Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 949: The way he loves him, the way he hates him

The glove was still being held in his own hand, and he did not wait until Dai Chukong took it.

Qi Bufan raised his head in surprise and found that Dai Chukong was staring at the gloves with a dazed expression, as if in a trance. Qi Bufan felt weird and asked her, "What's wrong with Chu Kong?"

Dai Chukong took the gloves and put them on.

The gloves are leather. They were a little cold when they were first put on, but they felt warm after a while.

Dai Chukong pushed Qi Bufan and walked slowly towards the elevator door. He entered the elevator and huddled with other family members and patients. The two did not speak. On the first floor, they walked through the lobby, walked out through a side door, and came to the small courtyard.

There are two plastic runways in the small yard. In the middle are some wooden benches and lawns. The area next to the corner of the hospital is planted with some flowers. On the left is a rose garden, and on the right is some small flowers and grasses.

On a cold winter day, the grass and the small flowers in the small yard looked sluggish. And the roses in the small yard were in full bloom.

The delicate and beautiful roses, like drops of blood, gather together and become the shape of flowers.

The rose branches are obviously so slender, but they can withstand severe cold, wind and frost, and hurt people. Dai Chukong looked at the small thorns on the rose vine and inexplicably thought of Qi Bufan.

It was him who gave her a second life, it was him who gave her warmth and happiness, and it was him who made her miserable.

He hurts people more than Rose Teng.

"It's really beautiful." Qi Bufan said, looking at the rose.

He is a man of incomprehension. In his eyes, roses look like that, not as gorgeous and graceful as peony, as fresh and elegant as lilies, and as pure and refined as lotus flowers.

He has never been in love, has never given roses to others, and has never received roses, so he has no special affection for roses. However, in the winter, you can see a large area of ​​small red flowers, which is indeed beautiful.

Dai Chukong smiled upon hearing the words, "No, many patients come to visit them every day!"

Qi Bufan also found out. The two of them were not the only ones who came to admire some roses.

Dai Chukong pushed Qi Bufan away again. They walked slowly round and round on the plastic playground. Qi Bufan tidyed up the blanket on his legs to prevent it from falling to the ground.

As soon as he picked up the blanket, he heard Dai Chukong say, "Have you ever met a woman you like in these years?"

Qi Bufan was stunned.

After wondering what Dai Chukong meant for a while, Qi Bufan hesitated how to answer. After Shaoqing's silence, Qi Bufan chose to face Dai Chukong honestly. He shook his head before saying, "No."

"Is it?"

Dai Chukong breathed a sigh of relief.

If Qi Bufan met someone he liked over the years, and because he was concerned about her existence, causing him to miss a good marriage in vain, Dai Chukong would be even more sad.

She loves him and hopes to be his wife. But Qi Bufan does not love her, but Dai Chukong still hopes that Qi Bufan will be happy, even if the person who brought him happiness is not himself.

His happiness is more important than anything else.

Dai Chukong didn’t understand this truth at first, but this morning she was shocked to see Qi Bufan insisting on rubbing his body, and the wound was so painful that she was groaning and unwilling to let the woman next to him be close to him. .

She understood for the first time what she really loved about this man.

She loves his strict self-discipline, loves his rigid to almost stubborn character, and loves him to do everything in order to save himself, regardless of the righteousness of life.

He just regarded himself as a daughter, but the fact that this daughter wanted to be his woman must scare him. Deep down in his heart, he must be frightened.

Dai Chukong felt very cruel.

She scared this honest and kind man.

Dai Chukong suddenly stopped.

The wheelchair stopped in place.

Qi Bufan noticed it and looked up in confusion. He saw Dai Chukong remove his hand from the wheelchair, and then she walked around in front of him and squatted down. Dai Chukong put both hands on Qi Bufan's knees, she squatted in front of him, looking up at him.

The girl's cheeks looked pure, but her expression was a little cold, which was followed by her mother. Her mother used to be a ballet dancer with a deserted temperament, but she has no regrets for Boss Dai.

Such a good girl deserves another young man to accompany her, not a man who is 17 years older than her and will have her in the soil for too many years in the future.

"Chakukong, what are you doing?"

Qi Bufan wanted to call her up.

Dai Chukong spoke to himself and said suddenly, "You really don't like me, do you?"

Qi Bufan's eyes flickered.

He was a little worried that he would hurt the child if he told the truth.

He has no love for her as a man and woman, but a fatherly love that is deeper than love. He still can't bear to see her showing a wounded expression. At the same time, Qi Bufan knew in his heart that a quick knife can cut the mess, and if he wants to end this deformed relationship, he can only be cruel.

Dai Chukong said, "Please face your heart and tell me whether you love me or not."

Qi Bufan looked at Dai Chukong's eyes gradually overflowing with radiance.

Although knowing the answer hurts, Qi Bufan nodded.

"do not love."

Dai Chukong has been trying hard to hold the tears in his eyes with his eyes. But after hearing these two words, she couldn't help crying.

"I knew it…"

She cried and said, "In these years, you have never come to me, I should know your answer. But I am not reconciled, I always think, I have loved you for so many years, you love me so much, so spoil me, I'm so beautiful again, you will like me for sure."

Dai Chukong wiped his eyes.

Tears are like continuous rain, they can't fall and cannot be wiped off.

Dai Chukong was wiped to the point of collapse, and then she didn't wipe it, she just looked at the serious man in her eyes dimly with tears.

She said, "I love you because you are an upright and kind-hearted man, but I have forgotten that an upright and kind-hearted man has an open heart. How could you have love for your adopted daughter!"

"Brother, do you know, I hate you for your strict self-discipline, can't you be like other men? Don't men covet young and beautiful women? Why are you so serious!" The girl's tone, Full of despair.

She is not so much accusing Qi Bufan as she is slandering herself.

Dai Chukong's reliance is nothing more than being young and beautiful. He is the one who brought him up, and he has been in love with him for more than ten years. But this man didn't like beauty. He was a gentleman, and his blood was righteous.

No one knows her pain.

Qi Bufan could probably feel the pain in Dai Chukong's heart.

He frowned, and was speechless for a long time before he sighed, "But isn't it exactly this disciplined and serious Qi Bufan that you love?"

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