Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 27 Commissioned Auction

"Congratulations, senior sister, for taking your cultivation to a higher level and entering the spiritual base realm." Li Xuanfeng cupped his fists and congratulated heartily. Being able to control objects and fly in the air already shows that senior sister Shen Luoyan has successfully broken through to the spiritual base realm after two months of seclusion.

After hearing this, Shen Luoyan felt happy and fell down beside Li Xuanfeng. She encouraged Li Xuanfeng with a hint of pride: "You have also reached the late stage of soul fusion. It won't take long to break through to the spirit base realm. And you are so qualified. In the future, I will catch up with your senior sister."

"I wonder what senior sister wants to do when she comes to see me?" After being polite, Li Xuanfeng asked the doubts in his heart.

"Can't I come to you if nothing happens?" Shen Luoyan asked with a trace of displeasure on her face, pretending to be angry.

"Of course, senior sister, you can come to me at any time." Li Xuanfeng explained quickly.

"This is what you said." A hint of cunning appeared in Shen Luoyan's big eyes.

Li Xuanfeng felt that he had been fooled again, but he could no longer take back what he had said, so he had to admit defeat. He had no choice but to believe that senior sister Shen Luoyan would not embarrass him.

"The first-level auction will be opened in three days. Junior brother, please come with me to have a look."

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to go to the auction house to see it." Li Xuanfeng agreed readily.

"Then it's settled, we'll meet at the entrance of the Trading Pavilion in three days." After Shen Luoyan finished speaking, he flew away again on the red silk ribbon.

Li Xuanfeng went to the Trading Pavilion. The auction house was on the third floor of the Trading Pavilion. When the auction house was not open, the third floor was only used to entertain distinguished guests. There are two auction venues and ten relatively spacious enclosed rooms on the third floor of the Trading Pavilion. Because auction houses of different levels will not be opened at the same time, the two auction houses are sufficient for alternate use, and the ten private rooms are used to receive VIPs.

Walking into the Trading Pavilion, he went straight to the second floor and found the window where elixirs were sold. When Li Xuanfeng took out the Lingji Pill, the face of the disciple from the Trading Pavilion who received him changed instantly and he looked at Li Xuanfeng deeply.

"Please wait a moment, I will go find our elder." The receiving disciple suddenly said.

Li Xuanfeng was quite surprised. Why did he need to invite elders to receive him when he was selling elixirs? It didn't take long, and soon the receptionist showed up with a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man had obviously listened to the receptionist's story.

"Master Li, I, Chen Cang, am the elder of the Trading Pavilion. Please come upstairs with me to talk in detail." The middle-aged man invited with a respectful expression.

Li Xuanfeng followed Chen Cang up the stairs to the third floor with doubts. He saw that the layout of the third floor was completely different from that of the first and second floors. There were ten larger rooms in the middle, and there were closed walls on both sides, with a closed door on each side. With.

Chen Cang introduced Li Xuanfeng into a room, and the two of them sat down. Li Xuanfeng took out the bottle containing Lingji Dan and placed it on the table between them.

Chen Cang opened the elixir bottle and poured out a Spiritual Foundation Pill. After observing it carefully, he said solemnly: "A low-grade Spiritual Foundation Pill was recently refined."

"Excuse me, Mr. Li, is this the alchemist who refined the Lingji Pill?" Chen Cang suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Xuanfeng and asked.

Li Xuanfeng smiled and said nothing, and did not answer Chen Cang. Instead, he took out a few pill bottles again. As he opened these pill bottles, a look of shock appeared on Chen Cang's face.

"High-quality Explosive Pill, Perfect Spirit-Gathering Pill, Perfect Yuan-Returning Pill!"

Chen Cang had already confirmed in his mind that Li Xuanfeng was an alchemist and stopped asking this question. What shocked him was that Li Xuanfeng had only been in the sect for five months. Not only had his cultivation reached the late stage of soul fusion, but he was also able to refine spirit base pills. alchemist.

"Master Li, from now on you will be a VIP of our trading pavilion. You don't have to wait in line to buy and sell items. You can go directly to the third floor. There will be a dedicated receptionist to arrange it for you. If you have items that need to be sold in the future, please give them to me. We." Chen Cang said to Li Xuanfeng respectfully. That kind of respect did not cause any discomfort at all because Li Xuanfeng was a junior. It was a natural respect.

