew that there were a group of demons and ghosts in Xianzhiya Prison, so he asked, "I heard that there will be a King in your prison every three years."

He raised his eyebrows later and glanced at him, not surprising that Fang Yusheng would know these things.

Fang Yusheng asked again, "King belongs to Building A, right."


"Then you are also in Building A?"

"Of course." Chi Guang said with some pride.

Fang Yusheng asked again, "King lives on the top floor?"


"how about you?"

Chi Boguang said, "Your father is doing pretty well and lives on the third floor from the bottom."

Shirtless can only live on the third floor from the bottom. That's how terrifying the perverts on the first, second and third floors are like that. "Those little fur boys you just mentioned, on what floor does he live?"

"The penultimate floor." After a pause, Chi Boguang said again, "There are eight rooms on each floor, and the little boy lives in the eighth room." Of the eight rooms, the people living on the left are the weakest, and the one on the right is the weakest. Strong. KIng lives on the first floor alone, enjoying life like a king.

Fang Yusheng was a little surprised.

That little hairy boy is so amazing, and he can only live on the second to last floor. How awesome is the king who lives on the first to last floor?

"Is King very good?" Fang Yusheng heard Yan promise say several times. He wanted King who would rise above the cliff. Every time he mentioned that King, Yan promised his eyes flashed. The strong are sympathetic to each other.

As soon as I heard about King's questions, I was very cautious when I was too late.

He didn't answer Fang Yusheng's question, and even reprimanded him, "What are you asking about! What you should do now is to get fruit for your daughter-in-law." Fang Yusheng touched his nose and didn't try to be too late. He asked Qiao Jiusheng what he wanted to eat. Qiao Jiusheng said he wanted to eat honey pomelo, so Fang Yusheng went to the kitchen to peel the pomelo.

Fang Yusheng went to peel the honey pomelo, and Lisa asked Qiao Jiusheng, "When is the re-examination of the malformation check?"

Qiao Jiusheng said, "It's the day after tomorrow."

She touched her belly, feeling a little sad, "I hope everything will be normal." She can't stand the stimulation. This child came because she was looking forward to it, and she hoped that she would be healthy.

Lisa also said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

The baby in her arms probably woke up, and kicked her hands and feet in it again. Fang Yuqing found that the child was skinnier in the stomach, much skinier than when Fang Zicheng and Fang Zikai were in the stomach. She told Lisa the thoughts in her heart, "I feel this kid must be very naughty."

Lisa covered her mouth and smiled. She said, "I heard that girls are more naughty in their stomachs, and boys are lazy. Girls should be quieter after they are born."

"Is it?"

"It should be."

Fang Yusheng came over with a plate of honey pomelo.

He just handed it to Qiao Jiusheng, and Fang Zikai, who was pretending to be doing arithmetic problems, suddenly lost his pen, twisted his hips and ran over, grabbing a hand from the plate very quickly. He stuffed the honey pomelo into his mouth, and ate the honey pomelo under Fang Yusheng's angry stare.

After eating, he opened his mouth, burped, and said with a smile, "It's delicious and sweet."

Fang Yusheng endured and endured, only to resist the urge to slap Fang Zikai. With one hand on his hips, one finger pointed at Fang Zikai, his expression was cold, and he said, "There is still in the kitchen, peel it off by yourself. I peeled it off for your mother.

Fang Zikai stuck out his tongue, wiped his little hand on his pants, and said, "Too lazy to peel."

Fang Yusheng's temple jumped suddenly, trying to hit the child.

Perceiving Fang Yusheng's emotional changes, Fang Zikai turned and ran.

Qiao Jiusheng took La Fang Yusheng's hand and said with comfort, "Don't be angry with him, he deliberately annoys you, if you get angry, you are fooled." Fang Yusheng felt sad, and he looked back at the animals. Fang Zicheng, the documentary filmmaker, suddenly felt that the eldest son was too sensible and caring.

Lisa and the others ate dinner here before leaving. After they left, Fang Yusheng's family went for a stroll on the road outside. When he got home, Fang Yusheng rubbed Fang Zikai's back. When he was about to go back to the room, he heard Fang Zicheng yell his dad.

Fang Yusheng stopped immediately and looked back at his elder son.

Fang Zicheng closed the story book with pictures in front of him. He looked at Fang Yusheng and thought for a while before he said, "Dad, we want money."

Fang Yusheng was particularly surprised.

This is a rare thing.

"What do you want money for?" He walked to the elder son's bed and sat down, very curious.

When Fang Zicheng saw Fang Zikai walking out naked and wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, he frowned and said at the same time as Fang Yusheng, "Go get dressed."

Fang Zikai stuck his tongue out at them, then dried the water on his body and ran to put on his pajamas.

Fang Yusheng watched Fang Zikai put on his clothes, and heard Fang Zicheng next to him say, "We are going to the East Lake next Wednesday to play, and we will go all day. The teacher said that we need to pay 200 yuan." Fang Zicheng said the original words of the teacher. Tell Fang Yusheng, "Half-price tickets are 120, the fare for meals is 50, and there are 30 left to buy things by yourself."

That's it.

"Are you going to take it tomorrow?"


Fang Yusheng returned to the room, and after a while, returned to the room with five hundred yuan. He gave the money to Fang Zicheng and exhorted, "You and Jingjing's money will be kept for you. You can buy something for the extra one hundred."

Fang Zicheng didn't refuse, but took the money and carefully put it in the stationery box.

As soon as Fang Yusheng left, Fang Zikai ran onto Fang Zicheng's bed with his quilt. After watching the ghost movie that night, Fang Zikai developed the habit of occupying Fang Zicheng's bed. At first Fang Zicheng was not used to it, but gradually he got better.

Without opening his eyes, he heard the noise from the quilt beside him, and asked, "What are you doing again?"

Fang Zikai smiled happily, he got into the quilt, stretched out a leg and ran to Fang Zicheng's quilt, and hooked Fang Zicheng's feet with his feet. Fang Zicheng's body was still warm, Fang Zikai put both legs on it. Fang Zicheng endured and endured, and in the end he still didn't let Fang Zikai remove his leg.

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