Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1040 Found the trace!

Thinking that Cheng Hai was most likely suppressed shortly after entering the Wuji Thunder Territory, the eyes of the head of the Cheng family suddenly showed a sharp light, and he once again sent a message to the three elders of the Duyuan Realm and his own family: "Have you ever seen this before? The Lord of the Bai Clan?”

This time, two people replied that they had met them, and they were the great elders of Tianxing Sect and Chenxi Sect.

Just telling them that they had met the leader of the Bai clan would not violate their oath. They were even extremely willing to tell the head of the Cheng family this news, hoping to use his help to get rid of Li Xuanfeng.

Otherwise, if Li Xuanfeng is allowed to fully grow up, he may threaten their sect and become an unstable scourge.

And although the head of the Cheng family is also a Duyuan realm monk like them, their strength is so different that they cannot compare with each other.

Therefore, although the head of the Cheng family is from another force, the two great elders of the Tianxing Sect and Chenxi Sect still respect him extremely.

As long as you can can tell everything you know.

After hearing them say that they had seen the leader of the Bai clan, the sharp light in the eyes of the head of the Cheng family suddenly turned into fierceness, and he suddenly turned around and galloped away into the depths of the Wuji Thunder Territory.

Since Cheng Hai was most likely suppressed when he first entered the Wuji Thunder Territory, but the leader of the Bai clan was fine, then this matter was most likely the result that he thought was impossible at first.

The strength of the leader of the Bai clan increased again, causing Cheng Hai to capsize in the gutter!

He did not ask the two Duyuan realms where they met the Lord of the Bai clan, because it was useless to ask.

The endless power of thunder and lightning in the Wuji Thunder Field greatly suppresses sight and consciousness. Even if the location is known, it is difficult to identify. Moreover, Li Xuanfeng may have left the place long ago, so he can only go into the depths of the Thunder Field to search in person.

After flying a certain distance, countless small lightning currents suddenly appeared on the body of the head of the Cheng family, and his figure instantly shrank into a thunderbolt as thick as a thumb, speeding away into the depths of the Infinite Thunder Field.

In order to prevent the Thunder Dragon clan from discovering it, the head of the Cheng family even changed the color of his own thunder and lightning to purple, completely merging with the countless thunder and lightning in the Wuji Thunder Field.

This is the same method as Li Xuanfeng and the man in purple, which shows that the head of the Cheng family also has the origin of thunder!

Moreover, the head of the Cheng family has understood the origin of thunder for thousands of years, and his control over the power of thunder and lightning is more sophisticated than Li Xuanfeng.

Although he transformed into a bolt of thunder, the head of the Cheng family did not slow down at all, and galloped towards the depths of the Wuji Thunder Field at an extremely astonishing speed.

At this time, the thunder power in the area he was in was just approaching the third level, and the thunder dragons in it could not find any trace of him at all.

Although these thunder dragons felt that the ripples caused by the nearby thunder and lightning suddenly strengthened a bit, their spiritual senses were unable to keep up with the speed of the head of the Cheng family and did not detect any unusual figures.

So these thunder dragons didn't pay too much attention to it. This sudden increase in ripples was extremely common when the Wuji Thunder Territory was not in a weakening stage.

Although the thunder and lightning power in this area will hardly fluctuate when the Wuji Thunder Domain is in the weakening stage, after all, the Wuji Thunder Territory is in the non-weakening stage most of the time, and these thunder dragons have become accustomed to it.

After passing through the area where the thunder and lightning power was around the Palm Source Realm, the head of the Cheng family did not slow down at all, but continued to gallop towards the interior of the Wuji Thunder Territory.

It wasn't until he approached the area where the thunder and lightning power was in the Source Realm that the head of the Cheng family slowed down, maintaining the same speed as the large number of nearby thunder and lightning.

Speed, completely integrated into the numerous thunder and lightning.

He knew very well that the Duyuan Realm Thunder Dragon was already extremely powerful. If he continued to move faster than the nearby thunder and lightning, they would all be aware of it.

If it were just a thunder dragon in the early stage of Duyuan Realm, he could kill it in an instant, making it unable to cry out for help.

But now there are a lot of Brontosaurus activities in this area. As long as he is discovered, it will inevitably cause more fluctuations. After being noticed by many Brontosaurus, it will be too late to stop them from calling for help.

Once a thunder dragon makes a cry for help, it will attract a large number of thunder dragons. In the end, if the ancestor of the thunder dragon clan is attracted to take action, even the head of the Cheng family will not be confident that he can escape from the Wuji Thunder Territory safely!

At this time, the Lei Longzheng clan did not notice at all that an extremely powerful human monk had entered the Wuji Thunder Domain, and even entered the area they were searching for.

Even the purple-gold thunder dragon and other beasts in the late Duyuan realm were unable to detect the head of the Cheng family who was hiding among countless thunder and lightning. He felt like he was in a deserted place.

At this time, the head of the Cheng family wants to find Bai Xuanfeng, the leader of the Bai clan, so that he can truly know the whereabouts of Cheng Hai.

Although it is not yet certain whether the leader of the Bai tribe suppressed Cheng Hai, the head of the Cheng family already had a hunch that the leader of the Bai tribe must have known about the accident that happened after Cheng Hai entered the Wuji Thunder Territory!

Moreover, the head of the Cheng family now hopes that the leader of the Bai clan suppressed Cheng Hai. In his opinion, dealing with the leader of the Bai clan is much easier than dealing with the Thunder Dragon clan.