Li Xuanfeng once again felt the nobility of the alchemist's status, and even asked the elders of the Trading Pavilion to directly invite him to become a VIP of the Trading Pavilion, specifically arranging for people to buy or sell items.

The scarcity of high-level alchemists has resulted in the scarcity of high-level elixirs in the Trading Pavilion, so Chen Cang attaches great importance to Li Xuanfeng because Li Xuanfeng's alchemy qualifications are extremely high.

In fact, what Li Xuanfeng didn't know was that if an ordinary alchemist was not enough for Chen Canlai to invite him to be a distinguished guest of the Trading Pavilion, it was his cultivation in the spirit-melting realm that made him completely shocked when he refined the spirit-based pills and perfect-level pills. Chen Cang valued his talent and future.

"Elder Chen, can I entrust the items to the auction house now?" Li Xuanfeng told Chen Cang his purpose.

"Master Li, as a distinguished guest of the Trading Pavilion, you can entrust the items to the auction house in advance for subsequent auctions, and I am the person in charge of this auction house. If you need to entrust the auction, you can leave it to me." Chen Cang explained with a hint of pride.

Li Xuanfeng had learned about the auction house, and not just any items could be consigned. The items to be consigned for auction needed to be relatively rare. After thinking about it, he decided to consign the medium-grade Spiritual Foundation Pill and two perfect elixirs to the auction.

When Li Xuanfeng took out the bottle of the middle-grade Lingji Dan again, Chen Cang felt numb from the shock. It seemed that it was natural for Li Xuanfeng to do something shocking again.

"I want to finish these

The Mei Ju Ling Dan, Hui Yuan Dan and the middle-grade Ling Ji Dan are entrusted to be auctioned. The others are not of high value and can be sold directly. "Li Xuanfeng gave twenty Spirit-Gathering Pills, twenty Yuan-Returning Pills, and ten Spirit-Based Pills.

"This is the VIP token of the trading pavilion. You can use the token to pass through the formation to enter the third floor. These two pieces are the seat cards of the auction house. I give them to you as a meeting gift. The VIP token can actually be used as the location of the auction house. Use the tokens and give the other two to friends.”

Chen Cang took out three tokens and handed them to Li Xuanfeng. One of the silver tokens had a character like a dancing dragon and phoenix on it, while the other two were purple wooden tokens, each with the words "auction house" and a number written on it. , is the number of the auction location.

"The elixir you entrusted for auction has been recorded in the VIP token. A 5% handling fee will be charged when it is auctioned. A 10% handling fee will be charged for non-VIP entrusted auctions. There is still a certain amount of VIP tokens. The credit limit, your VIP token can be used on credit for two thousand spirit stones. For example, if you don't have enough spirit stones at the auction house, you can buy them first and return the missing spirit stones later," Chen Cang explained to Li Xuanfeng in detail.

The token of the auction house is the admission ticket to the auction house. Only with the token of the auction house can you enter the auction house. Generally, you need to buy it at the trading pavilion. The price of the token depends on the location of the auction house, which is relatively late. The location is relatively cheap. In the day or two before the auction is about to open, some disciples will resell their tokens, and the prices will be higher. Disciples who have not obtained tokens before but want to enter the auction will grit their teeth and buy them. In order to limit this resale behavior, usually only one person is allowed to purchase one token at the auction site.

It is relatively rare for people like Li Xuanfeng to be given tokens. Generally, only VIPs from the trading pavilion or when entrusting high-value items to be auctioned will be given tokens. The token that Chen Cang gave to Li Xuanfeng was in a relatively high position and was of high value.

After Li Xuanfeng entrusted the elixirs to be auctioned, he sold some of the remaining elixirs and obtained five hundred spirit stones. This was the value of his elixirs even if the two perfect elixirs and the medium-grade spirit base elixir were not sold. The largest one is among the three elixirs consigned for auction. The auction house auctions first and then picks up the auction items and the spiritual stones obtained from the entrusted auction items after the auction is over. Therefore, in the auction house, you can increase the price according to the value of the items you entrust for auction, and it can be deducted when you pick up the items at the end of the auction.

"By the way, Elder Chen, please help me conceal the identity of the alchemist. I don't like to cause trouble." Li Xuanfeng said to Chen Cang before leaving.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, we won't reveal the VIP's information." Chen Cang promised, patting his chest.

Regarding the trading pavilion, Li Xuanfeng was relatively reassured about keeping it secret. Their trading activities and auction houses required credibility guarantees. Without credibility, they would not be able to gain a foothold at all.

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