Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 868 Open your mouth to remind!

Seeing many monks and ferocious beasts turning their heads to look at him, the lean old man suddenly became radiant, held his head high and said:

"According to my judgment, the walls of this main hall are completely covered by formations. It requires the use of specific formation runes to break open a gap in the formations on the wall and find the entrance to the secret space!"

Upon hearing his words, the light that had appeared in the eyes of many monks quickly dissipated, and even a hint of ridicule appeared.

The words spoken by this lean old man were no different from nonsense and were completely useless.

An older elder suddenly snorted coldly and said: "Then you can tell me, what specific formation runes need to be used?"

The lean old man suddenly said: "Of course we need to work together to find a solution for this matter. My grasp of the battle method is too shallow."

The ridicule of this man in the hearts of many monks suddenly became more intense. It was just an unfounded guess, and this man actually shouted proudly. He was really thick-skinned than the city wall.

But at this time, the person who was more accomplished in formations among the crowd had his eyes flashing and fell into deep thought.

Although this lean old man just made a guess and had no specific method, this guess is very likely to be the direction to open the secret space.

These monks immediately sensed the formations on the wall very carefully and tried to decipher the formations on the wall.

But Li Xuanfeng did not move, but just watched from the side like a formation amateur.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng's appearance, Yang Xue's beautiful eyes showed a lot of smiles. Although she didn't know the effect of the formation diagram Li Xuanfeng obtained, she still knew that Li Xuanfeng's formation skills were extremely high.

As she paid attention to Li Xuanfeng for a longer period of time, Yang Xue already knew that Li Xuanfeng was someone who did not want to expose his strength easily.

This is something that the younger generation of geniuses rarely do. Many geniuses often wish they could show their strength to the fullest, so as to gain the attention of the sect and the admiration and envy of other disciples.

Yang Xue had roughly guessed that Li Xuanfeng had most likely experienced many lives and deaths before habitually hiding his strength, so that his safety could be better guaranteed.

It is precisely through training in life and death that Li Xuanfeng can possess such amazing combat power, and he is even approaching the perfection of the elders in the Tianxuan realm.

While Yang Xue was pondering, many monks had been studying the formations on the wall for half an hour, but still found nothing.

Many elders who were highly accomplished in formations couldn't help but feel lonely in their expressions. They didn't expect that the formations in this black palace were so exquisite, as if they were integrated into one body, so that they could not find any flaws at all.

While everyone was looking for flaws in the formation, many more monks and ferocious beasts came to the main hall one after another and joined the formations of both parties, including even those who had reached the Tianxuan Realm.

At this time, Li Xuanfeng could not help but feel a little anxious. Although these monks might eventually be able to find a way to crack the formation on the wall, it would probably take a very long time.

And more monks and ferocious beasts will come here later, and it will be more difficult for him to enter the central area containing the original power without being noticed.

Li Xuanfeng's eyes flickered slightly, and his gaze passed over Yang Xue in an imperceptible manner.

Yang Xue, whose eyes had been falling on him, immediately noticed his strangeness.

Chang, when he was confused, he heard Li Xuanfeng's message:

"Sister Yang, I wonder if you are willing to attract more attention from the elders of the sect? Of course, you will also attract the attention of other monks and ferocious beasts here."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's voice transmission, Yang Xue imitated him and hid the surprise in his expression, and asked through the voice transmission: "I don't know what Senior Brother Li needs from Junior Sister, just ask."

Li Xuanfeng continued to transmit the message: "Tell the elders of the sect to try using the Mo Zi Jue."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, Yang Xue's beautiful eyes flashed, and then she sent a message to several elders of the Tianxuan Realm of Hualan Sect: "Elders, how about you try using the Mo Zi Jue formation?"

The elder of the Alchemy Sect who was trying it suddenly frowned slightly, Mo Zi Jue, this is a side formation mark that is rarely used, and few people even study it.

