Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1021 Are you deaf?

The middle-aged man looked back with some concern, and then replied in a low voice: "I am not sure whether this senior is a cultivator, but his strength may have reached the Duyuan realm!"

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, the other young man said bitterly: "We are really unlucky. We didn't expect to run into a terrifying Duyuan realm shortly after entering the Wuji Thunder Realm."

The middle-aged man and the other young man also nodded slightly in agreement, but they were also quite fortunate in their hearts that this senior did not have the intention to kill, otherwise they might not be in the world at this time.

Then the three of them continued to move forward in the Wuji Thunder Realm, absorbing the power of lightning and looking for good fortune.

However, the three of them have obviously become more cautious afterwards. Even when facing cultivators who are weaker than them in perception, they dare not act rashly, but have to perceive and consider carefully.

As time passed, the lightning in the Wuji Thunder Realm continued to weaken, and the second-level cultivators were able to enter the outer periphery of the Thunder Realm.

The number of cultivators in the second realm far exceeds that of the third realm. With their entry, the Wuji Thunder Realm suddenly became much more lively.

It was also because the power of thunder and lightning was weakened that the power of thunder and lightning near Li Xuanfeng was also constantly weakening.

He had no choice but to continue to move forward into the depths of the Wuji Thunder Realm, so that the gathered thunder and lightning power could maintain the power he needed.

As he continued to move forward, the thunder attribute spiritual power in Li Xuanfeng's body continued to increase, and he was already approaching the late stage of the Palm Source Realm.

What made Li Xuanfeng feel extremely regretful was that he did not gain any insight into the origin of thunder.

After entering the Wuji Thunder Realm, Li Xuanfeng's ultimate goal was to comprehend the origin of thunder and take his strength to a higher level.

Although the power of the virtual origin exceeded the real origin, if there were a few more real origins, it would be very likely that Li Xuanfeng's cultivation and strength would be further improved.

Although Li Xuanfeng is now in the Duyuan Realm, he still only has the virtual origin, not a real origin.

This is extremely rare in the cultivation world. Generally, cultivators in the Palm Source Realm will try their best to comprehend a real origin and improve their combat power.

Generally speaking, the comprehending of the real origin is much easier than the virtual origin. If you are in the Palm Source Realm where you cannot comprehend the real origin, it is almost impossible to improve your cultivation to the Degree Source Realm.

However, because Li Xuanfeng had been comprehending in the Samsara Secret Realm for 90 years, he directly jumped from the early stage of the Palm Source Realm to the early stage of the Degree Source Realm, so he has not yet comprehended the real origin.

In the process of advancing to the depths of the Wuji Thunder Realm, the thunder group where Li Xuanfeng was located once again attracted the attention of several cultivators, and even attracted two thunder beasts.

The cultivation of these cultivators and thunder beasts is the Palm Source Realm. Once they take action, they will naturally not be able to escape the fate of being robbed by Li Xuanfeng.

For the cultivators, it is better, they are just injured and hand over all their resources.

For the thunder beasts, their bodies are resources, and naturally they cannot escape the fate of being killed and harvested by Li Xuanfeng.

Among the monks who were robbed, there were naturally people from the three peak forces. After someone was injured, he immediately announced his family.

But the existence in the thunder group still had no fear. They still robbed their resources.

As more monks were robbed by Li Xuanfeng, the news finally spread.

There was a thunder group of several dozen feet in size in the thunder area, and a very powerful palm source realm was hidden inside it.

Perfect, or even a powerful source realm master, who could be robbed as long as he attacked him.

If two or three people were robbed by Li Xuanfeng outside the Wuji Thunder Area, the news would spread quickly.

In the Wuji Thunder Area, because the spiritual consciousness was greatly suppressed, and everyone was extremely wary of other monks, the news spread at a very slow speed.

Hearing this rumor, the monks who had been robbed were gnashing their teeth in hatred, but most of them did not dare to show any dissatisfaction, for fear that the senior in the thunder group would settle accounts with them after knowing it.

The other monks who had not been robbed were extremely surprised and doubted whether the person in the thunder ball was a powerful person in the Duyuan realm.

If it was really a powerful person in the Duyuan realm, it was probably not because the other party was really lacking in resources, but because he had a habit of robbing others.

For a powerful person in the Duyuan realm who was already at the peak level in the star field, even if he lacked resources, it would not make much sense to rob a monk in the Palm Source realm.

The rare resources needed for the cultivation of a powerful person in the Duyuan realm were rarely possessed by the Palm Source realm monks. I am afraid that even if a large number of Palm Source realm monks were robbed, the required resources would be very few.

Because of this, many monks speculated that the person in the thunder ball was not a powerful person in the Duyuan realm, but just a Palm Source realm with extremely strong combat power.

After the news of robbing resources spread, the monks in the Wuji Thunder Domain suddenly became extremely vigilant about the thunder ball. If they saw it, they would immediately stay away and dare not approach it at all.

They even had no time to judge whether the thunder ball they met was the one in the rumor, for fear that they would be robbed if they escaped too slowly.

There were also many cultivators who, while absorbing the power of lightning, suddenly discovered that there was a thunder ball moving forward in the distance, approaching where they were.

