Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 7: Spirit Guidance

Shen Hua and Han Yue had a daughter. She was the girl who was beside Han Yue before. She was only two years older than Li Xuanfeng, named Shen Luoyan. As her name suggests, she has a delicate face and skin like snow. She is already a beautiful woman with an aura of agility.

Before Li Xuanfeng arrived, she was a little junior sister who enjoyed countless favors, but she didn't like others always treating her like a little girl, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Now that Li Xuanfeng has joined, he finally has a junior brother who can act as a senior sister in front of him, so he is extremely happy about Li Xuanfeng's arrival and takes the initiative to take Li Xuanfeng to get familiar with Xuanling Sect.

"This is the martial arts academy. There is a duel field inside. It is a place specially used for disciples to compete and practice martial arts." Shen Luoyan pointed to a palace with a high platform and said. The plaque above the palace gate has a martial arts figure like a flying dragon and a phoenix. Character.

After saying that, Shen Luoyan took Li Xuanfeng into the martial arts academy and came to a duel field. At this time, many disciples were surrounding the duel field, and from time to time there were shouts and the sound of metal clashing.

Li Xuanfeng and Shen Luoyan approached and stood in the empty space left behind the crowd, looking at the excitement of the duel.

I saw two disciples sparring in the duel field. One was holding a knife and the other was holding a sword. They were fighting each other for dozens of rounds in an instant. The two seemed to be about the same strength and fell into a stalemate.

At this moment, the man with the knife fought hard and quickly with his opponent, and the two of them fell back a certain distance together. Quickly condensing a large amount of spiritual power, he unleashed a sword filled with fire and slashed towards the opponent in an instant. The person holding the sword hurriedly used magic to resist, but the power of his magic was not as powerful as the person using the sword. He was cut away by the sword and hit on the body. He flew several meters away in an instant and fell hard to the ground.

The man with the sword did not give his opponent a chance to stand up. He got close in an instant and the knife was already on his neck. The man with the sword had no choice but to admit defeat.

Many people in the audience clapped and praised, shouting that it was wonderful. Li Xuanfeng's eyes also shone with light, as if he was comprehending the skills of fighting.

"Don't look at these two people who seem to be very powerful. Senior sister, I am much more powerful than them. I will have no problem beating them both by myself." Shen Luoyan saw a little envy in Li Xuanfeng's eyes, and raised her little head proudly and boasted. .

"Senior sister is so awesome!" Li Xuanfeng didn't know whether what this senior sister said was true, so he flattered with a helpless smile, and then continued to follow her to familiarize himself with the environment in the sect.

"The sect has a treasure pavilion. No disciple knows its specific location. There is only a teleportation array to the treasure pavilion on each peak, which can be used by disciples who are qualified to enter the treasure pavilion."

"This is the dining hall used to feed the people of the sect. As long as you spare enough spirit stones, you can also let the super chefs of the dining hall cook alone. Even many high-level disciples and elders of Bigu will sometimes come to taste it. It's delicious and will satisfy your cravings." Shen Luoyan introduced, pointing to a courtyard with smoke coming out of the kitchen door.

There is a plaque with the word "food" written on it.

After the introduction, Shen Luoyan took Li Xuanfeng to the dining hall for dinner. It was dinner time, and many disciples were sitting at the table eating. When they saw Shen Luoyan walking in, they looked at each other in confusion when they were familiar with each other. To Li Xuanfeng.

"Junior sister Shen, who is this junior brother? Is he new? Please introduce him!" A female disciple asked Shen Luoyan jokingly.

"This is my father's new disciple, who is also my junior brother. He just joined our Xuanling Sect today. You are not allowed to bully him in the future. Anyone who dares to bully him will have trouble with me, Shen Luoyan, hum!" Luoyan made a pose. He warned everyone with a ferocious look.

In fact, what Shen Luoyan didn't know was that the look she put on didn't have much momentum at all. Looking at her hands on her hips, Li Xuanfeng found it extremely interesting and couldn't help but look at her twice.

The other disciples also suppressed their laughter and cooperated with Shen Luoyan in replying: "Yes, yes, with Junior Sister you protecting me, how can we dare to bully him, and he is also our Junior Brother, how can we bully him?"

"That's good, don't worry about us, just keep eating!" Shen Luoyan said with a little pride of his own.

"Junior brother, look at it, Senior sister, I am so good! If anyone dares to bully you in the future, just come to me and Senior sister will help you deal with them." Shen Luoyan then proudly showed off to Li Xuanfeng.

