Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 560 Six furnaces are refined together!

According to the news that spread around the world, Li Xuanfeng is already a top alchemist in the Spiritual God Realm. He is able to refine high-level pills in the Spiritual God Realm. No one in the Xuanling Sect, or even in the entire Psychic Continent, can match him.

This piece of news instantly shocked the entire Xuanling Sect monks.

They never expected that Li Xuanfeng was not only the best in the Psychic Continent in terms of combat power, but also in the art of alchemy!

After being shocked, many monks from the Xuanling Sect suddenly thought that if they could entrust Li Xuanfeng to refine the elixir, they would be able to obtain higher quality elixirs.

Although the disciples did not dare to look for Li Xuanfeng to refine the elixir, the elder was still extremely excited.

Alchemists above the Spiritual Infant Realm are already rare, and it is extremely difficult to improve the quality of elixirs above the Spiritual Infant Realm. Therefore, many people spend a lot of money to entrust alchemists with alchemists, and in the end they can only get low-grade and medium-grade elixirs.

And Li Xuanfeng, a top-level alchemist in the Spiritual God Realm, can easily refine low-level elixirs in the Spiritual Infant Realm and Spiritual God Realm.

If Li Xuanfeng can be entrusted to refine the elixir, he will definitely be able to obtain higher quality elixirs, and the elixir completion rate will be far higher than other alchemists.

It is precisely because of this that several elders cautiously came to Li Xuanfeng to refine the elixir the next day. Li Xuanfeng could not refuse, and after pondering, he began to set his own refining rules.

Only one day per month is set aside to refine elixirs for others, only those of the Spiritual Infant Realm and Spiritual God Realm grades, and the refining price is quite high. The entruster needs to prepare three refining materials.

An ordinary alchemist only needs to entrust the person to prepare two refining materials, and then give a certain amount of spiritual stones as a reward after the refining is successful.

Of course, if both refinings end in failure, the alchemist does not need to bear responsibility, but the person who entrusted it does not need to pay any more spiritual stones.

A piece of refining material is much more valuable than the reward of this spiritual stone. Many alchemists rely on a successful refining to obtain a piece of refining material to earn resources.

Li Xuanfeng set such rules in order to reduce the number of people who came to him to refine the elixir, so as not to affect his meditation practice.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng let Zhou Tian know that his original intention of refining alchemy was not to make elixirs for others to earn resources, but to pass on the alchemy skills to the alchemists of Xuanling Sect so that the alchemy skills of Xuanling Sect could be continuously improved. .

Sure enough, Li Xuanfeng's rules made many interested people retreat, but because Zhou Tian's reputation was so great, many people still came here because of his reputation.

Half a month later, Li Xuanfeng finally took a day to refine elixirs for these elders.

The refining place Li Xuanfeng chose was the Pill Pavilion. In his words, since Zhou Tian had caused such a big trouble for him, he had to trouble him.

But Zhou Tian agreed with a smile, saying only that he needed to allow the alchemist from their elixir pavilion to observe.

Hearing that Li Xuanfeng was going to refine elixirs in the elixir pavilion, a large number of alchemists immediately came to visit, and even several spiritual god realm alchemists including Zhou Tian were present.

During this refining, all the alchemists from the Alchemy Pavilion, except those who were out of the sect, were already present. Some alchemists who had not joined the Alchemy Pavilion, because they could not watch from the sidelines, immediately felt extremely regretful and secretly hated themselves for not adding the elixir in the first place. Pavilion.

After Li Xuanfeng made this refining, many alchemists rushed to enter the elixir pavilion.

The alchemists who entered the Alchemy Pavilion all actively joined.

Because of this refining, the alchemists of the Pill Pavilion saw an extremely shocking refining scene.

When Li Xuanfeng appeared in the elixir pavilion, all the alchemists of the elixir pavilion who had been waiting here bowed respectfully and shouted in unison: "Greetings to the Supreme Elder!"

Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly, and Zhou Tian immediately came forward to greet him, preparing to lead Li Xuanfeng into the best alchemy room in the elixir pavilion to refine the elixir.

But Li Xuanfeng shook his head and asked with a smile: "How many alchemy furnaces are there in the alchemy room?"

Zhou Tian was slightly startled when he heard this, then smiled and said, "It contains the best alchemy furnace in my alchemy pavilion."

Li Xuanfeng immediately shook his head, smiled, and said, "Then let's refine it in this hall."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Zhou Tian looked stunned. He didn't understand why Li Xuanfeng was refining in this hall, but he couldn't say any more and said respectfully: "Then wait a moment."

After saying that, Zhou Tian immediately turned around and entered the alchemy room, took out the high-grade alchemy furnace that had been prepared, and placed it in front of Li Xuanfeng.

Li Xuanfeng looked around the hall and found that although there were many alchemy furnaces here, they were all low-level alchemy furnaces, so he looked at Zhou Tian and said, "I still need four alchemy furnaces at the spiritual level. "

The alchemy furnaces in this hall cannot support his use. I am afraid that these alchemy furnaces will be melted instantly as soon as the purple flames in the center of the earth come out.

Zhou Tian looked more puzzled, but he still quickly made arrangements, took out all the alchemy furnaces of himself and several spiritual god realm alchemists, and provided Li Xuanfeng with four more alchemy furnaces.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng also took out his alchemy furnace and placed it in a circle with Zhou Tian and others', surrounding himself in the center.

