Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 54 The spiritual foundation is shattered!

"You brat, stretch out your right hand." The Five Elements Master suddenly said. Li Xuanfeng raised his right hand in confusion upon hearing this.

When the Master of Five Elements waved his sleeve, a blade of light went straight to Li Xuanfeng's wrist. The speed was too fast. When Li Xuanfeng saw the Master of Five Elements wave his sleeve, he felt pain on his wrist at the same time. Li Xuanfeng's physical body, which had reached the middle stage of the Spiritual Base Realm, was as fragile as tofu in front of the light blade. A long and slender wound instantly appeared, and bright red blood spurted out instantly.

"You brat, I will help you refine the purple destroyer stick now. After giving it to you, I will fall into a long sleep so that you can take care of yourself. Don't wait for me to wake up and find that you are no longer alive, and the purple destroyer stick is already in the hands of others." The Five Elements Master said to Li Xuanfeng with a hint of ridicule and seriousness. In fact, he was warning Li Xuanfeng to be careful in everything in the future.

It's just that the Lord of Five Elements is not a person who is good at expressing emotions. He thinks it is hypocritical, so he even expresses his concern for Li Xuanfeng so strongly.

Li Xuanfeng's blood did not fall after it flowed out. Instead, it was controlled by the Five Elements Master to float in the air. With a wave of his hand, it quickly appeared above his right hand and condensed into a blood ball.

I saw a ball of light appearing in the right hand of Lord Five Elements. In Li Xuanfeng's opinion, it seemed like spiritual power but not spiritual power. It seemed to be much stronger than spiritual power. This group of light rushed towards the blood ball and merged with the blood ball instantly.

After a while, the blood cell expanded two or three times in size, and in Li Xuanfeng's opinion, this blood cell composed of his own blood seemed to have undergone changes that he could not detect.

The blood is still his blood, but it seems to be fused with some powerful power, with a sense of agility and a dazzling luster.

The Lord of Five Elements turned his hand and pushed the blood ball. The blood ball flew towards the nine-story tower at an extremely fast speed. On the way, it broke into countless drops and was finally injected into countless specific places in the tower.

After the blood droplets were injected, a strong blood light appeared in the tower, and it even began to flicker. When the blood was injected into the tower, Li Xuanfeng felt that he and the tower seemed to have some kind of connection. As the light flashed, the connection became deeper and deeper. At the end of nine flashes, it seemed to have reached the point of being inseparable.

"After I help you refine the Zi Mie Stick, even if someone else grabs the Zi Mie Stick, they will not be able to feel the Zi Mie Space in the stick unless the cultivation reaches the third level. In this way, even if I fall into a deep sleep, I will not be exposed to the Zi Mie The secret of space. After you break through to the spiritual base realm, you can also use your spiritual consciousness to enter the Zi Mie space and check the jade slips and elixirs I have stored in the tower," the Five Elements Venerable explained.

"You must remember that the world of cultivation is very cruel. Don't trust others easily. There is space in the magic weapon, which means it is a powerful magic weapon above the third level. If it is spread, you may cause death. Then It will attract countless powerful practitioners to snatch it.”

The magic weapon of the Purple Miegun is very special. It can only be refined within the Purple Mietro space, and refining requires strong cultivation. like

Without unsealing, outsiders would not be able to feel the purple annihilation space in the stick, let alone enter the space for refining. Therefore, although the Five Elements Master has been dead for more than five thousand years, no one has ever successfully unsealed the Purple Mighty Stick, and no one has been able to refine it.

So before that, the master of Zi Mie Guan had been the Five Elements Venerable. It was not until the Five Elements Venerable helped Li Xuanfeng refine it that Li Xuanfeng became the new master of Zi Mie Guang.

After refining, the Five Elements Master closed his eyes and crossed his legs to absorb the spiritual power. After a few hours, he returned to his peak before opening his eyes again.

Next is the most important thing of this retreat, giving Li Xuanfeng a blessing and helping him achieve the Five Elements Spiritual Body!

An imperceptible thought appeared in the eyes of the Five Elements Master. He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to believe in Li Xuanfeng so much. But just for a moment, the thoughts in his eyes turned into determination. With Li Xuanfeng's character, he was willing to take a big gamble.

Because Li Xuanfeng does not have the five elements of spiritual power in his body, he cannot practice the five elements method. People who are born with the five elements of spiritual power have a five-element spiritual body. The Five Elements Spirit Body is a rare physique that is rarely seen in ten thousand years. It is extremely powerful and was once called the strongest physique.

The blessing that the Five Elements Master wanted to give was to generate five kinds of spiritual power in Li Xuanfeng's body, transforming his physique into a Five Elements spirit body. After practicing the powerful Five Elements Technique, Li Xuanfeng's combat power will far exceed that of people with the same level of cultivation. The power of the Five Elements Spiritual Body and the Five Elements Dharma makes the Five Elements Venerable very much look forward to it.