Moreover, if he was suppressed by the leader of the Bai clan, Cheng Hai would most likely still be alive, but if he was suppressed by the Thunder Dragon clan, he would probably be dead.

However, the scope of the Wuji Thunder Field was too large, and coupled with the suppression of divine consciousness, it greatly increased the difficulty of his search.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng has been moving rapidly. The head of the Cheng family does not know which area he is in, so searching for him is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The head of the Cheng family could only rely on his own guesses to search in the area where the power of lightning reached the Duyuan realm. In his opinion, the Lord of the Bai clan wanted to improve his strength now, so he would definitely not go to the area below the Duyuan realm.

Because the power of lightning in the area of ​​the Zhangyuan realm could not improve Li Xuanfeng's strength much.

Time passed quickly, and three months passed in a flash.

Perhaps Li Xuanfeng was lucky, the head of the Cheng family never found his trace. In the process of moving forward at the same time, they even passed each other not far away outside the range of their spiritual sense.

Because this distance was beyond the range of their spiritual sense, neither side found each other.

As the figure of the Lord of the Bai clan was not seen after continuous searching, the head of the Cheng family was extremely impatient, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

On this day, the thunder transformed by Li Xuanfeng suddenly made a subtle crackling sound again, which was completely different from the thunder sound of the nearby thunder and lightning, and the hidden breath became more powerful.

After another three months of thunder and lightning training, Li Xuanfeng's physical strength finally broke through to the middle stage of the Source Realm.

And Li Xuanfeng's thunder attribute spiritual power had also been upgraded to the middle stage of the Source Realm a few days ago, and like the physical strength, it was at the same level as the cultivation level, and his combat power was greatly improved again.

However, Li Xuanfeng had been prepared, and blocked the crackling sound coming from his body to the minimum extent, only spreading out a range of thirty feet, and chose an area where there was no thunder dragon nearby.

Feeling his more powerful physical strength, Li Xuanfeng's expression was not excited at all, but his brows slightly frowned, and his eyes showed contemplation.

There were only the last three months left in the weakening period of the Wuji Thunder Realm. Judging from the speed of this improvement, he could no longer improve his physical strength to the late stage of the Source Realm in this time.

It took a full three months to improve the physical strength from the early stage of the Source Realm to the middle stage of the Source Realm. It would take more time to break through to the late stage of the Source Realm.

In this case, if he continued to use this method of cultivation, he would not be able to improve his physical strength again before the end of the weakening period of the Wuji Thunder Domain.

Li Xuanfeng's thoughts turned rapidly in his mind, thinking about how to improve his strength again in the last three months of the weakening period of the Wuji Thunder Domain.

But now that a large number of thunder dragons were staring at him, Li Xuanfeng did not dare to easily reveal his tracks, so he could not think of a suitable method at all.

Moreover, after his cultivation and physical strength were improved to the current level, even if there was no threat from the Thunder Dragon Clan, Li Xuanfeng would not be able to improve his level again even if he absorbed the power of thunder and lightning crazily without any scruples.

After thinking silently for a moment, Li Xuanfeng could only shake his head and sigh softly. It seemed that the harvest in the Wuji Thunder Domain this time was almost over, and he could only look for other opportunities to improve his strength.

At this moment, among the countless thunder and lightning wandering around Li Xuanfeng, one of them suddenly flashed a light, and suddenly accelerated suddenly, bursting out at a speed far exceeding other thunder and lightning, and suddenly rushed towards him!

At first, Li Xuanfeng hadn't noticed it, but when the lightning approached him three hundred feet away, he noticed it instantly, and his expression changed slightly!

As his expression changed, Li Xuanfeng immediately pushed his speed to the extreme, and rushed away quickly to avoid the sudden lightning.

But the lightning was still chasing him, and its speed was even faster than Li Xuanfeng, and it was still approaching Li Xuanfeng at a rapid speed!

This lightning was naturally the head of the Cheng family!

Originally, he had not seen Li Xuanfeng's figure for three months, and even suspected that the Lord of the Bai Clan had been buried in the thunder domain. He was ready to search again and then leave the Wuji Thunder Domain and wait quietly in the outside world.

He knew very well that if the Lord of the Bai Clan was not suppressed by the Thunder Dragon Clan, he would definitely need to leave the Wuji Thunder Domain after the weakening period, otherwise the Wuji Thunder Domain would become extremely dangerous!

After the weakening period of the Wuji Thunder Domain ends, the powerful thunder beasts that entered the deepest part of the Wuji Thunder Domain will come out again. If they are discovered and hunted down, even a powerful cultivator who has reached the perfection of the Source Realm may not be able to leave safely!

Just as the head of the Cheng family was conducting the last round of search, Li Xuanfeng slowed down his forward speed due to the breakthrough of his physical strength, and was suddenly caught up by the head of the Cheng family!

After approaching a distance of 800 feet, the head of the Cheng family immediately found something strange about where Li Xuanfeng was!

He sensed that there was a thunder in front of him that was also transformed by a cultivator. Although he could not see who it was, he instantly suspected that it was the leader of the Bai clan!

The head of the Cheng family, who was extremely impatient in his heart, did not even think about seeing the identity of the person who had this thunder, but chose to take action directly!

He was extremely confident in his own strength, and did not doubt that there were cultivators who could threaten him among those who entered the Wuji Thunder Domain.

And if this thunder is really from the leader of the Bai tribe, he can suppress it in the shortest time by attacking at the fastest speed and search Cheng Hai's soul for his whereabouts!

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