These six alchemy furnaces are not small in size. At this time, they surround Li Xuanfeng and even block most of his body.

Seeing this scene, a look of disbelief suddenly appeared on Zhou Tian's old face, and he murmured in his heart: "Is Li Xuanfeng planning to use six alchemy furnaces to refine the elixir?"

Then Li Xuanfeng took a look at the elixirs that the entrusted person needed to refine according to the elixir pavilion. At the same time, after receiving the refining materials collected by the elixir pavilion for him, he began to refine the elixirs.

With a wave of Li Xuanfeng's hand, six deep purple flames instantly flew out and appeared at the bottom of the six alchemy furnaces and began to burn continuously.

Seeing this scene, the alchemists in the Alchemy Pavilion suddenly opened their eyes slightly. They never expected that Li Xuanfeng would use six alchemy furnaces to refine elixirs at the same time!

Even Zhou Tian's expression was full of shock. He originally thought that Li Xuanfeng was just going to use six alchemy furnaces, but he didn't expect that they would use them at the same time.

These are two completely different concepts. The six alchemy furnaces can be used separately, but the energy required to use six alchemy furnaces at the same time will be extremely astonishing.

Moreover, what Li Xuanfeng wants to refine is not low-level elixirs, but high-level elixirs for the Spiritual Infant Realm and the Spiritual God Realm.

The people who entrusted Li Xuanfeng to refine the elixir this time were all elders with high levels of cultivation in the Xuanling Sect, so the lowest elixir refined this time was also a high-level elixir of the Spiritual Infant Realm.

Refining this kind of high-level elixir requires a lot of spiritual power and energy. Even an alchemist in the spiritual realm needs to concentrate on refining it.

It is precisely because of this that when Li Xuanfeng seemed to be preparing to use six alchemy furnaces to refine elixirs at the same time, all the alchemists in the elixir pavilion were immediately trapped.

In shock.

Then Li Xuanfeng waved his hands rapidly, and ten kinds of refining materials suddenly floated into the air, seemingly disintegrating in the air, and impurities were removed!

The refining materials with impurities removed were put into the alchemy furnace respectively, and several kinds of materials floated up, and the impurities were quickly removed and put into the alchemy furnace.

In just the blink of an eye, the refining materials were put into the six alchemy furnaces, and the refining really started.

The alchemists who were watching suddenly discovered that the purple flames at the bottom of the six alchemy furnaces all showed different burning patterns, and it was obvious that the heat was carefully controlled.

This scene instantly stunned all the alchemists who were watching. Not only could Li Xuanfeng remove impurities from multiple refining materials at the same time, but he could also exquisitely control the flames under six alchemy furnaces at the same time. How much powerful spiritual power is required to do this? To this point? !

Even several Spirit God Realm alchemists, including Zhou Tian, ​​were extremely shocked at this time. They felt that Li Xuanfeng's alchemy skills were beyond their reach, and he actually used six alchemy furnaces to refine elixirs at the same time.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng closed his eyes slightly, and the power of his spiritual consciousness spread out with all his strength, and the spiritual power in his body also surged out to control the refining materials and remove impurities.

Under the gaze of many alchemists, Li Xuanfeng was surrounded by six alchemy furnaces. The deep purple flames showed different temperatures, while a large number of spiritual materials were flying around him, as if they were elves taking off their coats on their own. Remove impurities.

Countless spiritual materials with impurities removed entered the six alchemy furnaces around Li Xuanfeng in an orderly manner, and were refined by the surging heat inside.

As Li Xuanfeng was refining, the strong fragrance of medicine wafted from the six pill furnaces, instantly filling the hall of the pill pavilion, and even spreading to other places, covering the entire pill pavilion in the blink of an eye.

Smelling this strong medicinal fragrance, the alchemists here suddenly felt relaxed and happy. Many people even felt that their cultivation was about to move, as if they were about to make a breakthrough at any time.

For Zhou Tian and others who are already spiritual alchemists, they can roughly judge the quality of the elixirs in the alchemy furnace from the scent of the medicine.

Although they could not completely determine the quality of the elixir refined by Li Xuanfeng, they already knew that the quality must be high!

Even the aroma of medicine coming from a single alchemy furnace was stronger than when they used a single alchemy furnace to refine elixirs. This showed that the quality of the elixirs refined by Li Xuanfeng must not be lower than theirs.

As Li Xuanfeng continued to refine the medicine, the aroma of the medicine in the elixir pavilion became more and more intense. At this time, it was already spread out of the elixir pavilion, allowing the entrusted monks waiting outside the elixir pavilion to smell it clearly.

Smelling this strong medicinal fragrance, the commissioned monk who was waiting for the outside suddenly became happy. With such a strong medicinal fragrance, the refined elixir must be ready, but I don't know whose elixir is being refined now.

After a while, there was no spiritual material floating around Li Xuanfeng. He had already put all the refining materials into the six pill furnaces.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng waved one hand, and a furnace lid made of condensed spiritual power suddenly appeared on each of the six alchemy furnaces, sealing all the alchemy furnaces.

As the alchemy furnace was blocked, the medicinal fragrance here suddenly lost its source and quickly dissipated. The fire at the bottom of the alchemy furnace was rapidly becoming stronger, and it was obvious that the final refining was in progress.

When the elixir is finally formed, a fire needs to be used to allow the majestic heat and spiritual power in the elixir furnace to compress the essence of the spiritual material and finally condense it into an elixir.

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