Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1063: Cut off the palm and seize the treasure!

As the number of fierce beasts decreased sharply, the powerful Tianxuan realm cultivators naturally found these surviving fierce beasts and attacked them fiercely in an instant.

Because the number of cultivators entering this space was ten times the number of fierce beasts, in less than a day, all these fierce beasts were killed, and the herbs or fruits they guarded were all taken away by the cultivators.

Because of their powerful strength, all forces had a lot of gains, except for the Bai clan cultivators, whose only herbs that were about to be obtained were snatched away by the middle-aged cultivator.

After the middle-aged cultivator took advantage of the first attack, a lot of time had been wasted, and other fierce beasts with weaker cultivation had almost all been taken by other forces.

As for the fierce beasts in the perfect Tianxuan realm, the Bai clan ancestor did not dare to lead people to attack, otherwise it might cause great casualties among the clan members.

The Bai clan ancestor knew very well that with his own combat power, it would be very difficult to stop the attack of the perfect Tianxuan realm fierce beast.

If the beast suddenly turned around and attacked the tribe, it would be an extremely bloody massacre.

However, during this time, the Bai tribe was well rested. The injury of the Bai tribe leader had been completely recovered, and the injury of another Tianxuan realm cultivator had also recovered more than half.

But the Bai clan ancestor did not relax at all. He knew that in this experience, the Bai tribe had a huge disadvantage and might not be able to compete with other forces at all.

After killing all the beasts in the experience space, the cultivators of all parties immediately set their sights on the cultivators of other forces.

Whether it was for the reward of this experience or to grab resources to increase the harvest, they had to attack the cultivators of other forces.

Many extremely powerful Tianxuan realm perfect cultivators directly left their own forces and began to wander alone in this space. When they found an opportunity, they would directly attack!

Their speed was extremely fast, and ordinary cultivators could hardly catch up with them. With the help of the power of spiritual consciousness suppression and white mist in the space, they were able to attack repeatedly.

They would hide in the mist and suddenly attack nearby monks, or take out the storage ring in the monk's hand while launching the attack, or directly cut off the opponent's palm with a sword, and the storage ring would naturally be at hand.

It is precisely because of this ruthlessness and decisiveness that even if the attacked monks immediately crushed the transmission jade slip after sensing the opponent's breath and knew that they were defeated, it would still be extremely difficult to escape the result of having their resources robbed!

Often when they were enveloped by the transmission light, the cold sword light had flashed across their palms, causing their palms to instantly break away from the transmission light!

Afterwards, although these monks who crushed the transmission jade slips successfully returned to the high platform of the Tianhai Conference, they had already lost a palm.

These monks could only immediately suppress the injuries in their bodies, stop the blood spraying from the broken palm, and then return to the back of their fellow seniors with an ugly face.

For the second-level monks, even if the palms or limbs were cut off, they could already use resources to recover more easily, and would not cause irreversible injuries.

However, they felt a burning pain on their faces at this time. What they really lost was not a palm, but their face.

Although they had the teleportation jade slip, they still did not have the strength to leave intact. Not only was their storage ring robbed, but a palm was also cut off. This was completely a ruthless slap in the face.

Moreover, they dared not not crush the teleportation jade slip. If they did not crush the teleportation jade slip and could not withstand the opponent's magic and died, it would not be intentional to kill the monks, and the other party would not have to bear the consequences at all.

It was the ruthless attacks of these monks that made the bloody atmosphere in this space even thicker, making many monks who had not been attacked seem to smell a strong breath of danger.

Although most of the monks from various forces gathered here, these sneak attacks of the perfect Tianxuan realm were still difficult to defend against. They attacked the monks on the edge and left quickly after they succeeded, without lingering in the battle.

Because all forces have Tianxuan realm masters, and most of them are not just two or three, if they are besieged, their situation will become extremely dangerous, and they may even be eliminated by crushing the teleportation jade slip.

The Bai clan monks were also attacked by these Tianxuan realm masters. In a few breaths, several monks had to crush the teleportation jade slip and leave, and most of them even lost a palm.

When attacking the Bai clan monks, these Tianxuan realm masters were even more unscrupulous, because they did not feel the threatening aura.

There was only one Tianxuan realm master among the Bai clan monks, and his aura was not strong. Obviously, his combat power was not strong and it was difficult to threaten them.

When attacking the Bai clan monks, these Tianxuan realm masters would even attack several times in a row, and eliminate several monks in a flash.

Although the Bai clan ancestors and clan leaders were extremely angry, they had no way to deal with it. The opponent's strength was too strong. They could only try their best to protect other clan members, otherwise they might cause greater damage.

