Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 855: Live towards death!

Although the life-and-death crisis in his heart has reached an extremely strong level and the aura on his body has become extremely weak, Li Xuanfeng's mind is still extremely calm and there is no hint of panic.

This is the character he has honed through countless lives and deaths. A life-or-death crisis cannot make him feel helpless at all.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng immediately took out the healing elixir and swallowed it. He tried his best to suppress the injuries in his body. At the same time, he took out the remaining half of the jar of wine and took a sip!

Li Xuanfeng drank the drink too decisively, and after flying upside down, he kept a small distance from the cyan unicorn, so that the cyan unicorn had no time to stop him.

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng drank the remaining half of the jar of wine, the green unicorn was immediately stunned, as if the duck that had reached its mouth was suddenly snatched away, and it was even more uncomfortable to watch the other person swallow it.

The cyan unicorn felt extremely aggrieved. He didn't expect to see this human monk absorbing so many rare resources.

Although it can then refine these resources by devouring this human monk, it will inevitably consume a lot of them.

Thinking of this, the murderous intent in the blue unicorn's eyes became even more intense, and its speed accelerated a bit again to kill Li Xuanfeng before he could absorb these resources!

The cyan unicorn appeared next to Li Xuanfeng in an instant, and slapped it down hard, not wanting to give Li Xuanfeng any more time.

Li Xuanfeng's heart was beating wildly, and the life-and-death crisis in his heart became extremely intense. He knew that he might not be able to withstand this palm anymore.

Although he drank the remaining half of the bottle of wine, Li Xuanfeng also knew that he could not absorb it quickly enough!

Before he absorbed these lotus seeds and wine and broke through to the Sky Profound Realm, this green unicorn was enough to kill him several times!

If he fails to find a monk who can fight against this blue unicorn, it seems that his only fate is to perish!

Although Li Xuanfeng's thoughts were racing rapidly, he seemed to be unable to find a way to break the situation. A life-and-death crisis was already approaching!

At this time, the cyan unicorn had already come within ten feet of Li Xuanfeng, raised its giant palm and suddenly slapped him hard!

The space vibrated, and the extremely powerful and violent force approached Li Xuanfeng's body, causing him to feel astonishing and severe pain.

The cyan unicorn was already very close to him, and because he had just received the beast's palm, Li Xuanfeng's internal injuries were aggravated. In addition, he took out the remaining half of the jar of wine and drank it, so Li Xuanfeng had no time to do much protection at this time!

Just when this life-and-death crisis reached an extremely intense level, Li Xuanfeng's eyes suddenly flashed slightly, and a glimmer of understanding suddenly appeared in his eyes.

As this glimmer of understanding appeared, a lot of light suddenly appeared in Li Xuanfeng's eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng seemed to have forgotten to resist the attack of the blue unicorn, and even just barely condensed the Five Elements Armor.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng's eyes shining brightly and his mouth smiling, the green unicorn was extremely surprised. Could it be that this human monk knew that he was going to die and was already crazy?

But the cyan unicorn's movements did not pause at all, and the giant palm it raised instantly slapped Li Xuanfeng hard to avoid a long night and many dreams.

Just when the cyan unicorn slapped Li Xuanfeng hard with his palm, Li Xuanfeng suddenly spoke with a hint of smile.

Echoes echoed in this side hall:

"So that's it, the cycle of life and death can also lead to death!"

Li Xuanfeng murmured to himself, then closed his eyes slightly, but the power of artistic conception emanating from his body seemed to become more mysterious!

In the reverberation of these words, because of the terrifying power of the cyan unicorn's palm, Li Xuanfeng's five-element armor suddenly collapsed, and several cracks and wounds on his body suddenly spread rapidly, trying to completely tear his body into pieces!

A large amount of blood spurted out from Li Xuanfeng's body, turning his extremely damaged robes completely red. There was also a large amount of blood spurting out of his mouth, and he looked extremely miserable.

His body was even breaking apart, revealing cracked crystal bones, but Li Xuanfeng's eyes still did not open, and the light inside them suddenly became more intense!

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng's body was collapsing rapidly, and even half of it was shattered, the blue unicorn's eyes showed extremely strong excitement, and he already knew that Li Xuanfeng was about to die.

It doesn't even need it to continue to take action, Li Xuanfeng's body will collapse in an instant, and he will be completely dead.

Li Xuanfeng's cultivation, which was slowly growing due to swallowing pale golden lotus seeds and wine, also stagnated due to the serious injuries in his body.

Thinking of this, the green unicorn opened its mouth and sucked hard at Li Xuanfeng, erupting with an extremely amazing suction force, trying to swallow Li Xuanfeng's shattered body directly!

This was to prevent Li Xuanfeng's body from being blown apart and the medicinal power of the Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures he had just absorbed being dispersed.

As the cyan unicorn sucked in a very horizontal breath, Li Xuanfeng's body and the crushed meat suddenly rushed towards the cyan unicorn and were about to be swallowed into its mouth!

