Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 771 Jiang Chen's Death!

The golden seal condensed by the projection body suddenly bombarded Jiang Chen, causing his body to be instantly blown away a hundred feet away, and blood spurted out of his mouth!

Jiang Chen could clearly sense that he had suffered a lot of injuries, but fortunately it was not too serious and would not cause much impact on him.

Although the sword light and two protective magic weapons used by Jiang Chen did not block this palm print, it still caused this palm print to lose most of its power.

However, Jiang Chen's face had become extremely ugly at this time. He never thought that facing the projection body condensed by this formation, he was not even as good as the young man before!

Just a face-to-face, he was hit by this projection body and suffered a lot of injuries!

Jiang Chen's face was extremely hot, and he wished he could find a crack in the ground to drill into and leave this place completely. In this way, he could not only avoid the contemptuous eyes of others, but also escape the pursuit of this projection body.

However, Jiang Chen knew very well that this idea was totally unrealistic. Now he could only escape from the formation at the fastest speed to ensure his safety!

Jiang Chen used the amazing power of the projection body's palm to impact, and at the same time, he used all his strength to promote his cultivation and rushed to the edge of the formation at a very fast speed.

But at this time, his projection body flashed slightly, and suddenly disappeared from the original place again, and appeared a hundred feet behind him in an instant!

Then the projection body raised his hand and flipped it, and a magic weapon exactly the same as the black long sword Jiang Chen had just used suddenly appeared in his hand!

Seeing the projection body take out this black long sword, Jiang Chen's heart trembled immediately. This was his strongest magic weapon, and its power was extremely amazing. If this projection body was allowed to use it, it might burst out with even more terrifying power!

Sure enough, this projection body held the black long sword and instantly slashed at Jiang Chen fiercely. A hundred-foot sword light that was more condensed than when he used it instantly condensed and rushed towards him!

Jiang Chen could feel that the black blade light exuded an extremely amazing power, causing the space to distort slightly!

The blade light condensed by this projection body was more than twice as powerful as his when he used it!

Feeling the amazing power of this black blade light, Jiang Chen's expression became even uglier, and he immediately used the strongest magic regardless of everything.

Not only that, Jiang Chen also condensed a protective armor outside his body, and took out six protective magic weapons that had not been used for a long time to cover his whole body.

The grade of these six protective magic weapons is naturally not as good as the previous two, but now Jiang Chen no longer has a protective magic weapon of the Earth Profound Realm grade, so he can only accumulate a little to protect himself.

Jiang Chen instantly used magic to condense a ferocious beast phantom, and roared fiercely at the black blade light.

As he approached, Jiang Chen's seal changed slightly, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Explode!"

As his low shout echoed, the phantom of the beast suddenly emerged with an extremely shocking violent aura, and it was obviously activated to self-destruct.

But at this moment, the black blade light cast by the projection body suddenly slashed the top of the phantom of the beast!

An amazing crack suddenly appeared on the phantom of the beast, and it was directly divided into two halves, and the violent aura it emitted suddenly stopped.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen's expression suddenly became extremely ugly. Originally, he wanted to use the magic to self-destruct to minimize the power of the blade light. Unexpectedly, the condensed magic was directly divided into two halves by the blade light, and even the self-destruction

was suddenly terminated.

At this time, the blade light was approaching rapidly, and Jiang Chen suddenly felt an extremely strong life-and-death crisis in his heart. In fear, he immediately condensed another magic!

But this spell was instantly split in half by the blade light. Although the power of the blade light was dissipated a lot, it still had nearly half of its power!

At this time, the blade light had already approached Jiang Chen within three feet, making him look ashen instantly, and he had already predicted his fate!

At such a close distance, he had no time to condense the spell to resist!

At this time, he couldn't help but have a very self-blaming thought, why did he have such an amazing magic weapon?

In the previous battle against the cultivators of the same realm, the power displayed by this black long sword was indeed very good, which made him very proud, but he never thought that there would be a day when he would bear the power of this sword!

If he had known this earlier, even if he had easily obtained this black long sword, he would have immediately given it to others...

I saw that this blade light suddenly touched the protective magic weapon that Jiang Chen was covering his body, but these protective magic weapons were only of the human Xuan realm grade.

At this time, under the terrifying power of this black blade light, these protective magic weapons were as fragile as tofu, and they collapsed rapidly one after another!

In just a moment, all the protective magic weapons outside Jiang Chen's body collapsed, and the black blade suddenly slashed directly on him!



There was a creepy sound of bones breaking, and blood gushed out in a shocking and miserable way.

Blood gushed out of Jiang Chen's mouth, his breath became extremely weak, and a shocking wound appeared on his body!

