Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1085: Only the third realm can be entered?

In this way, the Bai ancestor bought this restaurant, but he did not replace the shopkeeper, who was still the middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man also wanted to save his hard work, so naturally he would not refuse at this time, but instead tried his best to deal with the difficulties faced by the restaurant.

The middle-aged man never expected that the old man he saved on the street would eventually become his savior.

From the mouth of the middle-aged man, the Bai ancestor quickly learned that the reason why this restaurant became deserted was because there was also a restaurant opposite. Originally, the two businesses were about the same, but recently the dishes made by the other party suddenly became more and more popular. They are quite delicious.

Moreover, the prices of the dishes in the restaurant opposite were lower than theirs, so the middle-aged man failed to attract customers even by lowering the prices.

After some inquiring, the middle-aged man found out that the restaurant across the street had hired the best chefs in the city at a high price, and the dishes he made instantly surpassed them in taste.

The taste is better and the price is lower. Naturally, it is extremely popular instantly, making the business of the middle-aged man's restaurant extremely deserted. Only some regular customers with good relationships come to patronize it.

The middle-aged man immediately understood that the restaurant across the street had planned to knock down his restaurant at a loss, and then raise the price to earn back the gold and silver that had been lost.

There are only two restaurants of theirs in the nearby area. As long as the middle-aged man's restaurant is allowed to close down, the business of the other one will naturally be extremely prosperous.

After hearing the cause and effect, the Bai ancestor smiled and said: "Then we will treat him in his own way."

Then with a wave of his hand, the middle-aged man was asked to exchange the jade pendant for gold and silver, and then directly spent more than 50% of the monthly salary to poach the chef invited from the other side.

Hearing his words, the middle-aged man and others suddenly realized the arrogance of the old man in front of them once again, and actually decided to poach the chef opposite.

After being shocked, the middle-aged man was extremely excited and immediately went to do the matter, first to pawn the jade pendant.

After walking out of the pawn shop, the middle-aged man realized that his previous estimate was too conservative and that the value of these two jade pendants was even more astonishing.

Although he had been mentally prepared, when he sold a jade pendant, the gold and silver he received still made him feel frightened.

This jade pendant was enough to buy three or five restaurants like his, but Brother Bai took it out without caring.

In fact, the owner of the pawn shop didn't know enough about the goods, otherwise he wouldn't be able to afford this jade pendant.

Although these two jade pendants are useless objects that the ancestors of the Bai tribe found from storage rings, they are also magic weapons of the second realm. The material is not comparable to ordinary jade pendants.

For monks above the second realm, money in the ordinary world is no longer attractive at all, and it can be exchanged for countless amounts with ease.

With the resources in the hands of the ancestor of the Bai clan, even if he just took out a piece of source crystal, it would be enough to open dozens of restaurants.

After pawning the jade pendant and obtaining a large amount of gold and silver, the middle-aged man found a way to find two chefs hired by the restaurant opposite and offered them a monthly salary that was 50% higher.

Moreover, he promised that he would keep hiring them with this monthly payment, which was agreed by the real owner of the restaurant.

The two chefs immediately agreed after hearing this. They knew very well that although the restaurant opposite offered a higher monthly fee than they had before, it was just to deal with the Chinese.

A young man's restaurant.

When the middle-aged man's restaurant collapses, it is very likely that the restaurant opposite will no longer need them because there are no competitors, and they will be asked to pack up and leave.

The two of them are well aware of the stakes. When the middle-aged man's restaurant goes bankrupt, the restaurant opposite will definitely not spend a lot of money to hire him. By then, their monthly money will most likely be back to what it was before.

The middle-aged man not only offered him a monthly salary that was 50% higher than that of the restaurant opposite, but also promised to keep him employed in the future, so they naturally agreed.

When the two chefs suddenly resigned together and walked directly into the middle-aged man's restaurant, the owner of the restaurant opposite was immediately furious.

He never expected that the middle-aged man would so blatantly imitate his method to deal with him.

After poaching these two chefs and also lowering the price, the middle-aged man's restaurant business skyrocketed instantly. As the news spread, it directly surpassed the opposite restaurant in half a day, and it is still growing.

Under the influence of the Bai ancestors, the middle-aged man's restaurant, which was about to close down, came back to life, while the opposite restaurant fell from its peak. Although the shopkeeper tried his best to save it, he had suffered too much losses in the previous period. However, it only lasted a month before it collapsed completely.

Although there was only a middle-aged man's restaurant left in this area, he did not raise the price on the spot. He just restored the previous price, which did not offend many customers.

From then on, the ancestor of the Bai ethnic group began to live in this restaurant, just like an ordinary shopkeeper, greeting guests, chatting with waiters, and calculating accounts from time to time.

After seeing the way the ancestor of the Bai tribe transformed into a mortal, Li Xuanfeng no longer paid much attention to him, but was immersed in understanding the lives of many mortals.

