Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 920: Daily betrayal brother (five shift)

After checking the tickets, they were allowed to enter Happy Valley.

There are tour buses in Happy Valley, and the tickets that the school bought for them are for the cost of the tour buses. While on the tour bus, Gu Yiqiu pulled Fang Zikai to her side. In order to make it easier for teachers to recognize people, today everyone is wearing a uniform custom-made coat by the school, which is a blue coat.

Gu Yiqiu was wearing black leather pants, a white shirt and a blue jacket. She stepped on Martin boots and carried a black rivet bag. She was a cool sister. As soon as the two of them sat down, Gu Yiqiu opened the bag, and the other Zikai said, "I brought a lot of snacks, do you want to eat?"

Fang Zikai watched Gu Yiqiu take out different kinds of snacks from his bag, his eyes were staring.

"Boss, can I eat this candy?" Fang Zikai held a pink fruit candy in his hand. This is a Swiss brand of fructose, which is very expensive. Gu Yiqiu waved his hand generously, "You are my little brother, I'll give you food!"

"Thank you boss!"

Fang Zikai took two of them, tore off the wrapping paper and began to eat.

Fang Zicheng sat behind Gu Yiqiu and Fang Zikai.

He was reading the last few pages of the book in his hand. Suddenly, a candy dropped from the front and fell onto his book. Fang Zicheng looked up and saw Fang Zikai grinning at him, "Brother, this candy is delicious, try it!"

Fang Zicheng stared at Fang Zikai for a long time.

The younger brother laughed very happily. He always seemed to laugh easily, cry easily, and lose his temper easily. Often things seem meaningless to Fang Zicheng, but Fang Zikai cares very much. He didn't understand Fang Zikai.

Fang Zicheng lowered his head, picked up the candy, hesitated for a moment, and finally put it away and put it in his pocket.

He doesn't like sweets, which are bad for teeth.

In my mind, the voice of No. 199 sounded again, and No. 199 said, "Brother Cheng Cheng, why don't you eat?"

"Tooth decay."

199 said, "I really want to eat."

Fang Zicheng told it very seriously, "You don't have a mouth, you can't eat it."

199 whimpered in his head and galloped.

Fang Zicheng thought he was annoying, so he cursed, "Shut up!"

No. 199 was a little afraid of Fang Zicheng, and when he scolded him, he immediately stopped. The tour bus stops and goes, and every time you go to a place to play, you must stop and let the children go and play. The tickets they bought can play all the amusement items in the scenic spot.

Fang Zikai is very afraid of heights and death. He dared not take the roller coaster and other exciting amusement projects. He wanted to play bumper cars and carousels. But Gu Yiqiu is a stimulus. As the saying goes, people eat people with soft lips and short hands. After eating Gu Yiqiu's candy, Fang Zikai is embarrassed to refuse.

Besides, he is also a boy anyway, so Gu Yiqiu can't let Gu Yiqiu know that he is very courageous.

He hesitated again and again, and finally followed Gu Yiqiu to play those games. Fang Zicheng stood behind them. He watched Fang Zikai sit on the chair of the roller coaster as if bravely, and then fastened his seat belt with a serious face.

While waiting for other tourists to board the car, he checked the seat belt eight or nine times.

As the car drove around the track at high speed, Fang Zikai's screams were more heartbreaking than the screams of killing pigs. Fang Zicheng stood there, looking up at his brother in the car, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth. "Hanzi!" You are timid, don't you know to refuse?

When the roller coaster stopped, everyone got off one after another, and Fang Zikai got out of the car last.

As soon as his foot touched the ground, he almost fell to the ground.

Gu Yiqiu held Fang Zikai's arm with an arm, his small face was full of worry, "Fang Zikai, are you okay?"

Fang Zikai waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

When he saw his brother standing in front, he said to Gu Yiqiu, "Boss, you go play first. My brother is standing alone. It is very pitiful. I will talk to my brother for a while." It was obviously he himself, but Fang Zikai made excuses for himself, but what he found was particularly convincing.

You say Fang Zikai is stupid, he is slicker than anyone else at the critical moment.

Fang Zicheng heard Fang Zikai's remarks, but did not reveal him.

When Gu Yiqiu walked away, Fang Zikai suddenly ran to the trash can with joy. He stood by the trash can about the same height as it, and vomited dimly. When he finished vomiting, he fell to Fang Zicheng. As soon as his chin was next to Fang Zicheng, Fang Zicheng suddenly took a step forward.

Fang Zikai staggered and almost dumped a shit.

He looked up and waited for Fang Zicheng, and asked him angrily, "What do you mean? I just lean on it, are you?"

Fang Zicheng pointed to Fang Zikai's mouth and said, "Your mouth is dirty." Therefore, he disliked Fang Zikai's dirty mouth and walked away temporarily.

Fang Zikai wiped his mouth, it was really dirty.

He walked to Fang Zicheng and squatted down.

Fang Zicheng asked him, "Aren't you going to play?"

Fang Zikai said, "It's a bit boring and boring." He wouldn't admit that he actually wanted to play those games, but he was afraid of heights and speeds, and he was still a little motion sick.

Fang Zicheng narrowed his eyes, but did not speak.

The carousel behind can sit dozens of people at once. When the wooden horse stopped and the tourists were about to get off the car, Fang Zicheng glanced at Fang Zikai and said, "I'm going to make a merry-go-round." After he said, he saw Fang Zikai staring at him blankly, and an inexplicable emotion flashed in his heart. Then he asked Fang Zikai, "Are you together?"

Once Fang Zikai got here, all he really wanted to play was the merry-go-round.

Hearing this, he hurriedly followed his brother's **** and walked towards the merry-go-round.

Two people checked the tickets, and when everyone came out, they went up. The staff helped them fasten their seat belts. Before the Trojan horse started to turn, Fang Zikai suddenly said to Fang Zicheng, “I don’t want to be born in the same year and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day! With you, I’m not afraid.”

Fang Zicheng endured and endured, and in the end he still didn't hold back the words that jumped to his lips. "Fool!"

Fang Zikai hugged the Trojan horse and looked at it excitedly, completely unaware that his brother was scolding himself. They played until noon, still feeling unfulfilled. They ate lunch in the restaurant in Happy Valley, and the dishes they ate were all the same.

Fang Zicheng is actually very picky about eating, but he doesn't show it. He will eat more bites if he likes it, and eat less if he doesn't. At noon today, he only ate a few bites of rice, and then put down his chopsticks dullly. Fang Zikai ate chicken drumsticks and stir-fried pork with peppers, and did not touch anything else.

In the afternoon, they are going to the East Lake to participate in the Aquarium.

Fang Zikai has not been to the aquarium for a long time, just like a curious baby with ADHD. In front of him was Gu Yiqiu, and behind him was Fang Zicheng. He walked side by side with Fang Zicheng. The two brothers were close together, and Fang Zikai asked Fang Zicheng, "What gift shall we buy for my little sister?"

"Wait when you see the one you like, then pick one."

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