In the end, Qi Bufan didn't change her clothes.

Dai Chukong woke up before dawn. At that time, Qi Bufan was leaning on the cot, frowning and sleeping. When Dai Chukong got out of bed, he moved extra cautiously.

She went to a toilet and poured herself a glass of water to drink, which made her feel better.

Finding that her clothes had been changed, and the thermal underwear and bra inside were still there, her eyes flashed, and she went back to the bed to lie down. Qi Bufan didn't wake up until more than nine o'clock in his sleep. The moment he opened his eyes, he found Dai Chukong peeking at him.

Qi Bufan did not avoid her gaze.

Dai Chukong didn't feel embarrassed, so she watched him quietly.

After a long while, Qi Bufan spoke.

"If what you said yesterday is true."

"Huh?" Dai Chukong asked him, "What?"

Qi Bufan explained, "If it is true that I was drunk the night you said and called you, then I must explain it." He sat up slowly, and the wound was a little painful.

This injury may not be healed.

Not wanting Dai Chukong to worry, Qi Bufan deliberately made himself look better. He looked at Dai Chukong squarely and said, "Maybe I did say to you that I can't live without you. In fact, when I drove you away yesterday, I couldn't bear it."

Dai Chukong's eyes lit up.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Bufan spoke again. "But you misunderstood what I meant. I really can't live without you, because you are the one I raised as my own child. You are my child. My child suddenly ignored me. Of course I feel uncomfortable."

Dai Chukong didn't believe it, "You lied."

Qi Bufan sighed and said, "Chukong, you know I won't lie to you, especially on this matter."

Dai Chukong's eyes were darkened, and his back, which had been straightened, seemed to be bent a lot.

"Chakukong, I do love you very much, and I don’t want you to be wronged, but all these are based on the fact that you are my child. As you said, you are young and beautiful, and I am an old bachelor. I should like it. Yours. But Chukong, I don’t love you, and I can’t love you. I think people should always have a bottom line. My bottom line is that it’s absolutely not right to my daughter to go beyond incest."

He stood up and walked to Chukong's front. Qi Bufan bent down slightly and rubbed Dai Chukong's head, just like she did when she was a child. Whether it was painful or uncomfortable or wronged, Qi Bufan would gently rub her head.

"Chuku, you are still young, you have the fearlessness and boldness that people at this age have, and the courage not to be afraid of making mistakes. But I am different from you. I am 38 and an adult. I understand what is right and what is right. Wrong. You listen to me, go out and see, meet more people, make more friends, and sooner or later you will meet another person who is worthy of your brave love."

He squatted down in front of her and looked at her with calm eyes, "Remember, Dad will always be here and your home will always be there. When you find the right person, bring him back and show me. Look. Dad will always be with you, not as a man, but as a father."

Dai Chukong heard the resolute meaning from Qi Bufan's tone.

"So you, are you really going to drive me away?"

"It's not to drive you away, but to let you go outside to take a look." Qi Bufan said, "Chu Kong, the world is so big, don't always revolve around me."

Dai Chukong did not cry this time.

She felt the cruelty of this man for the first time.

In this life, the luckiest thing that happened to her was meeting Qi Bufan, and the cruelest thing was meeting Qi Bufan. She understands what Qi Bufan said, and understands that the truth is indeed that way, but when she thinks that she has been in love with this person for so many years, she will suddenly lose the qualification to like him, and her heart hurts.

"I'm leaving, what do you do if you are alone?" Although Dai Chukong did not cry, his eyes were still full of tears. "Didn't you say that you can't lose me?"

"Stupid boy, I didn't lose you, you just left me temporarily to find a better yourself. If you are interested, remember to come back and see me later." Qi Bufan smiled relievedly, and he said, "How can I be alone? What? I have so many brothers, with Mr. Fang and his family with me, I am not alone."

Dai Chukong suddenly hugged Qi Bufan.

She bit his shoulder and cried silently.

Qi Bufan gently patted her on the back, saying sorry in his heart over and over again.

On the flight back to Binjiang City, the two of them were very calm. Dai Chukong personally sent Qi Bufan to Fang's house. Seeing Dai Chukong, Qiao Jiusheng and Fang Yusheng were a little surprised.

"Big Brother Fang, Sister Asheng." Dai Chukong greeted them happily as if he appeared in this house for the first time. But at that time, there was still a difference from the past.

Qiao Jiusheng was surprised for a moment, and then recovered his composure.

She smiled and praised Dai Chukong, "Chukun is getting more and more beautiful. Come here, let's talk."

Dai Chukong said, "Wait a moment, I will send my father to his room first."

With this dad, Dai Chukong made a natural call.

Qiao Jiusheng and the others are all human beings, so naturally they also noticed the change in Dai Chukong's verbal address to Qi Bufan. "Then you go." Looking at the back of Dai Chukong leaving with Qi Bufan, Qiao Jiusheng asked Fang Yusheng, "What do you think?"

Fang Yusheng said, "They should have said something."

After staying at Fang's house for dinner, Dai Chukong accompanied Qiao Jiusheng to her studio. Qiao Jiusheng's studio has a tatami mat on which a soft blanket is spread.

Qiao Jiusheng sat on the blanket, playing with a piece of jade scrap in his hand, wondering how to use it. Dai Chukong admired the completed jade carvings in the room and admired it in his heart.

"Sister A Sheng is amazing."

Qiao Jiusheng smiled and shook his head, "I was a half-hearted in what I learned back then, and I have learned jade carving." She spread out her hands, her palms were not delicate, she often took a carving knife and leftover materials, and her fingers were rough, like ordinary girls. different.

"Look at my hand, this is the price I paid."

Dai Chukong also touched it, it was really rough. "That's also great."

Noting the jade pendant worn by Dai Chukong's neck, Qiao Jiusheng gave a hey. "I carved this, Bufan gave it to you?"


"Wear it, it suits you."

Dai Chukong said hello.

She was playing with a piece of jade that had not been cut in her hand, and suddenly said in a low voice, "He asked me to go for a walk and see more. He hoped that I would make more friends. He also said that I will make my favorites in the future. The man brought it back and let him check..."

Dai Chukong could no longer speak.

She was afraid that if she continued speaking, she would lose control of her emotions and would break down and cry.

Qiao Jiusheng's expression was stunned. She stared at Dai Chukong's way of crying or not, and she was particularly unhappy. "Hey! Who do you love is not good, you prefer to fall in love with your adoptive father."

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