Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 930: Uncle, you are amazing

Qiao Jiusheng sighed and said, "When this woman is blind, she is stupid. Once they wake up, they will become very smart. Fortunately, she is not so stupid that she is hopeless."


Fang Yusheng found the nail clippers and cut Qiao Jiusheng's nails.

Since her belly gradually enlarged, the task of cutting her toenails fell on Fang Yusheng. He doesn't dislike the lowliness of the job, and he enjoys working in it.

Qiao Jiusheng said, "Yu Sheng, you have to be considerate, don't drive me out of neurosis, be careful that I can't think about it, so I ran off the building."

Fang Yusheng took the nail clipper and hit Qiao Jiusheng's instep.


Qiao Jiusheng was in pain, snorted, looked up and saw his little son standing at the door of the ward, and immediately put away his face of jokes. "Kai Kai, why are you down?"

Fang Zikai walked in and lay on Qiao Jiusheng's hospital bed.

Qiao Jiusheng pushed him away and said, "The bed is not clean, don't lie on your stomach."

"Okay." Fang Zikai asked Fang Yusheng, "When should I have dinner? Brother said he would like to drink black fish soup."

"I'll let someone do it. It may take a while. The soup will take a long time."

"It doesn't matter, brother is already asleep, he can eat when he wakes up."

Fang Zikai stayed in his parents’ ward and ate dinner. After eating, he went to Wei Shuyi’s office to wander around. Wei Shuyi is on duty tonight, not busy at the moment, watching TV dramas in the office.

Fang Zikai watched with him for a while, felt that Fang Zicheng should be awake soon, and then returned to the pediatric inpatient building.

When he arrived in the ward, Fang Zicheng was already awake. He was drinking fish soup. Lisa made the soup herself. When it was done, she brought the soup with Chi Boguang.

Seeing Fang Zikai, Fang Zicheng asked him, "Where have you been?"

"Went to play in Uncle Wei's office for a while."

He climbed onto Fang Zicheng's hospital bed, did not say hello to Fang Zicheng, took his bowl and took a sip of fish soup. "Delicious!" He drank half a bowl of fish soup in one sip.

Fang Zicheng didn't mind sharing the fish soup with him, but he minded drinking the fish soup in the same bowl with Fang Zikai.

"Dirty, dare to touch my bowl next time..." He said that, leaving the rest to Fang Zikai's imagination.

Fang Zikai asked him, "What will happen?"

Fang Zicheng didn't speak.

Fang Zikai smirked, suddenly knelt up, and quickly put his head in front of Fang Zicheng's face. He secretly kissed Fang Zicheng, and kissed the corner of his mouth. Fang Zikai slid off the bed like a loach after the kiss.

After jumping out of bed, he ran for a distance, turning around and peeping at his brother's reaction.

Fang Zicheng put down his chopsticks and stared at the bowl of fish soup in front of him, hesitating whether to throw the fish on Fang Zikai's face, or to splash the fish soup directly on his head. Fang Zikai was a little afraid of Fang Zicheng, so he quickly ran away.

Lisa and Shirtless Guang kept watching. When Fang Zikai was gone, Lisa said to Fang Zicheng, "Brother is having fun with you."

Fang Zicheng let out a dull voice.

Seeing Fang Zicheng didn't speak any more, Lisa thought he was angry, so she asked him, "Cheng Cheng is angry?"

Fang Zicheng thought about it seriously.

Are you angry?

No, it's just that the opponent Zikai feels helpless by not playing cards according to the routine.

"Not angry." He continued to drink fish soup.

Seeing that Lisa and Chi Boguang were still staring at them, Fang Zicheng thought for a while before he said, "The fish soup is delicious. It's hard work for grandma."

Hearing that, Lisa smiled with a flower on her face.

My wife is happy, but she is happier than anything else.

The atmosphere in the ward was pleasant.

Fang Zikai's health is not serious, and he can be discharged the next day and go back to school to study. Fang Yusheng wanted to accompany Qiao Jiusheng to review his physical condition, and asked Qi Bufan to help Fang Zikai go through the discharge procedures.

It is more troublesome to go through the discharge procedures at the Deep Sea Hospital, and you have to go back and forth several times.

Qi Bufan took the bill and entered the elevator, planning to go downstairs to settle the hospitalization expenses. The elevator was crowded with people. He finally took a detour in the middle of the corridor to take the employee's internal elevator.

There was no one in the elevator. After Qi Bufan got in, the elevator stopped for a while as soon as he came down the second floor.

Someone is going to come in.

Qi Bufan subconsciously took a half step back.

A young girl in a pink nurse uniform walked in and she was answering the phone. The girl got into the elevator and looked up. When she saw Qi Bufan, she seemed to be taken aback.

Qi Bufan noticed the unexpected color in the girl's eyes, and he couldn't help feeling strange.

What's the matter, he looks terrible?

"I'll come, please wait a while. Yes, we have three fast foods in total." After hanging up the takeaway call, Tong Jiao secretly looked back at Qi Bufan.

It happened that Qi Bufan was watching her.

The eyes of the two people collided, and the air crackled for a while.

Qi Bufan's eyes were indifferent, and Tong Jiao was a little panicked at first, but after a while, she recovered her calm. She took the initiative to say hello to Qi Bufan.

Qi Bufan felt inexplicable.

Do they know?

In line with the principle that the lady greeted herself, whether she knew him or not, she should respond, Qi Bufan also nodded and greeted her. Tong Jiao smiled slightly, she took a step back and said to Qi Bufan, "Uncle, you are amazing."

Qi Bufan's eyebrows beat.


For the first time, he had the urge to explain his age to someone.

I am not very old either, I am only 35 years old.

However, the girl in front of her, who looked like she was 25 years old, was able to call him uncle.

Qi Bufan was a little sad, but he didn't say anything.

His face is always indifferent. Hearing Tong Jiao's words, Qi Bufan asked, "What?"

Tong Jiao explained, "You saved Miss Hui yesterday, right?"

"Yeah." Thinking Tong Jiao was Hui Shuya's relative, Qi Bufan said, "Don't be grateful, it's just a small effort."

Tong Jiao: "..."

She asked again, "Uncle, your arm strength must be great, right?"

Qi Bufan glanced at Tong Jiao up and down, and said, "It's not a problem to mention you."

Tong Jiaogui replied in a fascinating way, "Then you try?"

Qi Bufan: "..."

The look in his eyes became strange.

Is this little girl a psychiatric nurse? Have you dealt with mental patients more often and become a little nervous?

After Tong Jiao realized what a shocking remark she had said, she also fell silent.

Damn, how can you be stupid in front of a male god!

Fortunately, at this time, the elevator has reached the first floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Tong Jiao ran out quickly like a little rabbit. Qi Bufan stared at the girl's back, pondered for a moment, and then walked out.

After finishing the discharge procedures for Fang Zikai and helping him pack up his things, Qi Bufan sent him home again.

"Thank you, Uncle Bufan!"

Fang Zikai waved to Qi Bufan, twisted his small butt, and entered Villa No. 9 Mansion.

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