Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 965: Be my wife ginger

Hearing Fang Yuqing's words, Jiang Wei whispered, "When I lend you the clothes, I should tell you who I am." Maybe they will develop a relationship because of this.

Fang Yuqing smiled, her smile full of regret.

Fang Yuqing was very happy to find that Jiang Wei had had a good impression of him a long time ago. She asked Jiang Wei, "So you have a crush on me?"

Jiang Wei couldn't help but snorted coldly at the thought of the discarded love letter. "You think too much." He got up and left, Fang Yuqing quickly stood up and took his hand from behind.

"Well, you don't have a crush on me, it's me who has a crush on you." She murmured and spoiled him.

The corner of Jiang Wei's mouth curled up, and he said, "You know it." His tone was disgusting, but he couldn't bear to let go of Fang Yuqing's hand.

Jiang Wei didn't plan to tell Fang Yuqing that he had written her a love letter. Once she knew it, she would definitely think about it again.

In the past, let them pass.

When two people strolled to the small garden between the school administration building and the third teaching building, it was time for get out of class. There are three classes in the afternoon in the middle of the day, and it happens to be the end of the second class.

The students walked out of the classroom and stood in the hallway to talk.

Jiang Wei and Fang Yuqing stood in the small garden. They looked good and easily attracted the attention of the students. Fang Yuqing took Jiang Wei to leave, but Jiang Wei did not move.

Fang Yuqing was a little surprised, "What are you doing here?"

Jiang Wei said, "Give me a few minutes, I have something to tell you." His face was serious, as if he was about to talk about state secrets.

Fang Yuqing was flustered, but still stood in front of him and did not leave in a hurry.

Jiang Wei carried a bag today. Fang Yuqing had noticed it a long time ago, but didn't check what was in the bag.

Jiang Wei tightly tugged on the strap of the messenger bag with his right hand, and his expression looked nervous. Fang Yuqing felt inexplicable, so she asked him, "Are you going to break up with me?" Besides, Fang Yuqing couldn't think of a situation that would make Jiang Wei so embarrassed and nervous.

Jiang Wei glared at her fiercely.

Fang Yuqing was stared with guilty conscience. "Then what are you going to tell me?"

Jiang Wei took a deep breath, then exhaled a long breath. Then, he shook Fang Yuqing's hand, "Next, no matter what I say, you are not allowed to leave."

"…it is good."

Fang Yuqing was also nervous because of Jiang Wei's nervousness.

Jiang Wei said, "I know, you don't like Yizhong."

Fang Yuqing's eyes narrowed slightly. When Jiang Wei was silent just now, she imagined many scenes where Jiang Wei was talking, but she didn't expect that he would say these incomprehensible words.

She was very puzzled, but she still answered Jiang Wei, "I don't like it very much."

"I know, because No. 1 Middle School has hurt you too much. Whether it is Hu Cheng, Musa, and those strangers who hurt you with words, you are bored with this school. You don't like No. 1 Middle School, it is normal. of."

Fang Yuqing frowned and asked Jiang Wei, "What are you going to tell me?"

Jiang Wei said eagerly, "But for me, No.1 Middle School is a very good place. This is the place where I lived. I spent 18 years old here and became a teenager without being an adult."

"I'm here, I met Song Zhi, I met many other friends, and I also met you in a real sense."

Fang Yuqing frowned further.

Jiang Wei held her hand tightly, and he said, "I like it here, and I hope you like it too. I know that every time you think about No. 1 High School, you will be unhappy. But I hope you will think about No. 1 High School in the future. , What you think of is not Hu Cheng, not Musa, nor those bad gossips."

The corners of Jiang Wei's lips curled up, and his smile was deep and charming.

Fang Yuqing heard Jiang Wei say, "I hope that when others mention No. 1 High School, you will tell them with a smile: Oh, No. 1 High School. That's where I went to high school and where my spouse proposed to me. ."

Fang Yuqing's eyes suddenly widened.

She thought she had auditory hallucinations.


Jiang Wei opened the satchel he carried with him and took out a suede box from it. Jiang Wei opened the box and took out an ice blue diamond ring. The diamond ring was cut into a diamond shape, about five carats. The blue diamond was surrounded by a circle of broken diamonds.

This ring is the main item of this year's crown for love. It is quite expensive and most people can't buy it.

Why can't I buy it?

Because it is very demanding on the buyer, the buyer must not only have money, but also be single. When buying a ring, you must bring your account book page to prove that you are really single.

The inside of the ring can be engraved, and only the name of your future partner can be engraved. Once the name of the person who appears in your household register in the future is different from the name engraved on your ring, the manufacturer has the right to recall the ring, and Customers who buy rings will be added to the list of life-long blacklists of crowned jewelry brands for love.

Why is it so awkward?

Because its designer is Qiao family owner Qiao Sen, and this ring is also named——


Loyalty does not mean that the person who wears the ring must be loyal to the husband, but the man who gave the ring to the wife must be loyal to love for the rest of his life and live up to his affection.

This ring is only available at the head office of the International Headquarters of Crown Jewelry in Junyang City. Jiang Wei didn't go to work this morning, so he took his household registration book and flew to Junyang City to buy this ring.

Fang Yuqing was already moved when she heard Jiang Wei's words. Seeing Jiang Wei taking out the ring from his bag, Fang Yuqing was moved to tears.

"Jiang Wei..." Fang Yuqing burst into tears suddenly.

Jiang Wei held her hand and asked her, "Qingqing, are you willing to be my Mrs. Jiang?"

What else can Fang Yuqing say?

She nodded hurriedly and said hurriedly, "I do!" Of course she would, she would never meet someone better than Jiang Wei again. In this life, it is her honor to be favored by Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei saw that she nodded in agreement, and the hanging heart instantly fell back to the real place.

He put the ring on Fang Yuqing's finger.

He kissed Fang Yuqing's finger, then put Fang Yuqing in his arms and kissed her on the lips.

This group of senior high school dogs, who were overwhelmed by learning, all ran out of the classroom to be light bulbs. They looked at the bunch of men and women embracing and kissing in the garden downstairs, feeling excited.


"You must be happy!"

Although they don't know them, they still send them their most sincere blessings.

Hearing the noise, the senior high school teacher ran out of the office.

Jiang Wei's former head teacher naturally recognized him. When he was studying, Jiang Wei had done everything except for not having a puppies, smoking, fighting, clubbing and arguing with the teacher.

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