Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 1333 Nine reincarnations! (Part 2)

Although Xiaofeng and Xiaoyan were always very loving after their marriage, they encountered a big problem a few years later. Xiaoyan's belly never showed any movement, and her parents suspected that she was too weak to have children.

In his usual look, Xiaofeng had anticipated his parents' worries and began to secretly tell the nearby doctor.

Sure enough, not long after, his parents invited the doctor. Xiaofeng knew that he could not stop it, so he had to let the doctor investigate both of them. The doctor's final conclusion was that the reason was unknown, perhaps lacking an opportunity.

In the next few years, Xiaofeng took Xiaoyan to visit famous doctors, but in fact he took her to visit beautiful scenery.

Xiaofeng took Xiaoyan to see several famous doctors, and he already knew that Xiaoyan's physique was too weak and it was extremely difficult for her to have children, but Li Xuanfeng did not let Xiaoyan know about this, but just let the doctor not find the reason, and they both had the possibility of being infertile.

Xiaoyan blamed herself at first, worrying that it was her fault. Xiaofeng comforted her constantly, and said very gently: "Xiaoyan, being able to stay together with your love is the greatest happiness. Having children is just icing on the cake, and not having them is not a pity."

"And the doctor said that it might be my fault. Let's relax and let nature take its course, and maybe the effect will be better."

After Xiaofeng's constant comfort, Xiaoyan finally let go, no longer worried about it, and began to watch the beautiful mountains and rivers with Xiaofeng at ease.

A few years later, Xiaofeng brought Xiaoyan back to the village again, and told his parents the same reason. Xiaofeng also had an elder brother who had a child in the past few years, so his parents had to stop forcing him.

After that, Xiaofeng and Xiaoyan lived in the village, and the two of them who loved each other very much aroused the envy of many villagers.

Xiaofeng has been taking care of Xiaoyan for decades. Although Xiaoyan is too weak to help Xiaofeng with heavy work, she can prepare delicious side dishes for him at home to relieve his fatigue.

After he got old, Xiaofeng could no longer do farm work. Fortunately, his nephews and nieces were very filial and often sent them rice and vegetables, so that they did not have to worry about their livelihood.

At this time, Xiaofeng held Xiaoyan, who had become extremely weak, tightly every day, just like when they were children, until they died together.

This is the first life of Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan in the reincarnation.

After the two died, their souls turned into two crystal lights again and entered the reincarnation.

Although he always took care of Shen Luoyan's reincarnation meticulously, Li Xuanfeng did not have any original memory. He just fell in love with her as if by instinct, married her, and took care of her tenderly for a lifetime.

Before entering the reincarnation to perform the reincarnation soul-raising technique, Li Xuanfeng had already anticipated that he must have no memory of his previous lives, so he used the power of reincarnation to condense a thread and connected it to Shen Luoyan to avoid separation from her.

This is also the danger of the reincarnation soul-raising technique. Whether Li Xuanfeng can successfully return from the reincarnation depends on whether he can wake up in the reincarnation and restore all his memories.

If he cannot restore his memory, even if he can raise Shen Luoyan's soul, he can only sink into the reincarnation and never wake up.

Only after successfully raising Shen Luoyan's reincarnation, Li Xuanfeng can restore all his memories and take her out of the reincarnation and truly resurrect successfully!

In the second life, Li Xuanfeng is the son of a city lord. His status is already extremely noble, but he still falls in love with the humble mute girl Shen Luoyan at first sight.

Shen Luoyan was extremely miserable at first. Her parents, who loved her very much, died unexpectedly because of the war. She was alone and helpless. When she met Li Xuanfeng, she had been hungry for two days and was asking a bun from a bun shop owner.

The bun shop owner was about to wave his stick to drive him away, but Li Xuanfeng immediately stepped forward to stop him and took Shen Luoyan to a restaurant not far away for a full meal.

After that, Li Xuanfeng took Shen Luoyan back to the mansion and made her his book boy.

Even Li Xuanfeng's followers were extremely surprised. They didn't expect that the young city lord would not only accept this mute girl, but also not as a maid, but as a book boy.

The status of a book boy is much higher than that of a maid. It is to accompany the young city lord to study. Not only does it not have to do much work, but it can also read the books of sages.

Because of the careful guidance of her father when she was a child, Shen Luoyan can understand Li Xuanfeng's words at this time, although she can't speak, and even has a lot of knowledge.

Shen Luoyan also felt very incredible in his heart. He actually trusted this rich young man whom he met for the first time. Not only was he taken to the restaurant for dinner, but he was also willing to be his book boy.

In this way, Shen Luoyan settled down in the city lord's mansion and began to accompany Li Xuanfeng, who was about the same age, to study.

At first, when he knew that Li Xuanfeng brought back a mute girl and directly arranged her as a book boy, his father was very angry and said that he was making trouble.

But when he learned from the teacher that Li Xuanfeng's temperament suddenly changed and he began to listen to the class very seriously, he was quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, his son who was always content with playing around would change drastically because of the appearance of this mute girl. The city lord immediately thought that this girl was his son's lucky star.

