Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1288 Entering the Land of Nothingness!

In the following time, new monks and beasts arrived here every day. They were the forces from all sides who gathered here.

With the arrival of many monks and beasts, the southernmost part of Tianchen Star Region became extremely lively. If it was normal, this place would be extremely desolate and deserted, with few monks or beasts coming.

Because there were no planets in this vast area, many monks could only wait in the starry sky. All forces had taken out the treasures of starry sky flying for many monks to meditate and wait in seclusion.

Time passed quickly, and soon another month passed. At this time, all forces had arrived here, and many beastmen had also come nearby.

Seeing the people they had fought before, the eyes of the human and beastmen were still malicious, but most of them had dissipated.

The strong men of both races knew very well that they needed to join forces in this star war to reduce casualties as much as possible and increase the chances of winning this battle.

There are still some unkindness now, which is the result of the strong people of the human race and the beast race trying their best to control. If there is no plan for this joint effort, I am afraid that they will fight tit-for-tat as soon as they meet.

Now there is less than a month left, and all the forces and the fierce beast tribes have arrived, only the two protagonists, Tianchen Domain Lord and Beast King, have not come.

However, many cultivators and fierce beasts are not dissatisfied at all. The general consensus in the cultivation world is that the strong can come late, but they, the weak, must come before the strong.

For the peak power of Tianyuan Realm, the perfect Duyuan Realm is also a weak one.

However, Li Xuanfeng has also discovered that the lack of several perfect Duyuan Realm cultivators and fierce beasts seems to be the choice of guarding.

But what surprised Li Xuanfeng was that Zhao Zilin and the Void Beast were not there either!

With their strength and role in the war, Tianchen Domain Lord and Beast King should not let them guard the star field.

Until half a month later, a brilliant golden light and a huge black dragon shadow appeared in the distant starry sky!

Both of them were extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, they had arrived in front of many cultivators and fierce beasts, turning into a middle-aged man in a golden robe and a huge black dragon.

Many cultivators immediately bowed respectfully and shouted in unison: "Greetings to the Domain Lord!"

All the fierce beasts knelt on one knee and shouted in unison: "Greetings to the Beast King!"

The deafening shouts suddenly set off two extremely shocking sound waves, the momentum shook the sky, and instantly swept across the vast starry sky, causing the dust in the starry sky to vibrate violently.

These are the words shouted by countless second-level and third-level masters using the power of cultivation, which are enough to set off an impressive space storm.

Tianchen Domain Lord and Beast King nodded slightly, raised their hands and waved almost at the same time, and instantly released a gentle force, each of which helped many cultivators and fierce beasts up.

After standing up, many cultivators and beasts all looked at the Tianchen Territory Lord and the Beast King, waiting for their orders.

Although many cultivators and beasts were unwilling to attack other star regions, now that the arrow was on the string, they had to change their mentality and strive to capture other star regions at the lowest cost.

Tianchen Territory Lord and the Beast King looked at each other, and the Territory Lord spoke first: "Although we have experienced a war between the two races before, I hope that everyone can put aside their grudges and become allies who trust each other. Together, we can capture other star regions. Only then can we win this battle more easily and reduce the casualties of our two races."

Many cultivators and beasts had to nod slightly. Everyone was a leader in the cultivation world, and naturally

they were not stupid people. If internal fighting occurred during the star war, it would be tantamount to seeking death.

After saying this, the Tianchen Territory Lord turned to look at the Beast King Black Dragon, and the Beast King immediately said in a deep voice: "This emperor and the Territory Lord agree on this matter. Our two tribes must work together to achieve a common goal."

After a short silence, the Beast King continued: "In order to hide conveniently and try not to be easily discovered, and strive to launch a surprise attack after entering the star field, all the strong men of the Beast Tribe will transform into human bodies!"

After saying this, the Beast King took the lead in action. His extremely huge body shrank rapidly, and in an instant he turned into a middle-aged man in a black robe, with an extremely amazing and sharp aura on his face.

Although many fierce beasts were extremely reluctant, seeing that the Beast King had taken the lead in transforming, many fierce beasts had to follow immediately.

The golden dragon turned into a blond young man, the fog nightmare beast became a woman in a black robe, the black bear turned into a big man in a black robe, and the golden lion was a blond woman...

For a while, a large number of fierce beasts that were originally huge in size were rapidly transforming into petite humans, making many cultivators feel extremely uncomfortable.

Among them, many fierce beasts also have both male and female, but after the transformation, fewer of them use slender bodies, and most of them are quite sturdy.

More unaccustomed than human cultivators, it is the beast race strongmen who use huge beast bodies all year round and rarely use human form.

Many fierce beasts are transforming for the first time, and they need some time to adapt, otherwise they will not be able to exert their full strength.

The third-level fierce beasts transform very quickly, even if they have never transformed before, they can quickly find a way.

The second-level fierce beasts that have had a lot of experience in transformation are also very fast, and can complete it in a few breaths.

Because of this, in just a moment, half of the many fierce beasts here have transformed into human form.

