Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 577 Shen Luoyan's Medical Skills

For Gao Sheng, the fact that the medical clinic is now so busy does make him feel more at ease. Otherwise, with a salary of three taels of silver, he would feel hot.

Although Gao Sheng knew that his boss, Dr. Li, didn't care about money, he couldn't help but care.

Although the medical clinic is now busy, the opening and closing times set by Li Xuanfeng have not changed. It opens at midnight and closes at Youshi.

The wooden sign hanging on the door of the medical center now has this sentence added to prevent people who come to see a doctor from making a wasted trip.

People nearby couldn't help but be extremely surprised when they saw the operating hours written on the wooden sign in front of the medical clinic. Normally, the medical clinic was open at midnight.

Based on the time set by Dr. Li, the opening time of Li Family Medical Clinic is one hour less than other medical clinics every day.

At first, people nearby thought that this was the time written randomly by the Li Family Medical Clinic, but after observation, they found that the opening and closing times of the medical clinic were extremely punctual every time.

If there are many people entering the medical clinic, Li Xuanfeng will ask Gao Sheng to notify the people behind him before Youshi to stop waiting in line to avoid waiting in vain.

Seeing this scene, the people nearby were extremely surprised. Combined with the previous rumors that Li Xuanfeng spent hundreds of taels of silver a day, they finally believed that this Doctor Li was really not short of money...

Gao Sheng also proposed to increase the opening hours of the medical clinic every day, but Li Xuanfeng refused decisively with a smile. Gao Sheng knew his temper and did not dare to mention it further.

As Li Xuanfeng's reputation in Qingshan City grew, almost all patients with difficult and complicated diseases in the city came to the Li Family Medical Center.

Not only that, there are also some people with serious illnesses who come directly to Li Family Medical Center because they are worried that other doctors cannot cure them.

It was precisely because of the large number of patients who came to the medical clinic that Li Xuanfeng finally encountered a disease that he could not cure!

This patient was an old woman who was extremely weak, and several juniors even used a sedan to carry her to the Li Family Medical Center.

After Li Xuanfeng checked the old woman's pulse and observed her, he shook his head helplessly and whispered to her descendants: "Treat the old woman well and spend her last days with her."

This old woman suffers from a disease of internal organ failure. Her heartbeat is now extremely slow and she seems to be running out of gas!

Although this old woman was only in her fifties or sixties, her body was too weak for Li Xuanfeng to administer the medicine. If she was stimulated by the medicine, it might accelerate the person's internal organ failure!

It is precisely because of this that Li Xuanfeng did not dare to treat this old woman and could not treat her.

If Li Xuanfeng uses spiritual power to treat her, he can slowly alleviate the old woman's weakness, and combined with medicine, she can be cured.

But after Li Xuanfeng pondered for a moment, he did not use this method.

People are born, old, sick and die. This is an inevitable fate in the world, and Li Xuanfeng cannot change it without authorization.

If he uses his cultivation and spiritual power to change people in the world, then his mortal transformation will have no meaning.

Transforming into the mortal world means integrating into the mortal world and experiencing the way of the mortal world.

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's expression that he was helpless, the old woman's family suddenly looked a lot more lonely, but they were not angry about it.

They had already taken the old woman to see many doctors, and they were mentally prepared before coming to the Li Family Medical Center this time.

Although they heard that the doctors at Li Family Medical Center had excellent insights in treating difficult and complicated diseases, they did not dare to have high hopes.

Come and give it a try.

Several doctors who had seen the old woman's condition shook their heads helplessly, or tried prescribing prescriptions, but none of them had any effect, and some prescriptions even made the condition worse.

Therefore, the descendants of this old woman no longer have much hope. Now, even if Doctor Li prescribes a prescription, they need to carefully consider it before they dare to use it.

Now that they heard what Li Xuanfeng said, the last glimmer of hope in their hearts suddenly disappeared. They decided to listen to Li Xuanfeng's words and give up on seeking medical treatment, but to accompany the old man on his final journey.

Several people put their minds aside and took out two ounces of money and put it on the table as the diagnosis fee, but Li Xuanfeng pushed the two ounces of money back again.

Seeing this scene, several people looked at Li Xuanfeng with strong surprise and confusion.

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled: "This is Li's rule. If there is no diagnosis and prescription, there is no shame in charging the diagnosis fee."

After hearing this, several people looked at Li Xuanfeng with deep respect. They did not expect that Doctor Li could be so upright.

If it were other doctors, they would even need to pay a diagnosis fee before seeing a doctor. Regardless of the result of diagnosis and treatment, the diagnosis fee would already be pocketed.

Thinking of this, several people clasped their fists and thanked her, and then used the sedan to carry the sick old woman away again.

This was the first patient that Li Xuanfeng could not diagnose and treat. However, after the incident spread, it did not make others think that his medical skills were not good, but instead attracted the respect of many people.

Rumor has it that although doctors at Li Family Medical Center charge extremely high diagnostic fees, they will never charge diagnostic fees if they cannot diagnose and treat people.

Many people immediately agreed with Li Xuanfeng's rule and lamented that this is a real doctor.

