Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1111 Senior, spare my life!

Seeing the Jade Tree escaping in a rather miserable state, the three early stage of the Source Realm felt quite shocked. They did not expect that the Jade Tree, which they could not resist even if they joined forces, could be suppressed by this young man in blue robe alone.

Thinking of the magic that Li Xuanfeng had just performed and the strength of the middle stage of the Source Realm, the woman in palace dress immediately understood and said in a deep voice: "This person is the leader of the Bai clan!"

The old man in brocade clothes was slightly surprised after hearing this, but soon nodded slightly in agreement. The magic and strength displayed by this person, as well as his figure and clothing, were indeed very consistent with the leader of the Bai clan.

Thinking of this, the old man in brocade clothes and the woman in palace dress felt even more uncomfortable. Originally, the leader of the Bai clan was just a newly appeared in the early stage of the Source Realm, and they thought he would not be as good as them, the old masters of the Source Realm.

But the fighting power displayed by the Bai clan leader when he first appeared was much higher than that of ordinary early stage of the Source Realm, and now his strength has left them far behind.

Thinking of this, the old man in brocade clothes and the woman in palace dress both felt extremely solemn. They decided to leave Tianchen Secret Realm and return to the Star Domain, and report this to the Sect Master and the Supreme Elder as soon as possible.

Originally, both of their sects thought that the strength of the Bai clan leader was not impressive, but now it seems that the Bai clan leader has grown to an extremely amazing level.

With the cultivation of the middle stage of the Source Realm, he also has extremely strong combat power.

Originally, they were quite skeptical about the rumor that the Bai clan leader could withstand two or three magics of the Cheng family master, but now they completely believe it.

At this time, they are already worried that if the Bai clan leader breaks through a small realm again, he may really compete with their three peak forces, and may even become the fourth peak force in the future.

They must inform the sect of this matter, so that the Supreme Elder and the Sect Master can decide what attitude to give to the Bai clan, or suppress it.

Although he didn't know who the leader of the Bai tribe they were talking about was, Black Ape knew very well in his heart that the strength of this blue-robed young man was extremely terrifying, and he might be able to easily suppress him with just his physical strength!

This was something Black Ape had never thought of before.

Although Black Ape knew that there were many humans who were stronger than him before, he was extremely confident in his physical strength and believed that no human cultivator's physical strength could match it.

Indeed, as Black Ape expected, very few cultivators have raised their physical strength to the level of the Source Realm.

It's not that they don't want to, but that the difficulty of cultivation is too great, and it requires extremely vast resources to accumulate.

Li Xuanfeng also raised his physical strength to the current level because he had the exquisite method of cultivating the physical body left by the Five Elements Venerable, and endured the great pain of being tempered by the power of thunder and lightning for a long time.

Seeing the attack of the Jade Tree and starting to flee on the ground, Li Xuanfeng said in a cold tone: "Can you escape?"

As he said that, Li Xuanfeng punched out again, and instantly set off an extremely powerful storm, which suddenly hit the branches of the Jade Tree.

The Jade Tree knew that the branches it used to attack could not do anything to Li Xuanfeng, so it did not stab at him at this time, but wrapped around Li Xuanfeng from all sides, trying to restrain him and buy time to escape.

But ideals are beautiful, but reality is very skinny. As Li Xuanfeng punched out, he controlled the direction of the force and let the storm spread around him, causing the branches of the Jade Tree to be shattered again in an instant. Then Li Xuanfeng just pinched his fingers and quickly condensed the Five Elements Immortal Killing Sword, instantly cutting off all the remaining branches.

Because it was already injured, the branches of the Emerald Tree that attacked it also weakened a bit. In addition, the Five Elements Immortal-Killing Sword condensed by Li Xuanfeng was also extremely powerful, making these branches unable to bear it at all.

After cutting off the remaining branches, the power of the Five Elements Immortal-Killing Sword was not even much reduced, and it suddenly chopped at the Emerald Tree fiercely.

Seeing the Five Elements Immortal-Killing Sword slashing at it with an extremely sharp light, the Emerald Tree trembled all over and immediately pulled out a lot of branches to resist.

At the same time, the Emerald Tree was still absorbing the power of heaven and earth to recover from its injuries.

The Emerald Tree knew very well that if it was in its current injured state, it would be impossible to compete with the blue-robed young man in front of it, and it would even kill him directly.

After breaking ten branches again, the Emerald Tree finally collapsed the Five Elements Immortal-Killing Sword that Li Xuanfeng had used, but before it could catch its breath, Li Xuanfeng had already appeared above her treetop.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng appear above, the Jade Tree was immediately shocked and immediately condensed flowers again.

The Wheel of Life and Death that Li Xuanfeng had cast above the treetop had already caused the Jade Tree to suffer from a serious psychological trauma, and it was now unable to control its trembling mind.

Because of this, the Jade Tree did not dare to be negligent at all at this time, and immediately condensed the magic to resist with all its strength, otherwise it was worried that it would become even more miserable.