That was the scar caused by the blade slashing on his body, and even many bones inside were broken, and a large amount of blood gushed out of the wound.

At this time, Jiang Chen's breath was extremely weak, and the injuries in his body were already extremely serious. He even fell to the ground and couldn't stand up!

The other few people couldn't help but look at the middle-aged man and Qiu Laodao. If they didn't help, Jiang Chen would definitely fall in this formation!

Feeling their gazes, Qiu Laodao's expression was still extremely indifferent, and he was not prepared to take action at all.

The middle-aged man also shook his head and sighed: "This formation is extremely exquisite. There is no way to save him outside the formation. Once we enter the formation, our projection bodies will also appear, and we still cannot save him!"

After a slight pause, the middle-aged man continued: "So, when you enter later, you must be careful and exert your strongest combat power, otherwise we cannot save you!"

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, the other people were immediately shocked. In this way, after entering this formation, they can only rely on themselves. If they are completely unable to resist the attack of the projection body, they will fall into it!

When the middle-aged man spoke, Jiang Chen's projection body suddenly appeared beside him, and once again pinched the formula to condense a spell!

At this time, Jiang Chen no longer had the ability to resist, and could only watch this spell fall on him!

Jiang Chen suddenly felt great pain, but it disappeared again in an instant, and the spirit in his eyes also solidified!

Li Xuanfeng and others outside the formation saw Jiang Chen's body instantly torn into pieces, and even the Yuanshen in his body completely collapsed!


After entering the ancient wasteland, everyone saw

a lot of extremely shocking dangers and knew how dangerous this place was.

Although they had already been mentally prepared that someone would die here, now that they saw someone die with their own eyes, their emotions still fluctuated greatly.

Psychological preparation is always just psychological preparation, and it will still have a great impact when you see it with your own eyes.

At this time, everyone was more frightened of the formation in front of the cave, knowing that if they could not block the projection body, they would most likely follow in Jiang Chen's footsteps!

And the young man who had just passed through this formation was very grateful while still feeling lingering fear. Fortunately, he withstood the attack of the projection body and successfully escaped from this formation, otherwise he would probably die in it.

Before everyone recovered from Jiang Chen's death, Qiu Laodao said in a cold voice: "Next!"

Hearing Qiu Laodao's words, everyone's face suddenly changed, knowing that they were the next to enter!

Although they were extremely reluctant, they also knew that there were two third-level masters here today, and they might not be able to escape this disaster at all!

Since this disaster could not be avoided, they could only find a way to successfully survive it!

Everyone's thoughts were flying, thinking about how to fight against their own projection bodies!

Soon Qiu Laodao looked at the other two people behind him, his eyes flashed slightly, and said to the woman in white: "You enter!"

The woman opened her mouth, her face was extremely bitter, but she didn't say anything after all, she could only raise her lotus steps with a gloomy face and walk towards the formation.

Soon the woman entered the formation, and appeared in the center of the formation again without any surprise, and a projection body with exactly the same shape and appearance as her instantly condensed out.

After appearing, the woman in white immediately fled to the edge of the formation without hesitation, choosing the same method as Jiang Chen. She didn't even think about defeating this projection body, and only hoped to successfully escape from this formation.

The face of this woman in white is quite good, and the face of the condensed projection body is exactly the same. At this time, her delicate face is approaching the woman with a murderous look.

The projection body raised his hand and flipped it, and a silver long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. Under the urging, it instantly turned into an amazing silver stream of light, and slashed down at the woman in white!

The woman in white immediately used all her strength to operate her cultivation and cast a spell, instantly condensing an ice-blue shark. The shark opened its mouth and sucked it suddenly, swallowing the silver stream of light directly into its body!

It can be vaguely seen that this silver stream of light is raging wildly in the body of this ice-blue shark, as if it wants to crush this ice-blue shark.

And this ice-blue shark also burst out with extremely amazing violent power, suppressing the silver stream of light in its body!

But it was very obvious that the power of this silver stream of light was much stronger, and many cracks had already begun to appear on this ice-blue shark.

Seeing this scene, the woman in white suddenly looked condensed, and immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Explode!"


The ice-blue shark suddenly exuded an extremely powerful and violent force, and with an amazing roar, it instantly exploded, turning into an ice-blue spiritual power storm, completely covering the silver stream of light!

However, although the self-explosion power of this ice-blue shark was extremely amazing, it only caused the silver stream of light to consume more than half of its power, and did not dissipate it.

This silver stream of light instantly rushed out of the spiritual power storm formed by the ice-blue shark's self-explosion, and suddenly approached the woman in white again!

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