Reincarnation: I Married My Ex’s Brother

Chapter 994: Qiao Jiu has a good job

The woman nodded and said, "It's so good to raise. Ah, the yoga teacher seems to be here, go and gather." After speaking, she turned around and left, and the group of women around followed turned and left.

Qiao Jiusheng was a few steps behind, and vaguely heard a woman with yellow hair whispering to the woman in beige clothes. She said, "I heard that Qiao Jiusheng has a very **** body and looks like a fairy. I thought he was such a good-looking person. Nope. It is really a disaster to think of a woman having a child in her life. She is estimated to be one hundred and two, but she is really fat, she can eat it when she is pregnant, the child is born with seven catties and four liang, my God, no wonder she wants To repair the pelvic floor muscles, a child of that age must have been cut sideways when he was born."

Qiao Jiusheng: "..."


Qiao Jiusheng will also practice yoga today.

The yoga room is quite big, with mirrors on the front and back. The yoga teacher is very temperamental, in his forties, with fair skin and not particularly good-looking, but he feels very comfortable.

Qiao Jiusheng is new here, and she is in the first row.

After she found her place and sat down, she found that behind her diagonally was the woman who had spoken to her actively before. Qiao Jiusheng called her Miss A. Miss A found Qiao Jiusheng looking at herself and smiled at her.

Although Qiao Jiusheng is fat, his face has a little fleshy, but his facial features are still exquisite, and he wears makeup. Anyone who sees it will feel amazing. Qiao Jiusheng also smiled at Miss A. With this smile, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and the pear vortex was looming. The brown peach eyes were bent into two crescents, and the eyes were shining, which was indeed attractive.

Miss A was stunned, her smile a little uncomfortable.

Qiao Jiusheng followed the yoga teacher to make movements.

When changing the second position, everyone turned around, Qiao Jiusheng stared at Miss A's back, and suddenly asked her, "How many months has your baby been?"

Miss A said, "It's been two months."

Qiao Jiusheng asked again, "Boys and girls?"

Miss A said, "Boy."

"Oh." Oh, Qiao Jiusheng thought of something, and she said again, "Your son must be cute and his ears must be big?"

Miss A's expression is a little confused.

She doesn't remember that Qiao Jiusheng had seen her son, so how did she know what her child looked like? Miss A was puzzled and couldn't think of a result, so she asked Qiao Jiusheng, "How did Mrs. Fang know?"

Qiao Jiusheng said, "You look good, and your son must also look good. I guess he must have a handsome nose, black eyes and big ears."

"Yes." Ms. A seemed very happy when Qiao Jiusheng mentioned her son, so she said, "The relatives of his father's family all praised him for his good-looking appearance."

Qiao Jiusheng nodded and said, "It must be beautiful, Tutu with big ears, who doesn't like it?"

Miss A was stunned for a moment.

She carefully recalled what Qiao Jiusheng said just now, and then she grasped one important point-Qiao Jiusheng has been repeatedly emphasizing that his son's ears are big.

The ears are big...

Miss A looked at herself in the glasses.

In the mirror, her ears were a little big. When she was a child, she was laughed at by her classmates for being windy ears. Later, she had a slight plastic surgery to make it look better. But it's still a bit big. Miss A turned her head and stared at Qiao Jiusheng with an angry expression in her eyes.

"Mrs. Fang, what do you mean!" Ms. A seems gentle and dignified, but her character is not tolerant of sand.

Qiao Jiusheng scolded her son as a big ear tutu, how could she not be angry?

The smile on Qiao Jiusheng's face disappeared.

She didn't bother to smirk again.

Qiao Jiusheng stared at her with a smile but a smile. She said, "What do I mean you didn't point the B number? You see that I have gained weight and become ugly. I deliberately said my identity and asked my child's weight. I just want to see it. I was ridiculed by those women?"

Qiao Jiusheng's words are very shabby, rude and straightforward.

Obviously all the eldest ladies who have been educated by etiquette, Miss A has to be gentle and virtuous, but Qiao Jiusheng is her own way. Qiao Jiusheng dared to say vulgar words like ‘B number’ in private, but Miss A couldn’t say it.

After hearing Qiao Jiusheng's words, Miss A's face turned green and white.

What Qiao Jiusheng said was the truth, she couldn't refute it at all.

"be quiet!"

The yoga teacher heard someone muttering, and quickly interrupted their conversation.

Until the end of the yoga class, Miss A and Qiao Jiusheng never looked at each other again. When the yoga class was over, when Qiao Jiusheng entered the locker room to change clothes, he saw Miss A standing in front of her closet.

In this regard, Qiao Jiusheng was a little surprised, but not particularly surprised.

She wants to change clothes, but Miss A will not leave, and Qiao Jiusheng cannot kick her away. After a moment of thought, she took off her clothes in front of Miss A. Seeing Qiao Jiusheng's somewhat sagging abdomen, Miss A twitched the corners of her mouth ironically.

Qiao Jiusheng put on the sweater and heard Miss A say, "Is Mr. Fang interested in you as well?"

This is going to completely tear his skin.

Qiao Jiusheng's eyes were cold.

She didn't know when she had offended such a man.

Miss A is not very tall, about the same height as Qiao Jiusheng. Qiao Jiusheng raised her head to look at her. She laughed arrogantly, and said to Miss A particularly proudly, "I'm fat, and he likes it too."

Glancing at Miss A with contemptuous eyes, Qiao Jiusheng smiled and said, "You are very thin, why don't you see him like it?"

Miss A's face changed after hearing this.

Upon seeing this, Qiao Jiusheng knew what was going on.

This person turned out to be Fang Yusheng's secret admirer. To be precise, it should be the lover of the other party Yusheng's secret love but could not. Qiao Jiusheng put on his clothes calmly, and when he was about to close the cabinet, he heard the phone ring.

Qiao Jiusheng smiled as soon as he scanned the caller.

"My husband called, you still have to stand by and listen to us?" Qiao Jiusheng shook the phone in her hand towards Miss A.

Miss A gave her an angry look, then turned and left.

As soon as the phone was connected, Qiao Jiusheng heard Fang Yusheng say, "Asheng, I'm at the door of your rehabilitation center, how long will you still have?" Let the children come to pick her up.

Qiao Jiusheng said, "Immediately."

She walked out of the postpartum rehabilitation center with her bag, and stood at the gate. She saw Fang Yusheng and the three of them. The two sons were wearing school uniforms, while Fang Yusheng was wearing a beige woolen coat. He leaned against the car with a bucket of popcorn in his hand.

Fang Zikai and Fang Zicheng stood on his left and right, and the father and son were sharing the same bucket of popcorn.

Seeing Qiao Jiusheng coming out, Fang Yusheng's indifferent handsome face suddenly raised a dazzling smile, "Asheng, here!" Fang Yusheng's eyes were still hot when he looked at her, just like when he was in love.

In his eyes, whether Qiao Jiusheng is fat, thin, ugly, or Tianxian, as long as she is Qiao Jiusheng, the soul he loves deeply, that is the person he is obsessed with.

Qiao Jiusheng saw Fang Yusheng's eyes, and the faint irritability in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Why should she care about the contempt of those women?

They are not shit!

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