After appearing above the Jade Tree, Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and pressed downwards, and countless golden marks flew out from his palm in an instant.

As a large number of golden marks gathered, a golden formation was instantly formed below, and a golden spiritual power light column was quickly condensed in the center of the formation.

The Jade Tree also immediately bloomed the condensed purple flowers, and instantly shot out a spiritual power light column, which hit the golden spiritual power light column fiercely.

At this time, the magic that Li Xuanfeng and the Jade Tree cast at the same time seemed to have a similar principle.

Li Xuanfeng first condensed a formation, then gathered and compressed a spiritual power column, while the Emerald Tree first condensed a flower, and also brewed a spiritual power column inside it, which shot out.


As a deafening roar echoed, the golden spiritual power column cast by Li Xuanfeng suddenly collided with the purple spiritual power column of the Emerald Tree.

With the extremely powerful violent force spreading rapidly, the power of the two spiritual power columns suddenly spread rapidly, causing the surrounding space to collapse directly on a large scale.

Although the power of the Immortal Killing Formation is far less than the Wheel of Life and Death cast by Li Xuanfeng, it is still more powerful than the spell cast by the Emerald Tree at this time.

Many monks who were watching suddenly saw vaguely that the purple spiritual power column was disappearing rapidly, and although the golden spiritual power column was dimming quickly, it was obviously much slower than the purple light column.

In just three breaths, the purple spiritual power column had completely dissipated, and although the golden spiritual power column was mostly dim, it still had a lot of power left.

Seeing that its own magic was the first to collapse, the Emerald Tree trembled instantly, but the speed of the golden spiritual power column was too fast, and it had no time to dodge, and was suddenly hit hard on the top of the tree by the golden light column!

Under the terrifying power of the golden spiritual power column, the top of the Emerald Tree was instantly shattered, and it spread rapidly downwards. In just a moment, the height of the Emerald Tree was flattened by ten feet again.

In the intense pain, the Emerald Tree finally saw the golden spiritual power column above dissipate.

The Emerald Tree, which was originally a hundred feet high, was only eighty feet high after being attacked twice by Li Xuanfeng, and the top of the tree was extremely messy and forked, which was extremely miserable.

The Emerald Tree never thought that it was so confident and arrogant a moment ago, thinking that no one could stop it here, but now it has become so miserable.

Although the Emerald Tree wanted to escape, it knew that its speed could not match that of the terrifying blue-robed youth in front of it.

In fear, the Emerald Tree saw Li Xuanfeng raise his right hand again, and a great spiritual power gathered between heaven and earth. However, it was so frightened that it immediately begged for mercy in a very humble manner: "Please spare my life, senior!"

Li Xuanfeng stopped his movements and said in a cold tone: "I can spare my life, but I need your origin!"

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the fear in the Emerald Tree's heart suddenly became extremely strong. If it allowed the terrifying blue-robed youth in front of it to absorb it, it might be sucked dry by him!

But at this time, it knew that it had no right to refuse, so it could only speak carefully: "If it is absorbed by the senior, do I have a chance to survive?"

It has been sealed in this ancient blue tower for too many years. Now it has finally seen the light of day again, and it doesn't want to disappear from the world so soon.

Li Xuanfeng said calmly: "As long as you cooperate obediently, I will stop and keep your life safe."

Hearing this, the Emerald Tree felt relieved. It bent its trunk as if to bow respectfully and said: "Junior will definitely obey the orders of the senior."

Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly, then suddenly turned his head to look at the many cultivators and beasts watching from a distance, and said in a calm tone: "I wonder if you have any other instructions?"

The cultivators and beasts who were watching were immediately shocked, and many of them immediately clasped their fists and said: "I dare not bother the senior, I will take my leave now!"

They knew very well that although Li Xuanfeng's tone was calm, it was obviously an order to expel them, asking them to leave.

If they dared not to obey, I'm afraid this extremely powerful blue-robed young man would not mind sending them away in person!

But where they arrived was probably the Western Paradise!

Even the three early stage powerhouses of the Source Realm did the same. They turned around and left after clasping their fists respectfully.

After seeing Li Xuanfeng's terrifying fighting power, even the three early stage of the Source Realm felt extremely afraid.

The three early stage of the Source Realm knew that the fighting power of the Jade Art was extremely powerful, but now they were still defeated so miserably by Li Xuanfeng. They didn't dare to dream that the three of them could fight against Li Xuanfeng together.

With the concerns of the three early stage of the Source Realm, even if the three of them joined forces, plus all the Master of the Source Realm here, they might not be able to match the Lord of the Bai Clan, and there is even a greater possibility that they will be easily suppressed by the other party!

And if the Lord of the Bai Clan took action, I'm afraid there would be no mercy, and when he suppressed them, he would directly kill them.

At this time, let alone taking action, the three early stage of the Source Realm didn't even dare to offend at all, otherwise they were worried that they would be left here forever!

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