All parties are still making preparations. Although the Tianxing Sect and Chenxi Sect have bought a lot of elixirs from Li Xuanfeng, the magic weapons and formations also need to be carefully prepared.

In the preparations of all forces, time seems to have accelerated. The Tianchen Star Territory has rarely become extremely calm, but many monks know that this is just the calm before the storm.

When the secret realm opens that morning and many strong men enter it, there will be an extremely brutal fight. In order to have stronger strength and for their own power, they must compete for good fortune.

Spring comes and autumn goes, the four seasons change, and one year passes by in the blink of an eye.

Five years later, the intensive preparations by all the forces gradually calmed down. It seemed that they had prepared all the necessary things and began to quietly practice in seclusion, waiting for the opening of Tianchen Secret Realm.

In the seventh year, the ancestor of the Bai people returned the restaurant to the middle-aged shopkeeper and returned to the Bai people.

When he asked to leave, everyone in the restaurant was shocked and worried about his safety. The Bai ancestor had no choice but to explain that he wanted to return to his hometown.

He really wanted to return to his hometown. Although he was extremely unfamiliar with the Tianchen Star Territory, for the ancestors of the Bai clan, the place where the clan members were was their hometown.

He stayed in the mortal world for seven years, but found that he still gained nothing, and knew that he was probably not suitable for this method.

In ordinary restaurants, although he meets all kinds of people every day and can see all kinds of different lives, the ancestor of the Bai tribe has never developed an understanding of the original power.

There is no way to transform into mortals

It is suitable for every monk, otherwise many monks can enter the human world to realize when they have perfected the Tianxuan Realm, and the number of powerful people in the third realm will not be scarce.

After knowing that the method of transforming into mortals might not allow him to realize the original power, the ancestor of the Bai clan decided to end his transformation into mortals. At the same time, he missed the life with his clan members even more, so he decided to leave the mortal world and return to the Bai clan.

After returning to the Star Lord Continent, the ancestor of the Bai tribe wanted to report the matter to Li Xuanfeng, but was told by Tang Wu that the master was in retreat, so he had to return to his residence.

After returning to the Bai tribe, the elder of the Bai tribe felt that he had returned to his true self. Although he could easily control the wind and rain in the world, he did not have any worries.

After these seven years of ordinary life, the ancestor of the Bai clan had completely looked away. He knew that he might just miss the opportunity to enter the secret realm of Tianchen, so he did not have any more delusions.

With his current state of not having the slightest understanding, it would probably take an extremely long time to break through to the Palm Source Realm, and he might even stagnate in the Tianxuan Realm forever and eventually die after a thousand years.

He didn't have much life left left. If his cultivation hadn't improved a lot after coming to the Tianchen Star Territory, he would only have about a hundred years left.

Li Xuanfeng naturally sensed that the ancestor of the Bai clan had returned to the Bai clan, but he felt that there was no need to see him. He did not have a better method to teach him, and everything needed to be understood by himself.

The method of enlightenment needs to be found by himself, and the origin of enlightenment also requires his own opportunity.

In short, whether you can improve your cultivation level and enter the Tianchen Secret Realm depends on the Bai ancestor's own creation, and he can no longer help.

The reason why the ancestors of the Bai tribe are expected to enter the Palm Origin Realm before the opening of the Tianchen Secret Realm is because all forces in the Tianchen Star Territory have a consensus to only bring Palm Origin Realm monks into the Tianchen Secret Realm.

The reason why one needs a cultivation level above the Palm Source Realm to enter the Tianchen Secret Realm is not because there are any requirements for entry into this secret realm, but because it is too dangerous.

If a second-level monk enters, he may fall inside within a short time.

Within the secret realm of Tianchen, there are a large number of ferocious beasts with third-level cultivation, and there are even extremely ferocious vine and flower monsters.

Moreover, random teleportation will occur when entering the Tianchen secret realm, and the monks from all forces will be scattered. They will not be able to protect the younger generations at all. They can only rely on themselves at the beginning.

If you find the seniors in the force in the future, you can be protected by them and ensure your own safety.

But the secret realm of Tianchen is extremely vast and very special. It is extremely difficult to find the seniors in the force.

Because of this, if a monk under the Palm Source Realm enters the Tianchen Secret Realm and encounters a ferocious beast, it is almost impossible to escape. I am afraid that he will soon become a delicious meal for the ferocious beast.

If the teleportation occurs in the forest, it is even more likely to be caught by the vine monster, and the blood and spiritual power in the body will be directly drained, and even the soul will not be able to escape.

In the long history of the Tianchen Star Territory, a large number of third-level experts from various forces have tried to bring their descendants who have perfected the Tianxuan Realm into the secret realm of Tianchen to find a breakthrough, but in the end, very few of them were able to come out alive.

And even if you were lucky enough to survive, you still wouldn't be able to compete with the great powers in the third realm.

Because of this, all parties have reached a consensus and do not dare to bring the descendants of the second realm into the secret realm of Tianchen. Otherwise, it will not only be extremely dangerous, but also extremely difficult to obtain good fortune, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

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