It is precisely because many Tianxuan Realm Perfection chose to snatch storage rings while wandering that the teleportation light on the high platform in the center of Tianhai Conference has almost never stopped, and countless cultivators have appeared in a panic.

Of course, these figures who appeared were not top-notch, most of them were Dixuan Realm, and there were cultivators in the early and middle stages of Tianxuan Realm.

It is also because as a large number of cultivators were eliminated, the number of cultivators left in the training space is getting smaller and smaller, but their strength is getting stronger and stronger.

When the first day ended, nearly half of the 500 cultivators who entered the training space had been teleported out.

Fortunately, there are rules prohibiting intentional killing, as well as life-saving teleportation jade slips, so very few cultivators died.

On this day, only a few cultivators died, and most of them were caused by their own carelessness.

Most of these cultivators did not quickly sense the danger when attacking the beasts, and were directly bitten to pieces by the extremely ferocious beasts, and even their souls were swallowed and directly absorbed by the beasts.

There are also cultivators who did not realize the huge gap in strength between themselves and the opponent in the melee, and did not crush the teleportation jade slips. They were suddenly torn to pieces by the violent burst of magic, and even their souls did not escape, and they died directly.

Although there were countless white mists in the training space, the pictures displayed by the bronze mirror on the Tianhai Conference were not blocked at all, allowing the cultivators from all parties outside to see them clearly.

This surprised the origin-controlling cultivators of various forces, and made them respect the Lord of the Bai Clan more.

The arrangements made by the Lord of the Bai Clan seemed to be extremely ingenious. First, he formed a force of spiritual suppression in the training space, and then spread white fog to block the sight of the cultivators in the space, increasing the difficulty of this training.

But the white fog did not block the sight of the cultivators watching from the outside, so that they could clearly watch this training, making this small-scale space training still present a lot of excitement.

Although several cultivators had fallen, the powerful people in the Source Realm of various forces were not dissatisfied at all.

They all grew up from countless lives and deaths, and they knew the cruelty of the cultivation world very well. Moreover, the rules set by the Bai Clan had already minimized the casualties of this training. The few cultivators who fell were all due to their own carelessness.

Compared with the training or secret realm competition that the Source Realm cultivators of various forces had experienced before, this training was too merciful. They walked out of the corpses of countless cultivators back then.

The Bai clan monks in the outside world deeply realized the gap between the Bai clan and the various forces. The monks who entered the training space this time were the strongest group of the Bai clan, but their strength was still far less than that of the monks of various forces.

Compared with the clan members whose consciousness was suppressed and whose vision was blocked by the white fog in the training space, the Bai clan monks in the outside world could see the strength of the monks of various forces more clearly. The contrast with the Bai clan monks was too obvious, forcing them to admit the huge gap between the Bai clan and other forces.

When the Bai clan monks in the outside world felt quite frustrated, the fighting in the training space did not stop at all.

Although one day had arrived, there was no night in the training space, and the formation ball on the sky still emitted a bright light.

Li Xuanfeng did not intend to let the training space have night within these three days, so that the monks of various forces would always remain in fighting and vigilance.

Moreover, for the second-level monks, the white fog and the suppression of consciousness in the training space now far exceeded the impact of the night on them.

Even in the dark night without any moonlight, the eyesight of the second-level cultivators is enough to easily see a hundred feet away, and the spiritual sense is not affected at all.

As the fights between the cultivators of various parties continued, the Bai cultivators in the training space became more aware of the huge gap between the Bai clan and the various forces.

The Bai cultivators who were walking forward had sensed the battle between the two forces, a total of ten Tianxuan realm perfect cultivators, which set off a deafening explosion, and an extremely strong and violent aura came to their faces, making them feel an extremely strong life-and-death crisis.

The Bai clan ancestor immediately led everyone away from the two warring forces, otherwise if these ten Tianxuan realm perfect cultivators attacked them, the Bai clan would have no power to resist and would only be crushed.

However, this training space was only a small area, and the Bai clan had nowhere to hide. Although they were not attacked by the ten Tianxuan realm perfect cultivators fighting, they were still attacked by many cultivators afterwards.

As the number of remaining cultivators in the training space decreased, the strength of the cultivators attacking the Bai clan became stronger and stronger, making the three Bai clan ancestors feel deeply powerless.

After walking forward for another two hours, the Bai clan ancestor said in a deep voice to all the cultivators: "Everyone, if you encounter danger next time, those who are close to the cultivators who come to attack, immediately crush the transmission jade slip and leave, so as not to cause meaningless losses."

In this day and more, the number of Bai clan cultivators has decreased by 20, and the speed of reduction is still increasing.

Although there were no deaths among the eliminated Bai clan cultivators, more than 80% of them had their palms cut off and their storage rings taken away.

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