Originally, there were other doctors who were planning to make a fuss about this matter and suppress the reputation of Li Family Medical Clinic, but they soon discovered that it was of no use at all.

When everyone started to respect Li Xuanfeng, the reputation of Li Family Medical Center suddenly reached its peak, and everyone in Qingshan City knew about it.

At this time, the Li Family Medical Clinic has been open in Qingshan City for half a year, and it is only in this half year that everyone in Qingshan City will know.

Regardless of whether they have opened a medical clinic or not, the doctors in Qingshan City already feel extremely powerless at this time. Originally, they were in relative balance in Qingshan City, and each had their own area of ​​medical practice.

But this newcomer Li Dafu completely broke their balance in just half a year!

And even if they have a crooked idea and want to cause some trouble for the Li Family Medical Clinic, they also know that Dr. Li's martial arts is extremely powerful, and ordinary ruffians are no match for him.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng did not do anything extraordinary, and the medical skills he displayed really put them to shame. Therefore, ordinary doctors were also interested in face and would not despise using despicable means to deal with Li Family Medical Clinic.

However, the prices of medicinal materials at the Li Family Medical Center have really impacted nearby medical centers, forcing them to also lower the prices of medicinal materials, otherwise the medical center may have little business left.

Half a year later, someone finally couldn't bear the impact caused by the Li Family Medical Clinic and chose to close his own medical clinic.

This medical center is the closest to the Li Family Medical Center, only two miles away, so it has been hit the hardest. Although they have lowered the price of medicinal materials, they are still not as good as the Li Family Medical Center, which makes the medicinal materials business It became extremely bleak.

Moreover, nowadays most patients with serious illnesses choose to go to Li Family Medical Center, so that

As a result, their medical clinic can only receive patients with minor illnesses, and the profit they make is not much at all.

When the medical center closed, the owner of the medical center was extremely angry. He even regarded the Li Family Medical Center as a thorn in his side, but he dared not speak out and could only choose to do other business.

He was a ruthless man who could single-handedly destroy several bullies. If he went to trouble him, wouldn't he be asking for death?

The doctors in the medical clinic had no choice but to go to other medical clinics or go to the countryside to become doctors.

After the Li Family Medical Center became famous, some doctors came to join him, but they were all politely rejected by Li Xuanfeng.

This incident surprised Gao Sheng, but it was expected by Shen Luoyan. The person who knows Li Xuanfeng best now is his wife Shen Luoyan.

After getting along with each other in the past few years after getting married, Shen Luoyan has understood 80% to 90% of Li Xuanfeng's thoughts. Now she knows why Li Xuanfeng does not accept other doctors.

They came to Qingshan City to transform themselves into ordinary people and gain enlightenment. This was the reason why they opened a medical clinic and integrated it into Qingshan City.

Therefore, Li Xuanfeng opened a medical clinic not for business purposes at all, but for himself to realize the artistic conception as quickly as possible.

Now that the medical clinic has such a business, it is still promoted by Gao Sheng.

If we recruit other doctors, it seems that they will come here to run the medical clinic, causing more chaos in the medical clinic. This will probably increase the difficulty of enlightenment again, and even achieve nothing for decades.

In the past six months, Li Xuanfeng had already read through all the medical books collected from Qingshan City. In his spare time, he would teach Shen Luoyan how to practice the medical skills he had learned.

When Gao Sheng was in the medical clinic, he took care of all the selling of medicinal materials. Only when he went out to buy medicinal materials did he need help from Li Xuanfeng and the two of them.

Although the business of the medical clinic has increased a lot nowadays, there are still relatively few people who can afford two ounces of diagnosis fee, so only a few people come to the medical clinic to see Li Xuanfeng every day.

Therefore, Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan still have a lot of free time every day.

What you learn from medical books is ultimately just talk on paper. Without hands-on practice, it is difficult to truly turn the knowledge in medical books into your own.

Now after half a year of study, Shen Luoyan's medical skills are quite good, so Li Xuanfeng started to let her study the Five Elements Medical Book.

When Shen Luoyan finished studying all ten Five Elements medical books, coupled with the practices taught by Li Xuanfeng, her medical skills were already extremely superb and she was able to do her own thing.

If we just talk about mortal medical skills, Shen Luoyan is now almost the same as Li Xuanfeng.

Because the medical skills in the mortal world are extremely limited, after learning all the medical books and Five Elements Medical Books in Qingshan City, there is not much that can be improved.

But when it comes to medical skills in the cultivation world, Shen Luoyan is completely incomparable to Li Xuanfeng.

When he was rummaging through the collection of Master Five Elements for medical knowledge in the mortal world last time, Li Xuanfeng also browsed the medical skills in the cultivation world and already had a deep understanding of it.

If Li Xuanfeng is allowed to use his spiritual power and advanced alchemy techniques, it will not be a problem for him to live or die, and he can even make ordinary mortals live to be around two hundred years old!

Although this could be done, Li Xuanfeng would certainly not do it.

Although monks are all trained from mortals, the mortal world has its own destiny. If you use your cultivation to change it at will, it will disrupt the order of the mortal world and even lead to unimaginable consequences!

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