Originally, Li Xuanfeng was spoiled since he was a child, and he was greedy for playing all day long. He was very indifferent to studying. Whenever the teacher gave a lecture, he would fall asleep before listening to it for half an hour.

Even though the city lord had issued an extremely stern warning, Li Xuanfeng knew that he couldn't bear to take action and was not afraid at all. He still went his own way, causing the city lord a huge headache.

He also hoped that his son could inherit his mantle in the future and lead many city residents to become richer and stronger.

Now Shen Luoyan's appearance seems to have solved his troublesome problem in an extremely simple way, which makes the city lord extremely pleasantly surprised.

Li Xuanfeng not only studied very hard and made rapid progress in his knowledge, but also changed his previous playful temperament and became humble and polite, as if he was worried about being disliked by Shen Luoyan.

But a few years later, the city lord began to have headaches again. He found that his son was getting closer and closer to the mute book boy, and he seemed to have fallen in love with her!

This is what the city lord does not want to see. He thinks that marrying a mute woman will damage the majesty of the city lord's palace and be criticized by others.

When his father summoned him and was severely warned not to get too close to Shen Luoyan, and even wanted to expel her from the city lord's mansion, Li Xuanfeng suddenly panicked.

Because of the worries in his heart, the city lord was harsher on Li Xuanfeng than ever before and even imprisoned him in a room.

After seeing his father's harsh actions, Li Xuanfeng suddenly said in a deep voice: "If you prevent us from meeting each other, I will go on a hunger strike in this room and die!"

Li Xuan

Feng was worried that his father would expel Shen Luoyan and he would be imprisoned, and then there would be no one to protect Shen Luoyan's safety.

At first, the city lord thought that his son just said harsh words casually and could not stick to the matter. He still ordered Shen Luoyan to be expelled from the city lord's mansion, not wanting to let his son do whatever he wanted.

But he soon became anxious. Li Xuanfeng had not eaten any water or rice in the past three days and had become extremely weak!

The city lord was immediately extremely surprised. He did not expect that his son, who had been content with enjoying himself since childhood, would be so determined this time. After hesitating for a long time, he had no choice but to go to Li Xuanfeng's room softly.

"Son, I can promise to let this mute book boy stay with you, but in the future you need to succeed the city lord!" the city lord said with helplessness.

After seeing Li Xuanfeng's performance in the past few years, the city lord valued his son very much. Knowing that he was smarter than his second son, he was determined to train him to be the next city lord.

Although Li Xuanfeng was extremely weak, he still spoke with an extremely firm tone: "My son can promise to become a good city lord in the future, but I beg my father to allow me to marry Luo Yan!"

Although he was quite reluctant in his heart ‎​​‎​‏‎‏​‎‏​‏‏‏, the city lord still nodded slightly, knowing that his son had made up his mind, and he could not stop him at all, unless he wanted a white-haired person to give black hair away people.

After being released, Li Xuanfeng immediately knew that his father had expelled Shen Luoyan for many days. He immediately led people to search for him regardless of his weakness. He just took two steamed buns and ate them on the road.

When he came to negotiate terms with Li Xuanfeng, the city lord had already sent people to look for Shen Luoyan, but there was still no news at this time.

The first thing Li Xuanfeng thought of was where he met Shen Luoyan for the first time, and he immediately rushed there as quickly as possible. Sure enough, he saw Shen Luoyan, who had been thinking about her day and night, and immediately held her tightly in his arms.

After three days of separation, Shen Luoyan fully understood her feelings and happily hugged Li Xuanfeng, silently telling her longing for her. When Li Xuanfeng told her about the marriage, she blushed and smiled slightly without hesitation. nod.

Li Xuanfeng was immediately overjoyed and married Shen Luoyan six months later. At the same time, under Shen Luoyan's supervision, their knowledge continued to improve, and Li Xuanfeng had begun to show his abilities.

Although Li Xuanfeng's marriage to Shen Luoyan caused a lot of rumors, it was quickly blocked by their abilities, and a large number of city residents had a great change in their views on the young city lord.

Ten years later, Li Xuanfeng succeeded to the position of city lord and managed the entire city in an orderly manner. He dealt with things extremely fairly and used both kindness and power, rewarding those who had meritorious service and severely punishing those who were lawless, making the entire city extremely peaceful. harmony.

In just three years, countless city residents already respected Li Xuanfeng immensely. The matter of marrying Shen Luoyan was not only no longer a laughing stock, but also became a good story.

Although Shen Luoyan was unable to have children and even offered to let Li Xuanfeng take a concubine to continue the family line, Li Xuanfeng still shook his head and refused, discouraging her and his father from doing so.

Afterwards, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan regarded their nephew as their own and devoted themselves to training him. They also trained him to be a very capable person, and finally took over the position of city lord.

Decades later, the old Li Xuanfeng took Shen Luoyan together, lying on the bed together recalling their youth, and finally drove west together.

During the funeral, countless city residents spontaneously came to see him off, knelt down and shouted: "Farewell to the old city lord and his wife!"

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