At this moment, Li Xuanfeng's body suddenly emitted an extremely rich artistic conception of life and death, causing his body to suddenly emit black and white crystal light.

Feeling the strong power of artistic conception suddenly emanating from Li Xuanfeng's body, the blue unicorn's eyes flashed slightly, but more mockery appeared. Does this human monk still want to fight to the death?

But in the face of its absolute strength, any struggle is meaningless.

Thinking of this, the blue unicorn opened its mouth and burst out a more powerful swallowing force, causing Li Xuanfeng to be attracted to speed up again to avoid any accidents.

Although Li Xuanfeng's combat power is far inferior to it, thinking of Li Xuanfeng's amazing combat power, the blue unicorn inexplicably felt that this person was too weird. If it takes a long time, I am afraid that the night will be long and dreamy.

Soon Li Xuanfeng was only ten feet away from the blue unicorn's mouth. His body had even broken into pieces, and it was difficult to see his original appearance.

Even Li Xuanfeng's soul had a lot of cracks, and it seemed that it was about to collapse!

If the soul collapsed completely, it would be the time for Li Xuanfeng to die!

But at this moment, the artistic conception power emanating from Li Xuanfeng suddenly soared rapidly, as if it was boiled water in an instant.

As the artistic conception power suddenly soared, Li Xuanfeng's cultivation, which had stagnated due to serious injuries, suddenly began to increase rapidly!

Not only that, an astonishing invisible force suddenly emanated from Li Xuanfeng's body, which suddenly confronted the devouring power of the cyan unicorn, causing Li Xuanfeng's body to stop flying into the cyan unicorn's mouth!

Feeling the ever-increasing cultivation power of Li Xuanfeng, the cyan unicorn's face suddenly changed. It could feel that Li Xuanfeng's cultivation seemed to be rapidly approaching the Tianxuan realm!

An extremely strong and fierce intention suddenly appeared in the eyes of the cyan unicorn. It raised its foot and stomped hard in the air, rushed forward suddenly, opened its mouth and bit Li Xuanfeng hard!

But just when the cyan unicorn bit suddenly, it suddenly found that its sharp teeth were only half a foot away from Li Xuanfeng, as if biting on an extremely hard invisible barrier!

Although the cyan unicorn used all its cultivation to bite Li Xuanfeng hard, it could not drop even a little bit!

The blue unicorn's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and it immediately used all its strength to cultivate. The horn on its head emitted a brilliant light, and instantly condensed an extremely solid spiritual power beam, which suddenly bombarded Li Xuanfeng.

The spiritual power ball instantly collided half a meter outside Li Xuanfeng's body, causing the space to vibrate extremely shockingly.

However, the terrifying power of this spiritual power beam seemed to have consumed a lot of the invisible barrier outside Li Xuanfeng's body, causing the blue unicorn's sharp teeth to drop a few points again.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened them, raised his hand and waved it gently, muttering to himself: "Live towards death!"

As if the words were spoken, Li Xuanfeng's body, which had been shattered for most of the time, suddenly emitted an extremely majestic vitality, causing his body to recover at an astonishing speed!

The lotus seeds and wine that Li Xuanfeng swallowed were originally absorbed at a very slow speed in his body, but at this time, they suddenly accelerated countless times, turning into a powerful medicinal power that roamed in his body, causing his breath to surge rapidly!

The blue unicorn's face suddenly changed drastically. It could clearly feel that the invisible barrier under its mouth seemed to be expanding, causing its big mouth to slowly lift up!

At the same time, the blue unicorn felt that Li Xuanfeng's injuries were not only recovering rapidly, but also his cultivation in his body was constantly rising!

It could clearly feel that Li Xuanfeng's cultivation had already exceeded the perfection of the Earth Profound Realm and was rushing towards the Sky Profound Realm!

Feeling this, the blue unicorn's face suddenly changed drastically. After finding that his big mouth could not bite down, his body suddenly retreated ten feet.

Then he mobilized all the spiritual power in this palace, and fully activated his own cultivation, opened his mouth and sprayed out a sharp horn condensed by extremely condensed spiritual power.

This sharp horn exudes a brilliant green light, and it seems that even the real horn on the green unicorn is not as hard as this spiritual horn.

After the sharp horn condensed, it suddenly rushed towards Li Xuanfeng at a high speed, but it was still blocked half a meter away and could not move forward at all.

This invisible barrier is the spiritual protection formed by Li Xuanfeng's cultivation power. Although it cannot be seen with the naked eye, the green unicorn can clearly sense it.

Seeing that this spiritual horn was blocked, the green unicorn shouted in a deep voice: "Explode!"

This green spiritual horn suddenly exuded an extremely shocking violent aura, and instantly exploded, turning into countless tiny spiritual brilliances, rushing towards Li Xuanfeng!

However, the green unicorn felt very clearly that although the protection outside Li Xuanfeng's body was sunken due to the self-explosion of this sharp horn, it was only sunken by half and still not shattered!

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