However, the speed of the ferocious beasts that had never transformed in the second realm slowed down too much. Many of them even took half an hour before they could completely transform, let alone fully adapt to human form.

However, Tianchen Territory Lord and the Beast King didn't seem to be in a hurry. They had closed their eyes and waited silently, allowing these second-level ferocious beasts to slowly adapt.

Three days later, many ferocious beasts had all transformed into human forms, but many of them had not fully adapted and were unable to exert their full strength.

It was not until ten days later that all the ferocious beasts in human form fully adapted and had almost no impact on their combat effectiveness. The ferocious beasts were no longer seen here, and they all seemed to be human monks.

But if you perceive it carefully, you will find that half of the monks contain a lot of special violent aura, which is quite obviously different from other monks.

At this time, the Beast King opened his eyes, raised his hand, and instantly a strong wind blew through the many ferocious beasts, sorting out their breath.

In just the blink of an eye, the violent auras of the many ferocious beasts weakened so much that they were no longer easily noticeable.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly. He didn't expect that the Beast King had such a hand and could hide the violent aura of the ferocious beast, which really surprised him.

Li Xuanfeng also did not expect that the Tianchen Territory Lord and the Beast King would turn all the ferocious beasts into human forms to avoid attracting the attention of other star territories too quickly, and prepare for a sneak attack, completely gaining the upper hand at the beginning of the star territory war.

This method is indeed an excellent method. If the monks from other star regions are careless and directly confront these ferocious beasts in human form, the tyrannical bodies of the beasts will make these monks regret it!

I saw many ferocious beasts all transformed,

And the time was almost here. Territory Lord Tianchen said with a smile: "Now that everyone is ready, we will set off immediately and cross the land of nothingness. It will be a shocking battle. Our two clans must help each other to minimize the risk. Win this battle at the best price!”

At this time, a monk in the middle stage of Duyuan Realm asked with doubts: "Lord Territory Lord, I wonder which star field we will attack?"

Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly. Unexpectedly, someone finally asked his question. At this time, he immediately waited patiently for the Territory Lord's answer.

But the Territory Lord shook his head and smiled and said: "It doesn't matter which star field. What is important is that after our investigation, this star field is the weakest in the vicinity. We should be able to take it down easily!"

Seeing that Tianchen Territory Lord did not answer, Li Xuanfeng's expression did not change at all, but he sighed slightly in his heart, still not letting go of his worries.

Then Tianchen Territory Lord and the Beast King gave orders for the strong men in the third realm to bring all the other monks and ferocious beasts with them and begin to enter the land of nothingness!

Li Xuanfeng raised his hand and instantly took the Bai monks into Qiankun within his sleeves. The same was true for the Duyuan Realm and Palm Origin Realm experts from other forces, and all the monks were taken away in an instant.

But the ‏‏​​‎‏‎‏​​​​‎​‏‏The beast tribe is in trouble. They have no power of cultivation and cannot use the method of sleeves.

In the end, it was Tianchen Territory Lord's suggestion to let the strong men of the human race bring many second realm ferocious beasts. The combined number of palm source realm and duyuan realm monks was still extremely amazing, enough to bring all the second realms of the two tribes.

And because there were few monks from the Bai tribe, Li Xuanfeng was assigned more tasks and brought with him many powerful beast tribes.

Seeing many transformed ferocious beasts entering, the Bai monks still felt quite uncomfortable, but they soon continued to communicate, and even brought some orcs into the exchange.

Then the Beast King flew out, raised his hand and punched the star barrier in front of him. Amidst the shocking roar and explosion, the star barrier was suddenly blasted with a thousand-foot-sized hole!

The breath of the void suddenly poured into the star field, making many monks and ferocious beasts feel the meaning of death.

However, the edge of the hole is gradually shrinking at this time. It is obviously repairing itself, and it should be able to fully recover in a short time.

After smashing out the hole, the Beast King took the lead to enter it. The Tianchen Territory Lord said in a deep voice: "Everyone, let's get going!"

The strong men of the human race and the beast race immediately rushed into the cave and began to follow the beast king quickly, and the Tianchen Territory Lord also entered last.

As the hole at the back was completely closed, no more light shone in, and the land of nothingness suddenly became extremely dark. There was no sound at all, and it was a completely dead place.

In the land of nothingness, not only does it not have any spiritual power, but even the spiritual power of the monks cannot emit light, as if it has been swallowed up by the invisible before it can emit light.

Only the power of the source above the palm source realm and the blood power of the ferocious beasts in the third realm can emit a weak light here and barely illuminate the way forward.

It was the first time for many monks and ferocious beasts to enter the land of nothingness, and a lot of curiosity suddenly emerged. They did not expect that there was such a strange land of nothingness outside the star field.

Although it was the first time for Li Xuanfeng to enter the land of nothingness in person, he had clearly experienced it before in the Tao Pagoda. Although he was calm at this time, he still showed surprise like other monks.

He couldn't let Tianchen Territory Lord and Beast King find out that this was not the first time he had seen the Land of Nothingness, otherwise they might suspect that he was a person from other star regions who had smuggled in from the Land of Nothingness.

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