"Senior Sister is mighty!" Li Xuanfeng suppressed his laughter and praised Shen Luoyan, and then sincerely thanked Shen Luoyan for taking care of him: "Thank you, Senior Sister, for taking care of me. Junior Brother will keep it in mind. If Senior Sister has anything to do in the future, please give me orders and let Junior Brother do my best." ”

Shen Luoyan was very satisfied with Li Xuanfeng's performance and took Li Xuanfeng to get food. The food in the dining hall is very sumptuous, with both meat and vegetables, as well as delicious thick soup. It can be said that it is better than what Li Xuanfeng had most of the time in Taoyuan Village.

"This is the Trading Pavilion. You can sell and buy various cultivation items here in exchange for cultivation resources. This place is indispensable." After eating, Shen Luoyan continued to wander around with Li Xuanfeng.

"This is the elixir pavilion, a dedicated pavilion for the sect's alchemists. Many of the elixirs and medicinal herbs sold are not available in the trading pavilion. The elixirs can improve cultivation and repair injuries, so the alchemist's status is extremely high. "

Soon, the sky began to darken, the setting sun had reached the horizon, and soon night would fall. Shen Luoyan took Li Xuanfeng back to Huayueyuan and found him a room to live in in the west, allowing Li Xuanfeng to practice or rest by himself, then turned around and left to go back to the room.

Li Xuanfeng quickly packed up his room and luggage, and could not wait to take out the Soul Induction Technique and began to study the cultivation method. He had to become stronger as quickly as possible to destroy the Corpse Demon Sect as soon as possible.

Opening the Soul Induction Technique, the words on the first page contained extremely majestic momentum.

The Soul Induction Technique, draws the spiritual energy of heaven and earth

, turns it into your own use, and transcends the mortal body to become the supreme road!

The Fusion Realm is to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and integrate it into yourself. When the spiritual energy is all over the body, it means that the cultivation has reached the perfection of the Fusion Realm. Before entering the Fusion Realm, you must first let your body adapt to the spiritual energy, otherwise the body will not be able to retain the spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy absorbed into the body will immediately dissipate.

In the spiritual realm, due to the strength of the physique, the speed of absorbing spiritual energy and the speed of refining spiritual energy vary greatly. If the physique is strong, the cultivation speed in the spiritual realm will be greatly enhanced, which is incomparable to ordinary physiques.

Li Xuanfeng sat cross-legged according to the instructions in the Soul Induction Technique, and made a complex gesture with his hands. Everyone finds it difficult to get used to this awkward training posture when they start practicing, and they need to get used to it before they can calm down to practice.

Li Xuanfeng used his tenacious willpower to force himself to maintain this training posture and began to practice. The first step of practice is to sense the spiritual energy between heaven and earth. Li Xuanfeng concentrated all his mind, closed his eyes and began to sense it.

An hour later, Li Xuanfeng faintly sensed the spiritual power between heaven and earth and began to guide it into his body, but he felt that the speed was a bit too slow.

If ordinary practitioners knew Li Xuanfeng's thoughts, they would definitely be so angry that they would vomit blood. You know, those who can start absorbing spiritual energy within one day are all talented disciples. And if they can do it within three hours, they are even at the level of demons, but Li Xuanfeng only took one hour. It is conceivable how shocked other disciples would be if they knew.

Being able to absorb spiritual energy does not mean that you have started practicing. What is more important is to keep the spiritual energy in your body.

Li Xuanfeng felt that the spiritual energy absorbed into his body swirled in his body for a while and then quickly dissipated and could not be retained. He was a little anxious at the beginning, but he also knew that cultivation needed to be gradual, so he adjusted his mentality and continued to absorb it quietly.

After another two hours, Li Xuanfeng finally sensed that a trace of spiritual energy had not dissipated and remained in his body, as if it had become a part of his body and began to circulate along the meridians. Li Xuanfeng knew that the first step of cultivation had been completed, and the next step was to continue to accumulate.

When the sunrise light shone into the room from the windowsill again, Li Xuanfeng still sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, obviously he had not stopped practicing all night.

After another two hours, Li Xuanfeng slowly opened his eyes, and saw a subtle spiritual light flashing in his pupils.

According to the description in the Soul Inducing Technique, Li Xuanfeng was already in the early stage of the Soul Fusion Realm at this time! A little spiritual power had already been retained in his body.

After practicing continuously without rest for a night, Li Xuanfeng not only did not feel the slightest fatigue, but became more energetic.

He walked out of the house, circulated his spiritual power in his right hand, and slapped a stone statue with his palm. The stone statue was vibrated and moved half an inch! Li Xuanfeng was only twelve years old at this time. He had used all his strength in the village before and could not move such a stone statue at all. The improvement in strength after possessing spiritual power was so powerful.

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