The Five Elements Master is the Five Elements Spirit from ancient times. Although the techniques he practiced at that time were not as powerful as the Five Elements Techniques, his combat power far exceeded that of people in the same realm, which aroused the fear of countless people and even aroused the suspicion of hostile sects. of pursuit.

Li Xuanfeng followed what the Lord of the Five Elements said, and placed all the three thousand spirit stones and the spiritual cores he had obtained by hunting the spirit beasts on the trial level beside him, forming a circle. He even closed his eyes and sat down cross-legged to wait for the action of the Lord of the Five Elements.

Three thousand spirit stones were piled into three parts, each with a thousand spirit stones, plus one part containing dozens of spiritual base realm spirit cores. It was like four small rockeries surrounding Li Xuanfeng, with a bottle of Perfection next to him. Lingji Dan.

"You brat, relax your mind and go all out to break through the spiritual base realm. Don't make any resistance. Even subconscious resistance must be suppressed. The next process will be very painful." The Lord of Five Elements said with unusual solemnity.

Li Xuanfeng sat down cross-legged without any hesitation, not even the slightest bit frightened by the pain that Master Five Elements said. He already has great faith in the Five Elements Master, and he is willing to endure the pain as long as he can become stronger.

The figure of the Five Elements Venerable appeared beside Li Xuanfeng in a flash. He patted him and Li Xuanfeng's mouth opened naturally. A perfect spiritual foundation pill was controlled by the Five Elements Venerable and sent into his mouth. The powerful spiritual power formed by the melting of the pill instantly rolled in his body.

"Concentrate your cultivation and start to break through the spiritual foundation realm. After the breakthrough is successful, operate the five elements method. "

The voice of the Five Elements Venerable

reverberated in his ears, and Li Xuanfeng immediately mobilized all his spiritual power to gather in the dantian. The spiritual foundation realm is not like the fusion realm. The time required for breakthrough is much longer than the realm of the fusion realm.

The amount of Li Xuanfeng's spiritual power has long exceeded the fusion realm, and even surpassed the peak of the general early stage of the spiritual foundation realm. The three kinds of spiritual power in the body quickly filled the dantian, and then as it continued to flow in, the spiritual power was constantly squeezed and condensed, and began to form a foundation stone composed of countless spiritual powers.

This foundation stone is completely condensed by spiritual power, which has three colors of gold, red and yellow. When the spiritual power is condensed, part of the spiritual power will dissipate directly in the collision, which will cause considerable loss, so it is necessary to absorb spiritual power from the outside world at the same time. Li Xuanfeng opened the Five Elements Devouring Method at the same time, absorbing the spiritual stone pile beside him.

As the spiritual power continued to flow in, the foundation stone gradually expanded. After more than half a month of condensation, it was half the size of the Dantian. At this time, one of the three spiritual stone piles beside him lost its luster because all the spiritual power was absorbed, and it turned into powder.

When ordinary Rong Ling Realm breaks through the Lingji Realm, the whole body's spiritual power condenses into a spiritual foundation, which is less than half the size of the Dantian. Li Xuanfeng's spiritual foundation at this time is already half the size of the Dantian, but the spiritual power in his body has only been consumed by half!

This is because Li Xuanfeng used the method passed down by the Five Elements Venerable when he was in the Rong Ling Realm, condensing and compressing it as many as eighteen times, making the spiritual power far beyond the general Lingji Realm, and the spiritual foundation he condensed is also far beyond the ordinary Lingji Realm.

At this time, the Five Elements Venerable pressed his hand directly on Li Xuanfeng's Dantian, injecting a very powerful force that Li Xuanfeng could not understand.

That was the power of origin, which was the power that only the third realm power could possess. And the Five Elements Venerable injected into Li Xuanfeng's body was not an ordinary power of origin, it was an existence beyond the power of origin, the seed of origin!

As the power of the Five Elements Venerable entered the Dantian and touched Li Xuanfeng's half-condensed spiritual foundation, Li Xuanfeng's spiritual foundation was instantly shattered.

"Ah!!" Li Xuanfeng let out a violent scream, and his whole body trembled violently, and countless cold sweats appeared all over his body.

When he was forging his body in the big competition space, the pain of his whole body seemed to be shattered, which only made Li Xuanfeng groan, but at this time he let out a violent scream. You can imagine how great the pain was at this time.

The spiritual foundation is the condensation of the cultivation in the body. The pain at this time is like the shattering of the whole body, which makes Li Xuanfeng feel unbearable.

There are also cultivators who fail to condense their spiritual foundation when they break through the spiritual foundation realm, but that kind of failure is just the disintegration of the spiritual foundation into scattered spiritual power. The disintegration of the spiritual foundation is the gradual disappearance of the spiritual foundation and its gradual transformation into spiritual power. Although it is painful, it is completely incomparable to the pain that Li Xuanfeng is enduring at this time.

Li Xuanfeng's spiritual foundation has been completely shattered into pieces. If there is no special method, it means that the breakthrough has failed, and it will seriously damage the cultivation.

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