Sensing this, these cultivators immediately stopped absorbing the power of lightning to practice, and fled like frightened birds, as if they were being chased by the thunder ball.

These cultivators stopped only after they had escaped a very long distance and could no longer sense the sudden thunder ball. They even felt extremely fortunate in their hearts, silently saying that it was a good thing that they escaped quickly.

But that was just Li Xuanfeng moving normally towards the depths of the Wuji Thunder Domain, and he didn't pay any attention to these cultivators at all.

If Li Xuanfeng wanted to hunt them down, as long as they appeared in the range of Li Xuanfeng's spiritual sense, these cultivators would have nowhere to escape.

Therefore, the thunder group where Li Xuanfeng was located was rarely disturbed. Although there was no opportunity to rob resources, it also allowed Li Xuanfeng to absorb the power of thunder and lightning more calmly.

Tianxing Sect and Chenxi Sect also had powerful people in the Duyuan Realm entering the Wuji Thunder Domain.

At this time, hearing that the palm source realm of their own sect was robbed by others, the powerful people in the Duyuan Realm of the two sects suddenly showed a lot of anger, and they had already begun to look for the thunder group where Li Xuanfeng was in the Wuji Thunder Domain.

The two people had quite the same idea. They wanted to see who was hiding in the thunder group and what kind of strength they had, and dared to attack the people of their three peak forces.

Listening to the elder of the palm source realm, he had already introduced himself, but the existence in the thunder group still did not hold back at all, as if he was not afraid of Tianxing Sect and Chenxi Sect at all.

Li Xuanfeng also knew that this matter might attract the intervention of other powerful beings in the Source Realm who had entered the Thunder Domain.

Therefore, he had already used the secret method of concealment. In addition, his appearance was burned black by the power of thunder and lightning, so it might not be easy for the other party to recognize him.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Li Xuanfeng had been in the Wuji Thunder Domain for five days.

Although Li Xuanfeng looked extremely miserable at this time, his aura was much stronger.

Although Li Xuanfeng's cultivation had not improved, he had completely stabilized his cultivation in the Source Realm.

After entering the third realm, it was difficult to improve cultivation, and more importantly, it was necessary to comprehend the power of the origin.

If one could not improve in the perception of the power of the origin, even if one absorbed more rare resources, it would be almost impossible to improve the cultivation in the third realm.

At this time, the thunder attribute spiritual power in Li Xuanfeng's body had been improved to the level of the late Palm Source Realm, and the strength of his physical body was also approaching the late Palm Source Realm in the thunder and lightning tempering.

Although his cultivation had not improved, Li Xuanfeng's combat power had improved slightly.

On that day, a white-haired old man in luxurious brocade clothes suddenly sensed the thunder ball that was slowly moving forward.

Although this man's hair and beard were all white, his face was very ruddy, and it was obvious that his blood and qi were extremely strong.

Seeing the thunder ball where Li Xuanfeng was, the white-haired old man's eyes suddenly showed a fierce light, and he said in a deep voice: "I finally found you, you are so brave that you dare to rob the elders of my Tianxing Sect!"

This white-haired old man is the great elder of Tianxing Sect. It was he who led the cultivators of Tianxing Sect into the Wuji Thunder Domain this time.

But unexpectedly, three of the Tianxing Sect's origin-controlling cultivators were robbed by this thunder ball before they encountered the danger brought by the thunder beast.

This seemed to slap him in the face. No matter whether there were cultivators or thunder beasts in this thunder ball, or what their identities were, he could not easily reveal this matter.

Although he already knew that the existence in this thunder ball was most likely a cultivator of the Source Realm, as the great elder of the Tianxing Sect, he was confident that he could suppress it.

At this time, the expression of the great elder of the Tianxing Sect became extremely gloomy, because after he shouted, the thunder ball did not stop at all, as if it did not hear his words, and continued to move slowly towards the depths of the thunder domain.

In the process of moving forward, the infinite power of thunder and lightning continued to gather towards this thunder ball.

However, this thunder ball did not expand, which meant that the gathered thunder and lightning power was being continuously absorbed by the existence inside it, reaching a balance.

"I'm talking to you, are you deaf?" The angry great elder of the Tianxing Sect shouted in a low voice, and his body flashed and rushed out suddenly, instantly approaching the thunder ball where Li Xuanfeng was, and slapped it hard.

A black palm print with an ancient atmosphere condensed instantly, and it was surrounded by amazing black flames. When approaching Li Xuanfeng, it suddenly caused the thunder and lightning that gathered towards him to collapse directly.

As the black palm print approached, the thunder ball where Li Xuanfeng was located paused slightly, stopped moving forward, and stopped.

As the thunder ball stopped, the rushing palm print approached at a faster speed.

The power released by the black palm print caused the gathered lightning to collapse rapidly, and even caused the thunder ball to dissipate at a very fast speed!

In just a moment, most of the thunder ball of several dozen feet in size dissipated, revealing the figure of Li Xuanfeng inside.

The great elder of Tianxing Sect immediately saw a humanoid creature with a blurred face and a charred body.

Seeing this scene, he was slightly stunned and murmured: "What race is this?"

He had never seen such a unique creature, which looked like a human cultivator, but seemed not to be.

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