Although there are many monks in this main hall and many have studied the art of formation, almost all of them only have a superficial understanding of Mo Zi Jue, and very few of them study it seriously.

Although Yang Xue is the top genius of the Alchemy Sect, her words do not carry much weight to the perfect elder of Tianxuan Realm.

However, there was nothing they could do at this time, and several Tianxuan realm elders couldn't help but try using Mo Zi Jue.

But after these elders who were perfect in the Tianxuan Realm tried, most of them were unable to cause the formation on the palace wall to fluctuate at all.

Only two of them, after trying to use the Mo Zi Jue to condense the formation runes, the formation light curtain originally hidden on the wall suddenly shook slightly, revealing a large ray of light, making it clearly visible to everyone!

It was as if a large net that had been completely hidden in the water suddenly surfaced!

Many monks have tried countless times, but rarely let the light curtain appear and be revealed. Even if it does happen once in a while, it is only in a very small area, and the light quickly dissipates again.

This is a great progress, and even makes the elders of the Hualan Sect almost completely sure that what is needed to crack the formation on the wall is the Mo Zi Jue formation mark!

Seeing such fluctuations in the formation on the wall, several elders of the Perfect Sky Profound Realm of the Alchemy Sect suddenly showed a lot of light. They suddenly turned their heads and took a deep look at Yang Xue, their eyes full of appreciation.

Unexpectedly, they had been searching for a solution for a long time and still had almost no clue, but Yang Xue revealed the key with one word.

If she was just lucky enough to come up with this method, it can only be said to be good luck, but if she figured it out on her own, then her attainments in formations may already be extremely high.

However, the two elders quickly looked away from Yang Xue and continued to look at the formation on the wall. At this time, they just wanted to break the formation on the wall as quickly as possible.

The reason why these two elders were able to cause such large fluctuations in the formation light screen was because they had studied the Mo Zi Jue very deeply. Although their formation attainments were not the highest, their research on the Mo Zi Jue was the work of the Hualan Sect Tianxuan. He is the most accomplished among the elders of Perfect Realm.

Seeing the fluctuations in front of the two elders of the Hualan Sect, all the monks and ferocious beasts suddenly turned their heads and stopped to study and decipher the formation.

The other monks and ferocious beasts already knew that the people from the Alchemy Sect seemed to have found the key and had already made progress beyond them.

Many monks know very well that their continued research may be in vain. It is better to calm down and see what the key is that the people of the Alchemy Sect have found.

Following the Hualan Sect

The two elders continued to play the ink formula, and countless formation runes shining with crystal light suddenly flew out and stuck to the formation on the wall.

The formation where the two of them were was suddenly filled with more light, as if the extremely calm lake surface was completely broken by a large stone, sending out crystal clear waves.

After carefully observing the formation runes played by the two elders of the Alchemy Sect, a monk who knew a lot about the Mo Zi Jue suddenly said in surprise: "It's the Mo Zi Jue. I didn't expect that to crack the formation here, you need to use a side door." No wonder we have been studying it for so long without making any progress."

Hearing his words, the other monks' eyes were also filled with wonder. They didn't expect that the people from the Alchemy Sect would actually think of using the Mo Zi Jue formation.

However, there are very few people among them who have seriously studied the Mo Zi Jue, and very few people tried it at this time. Most of them watched the two elders of the Hualan Sect crack it.

There are a lot of monks and ferocious beasts here. Even if the Alchemy Sect's people crack it alone, they dare not take it all for themselves, otherwise they may be directly overwhelmed by the tyrannical attacks of many monks and ferocious beasts!

Since no force dares to monopolize it, it makes no difference who here breaks the formation.

A moment later, as the older of the two elders of the Alchemy Sect raised his hand and pressed hard, the formation runes on the wall in front of him suddenly began to dissipate rapidly like a broken mirror!

This elder cracked the formation in this area, causing the formation on the wall to begin to dissipate!

In just a blink of an eye, the area where the formation dissipated in front of him spread to a size of a hundred feet, revealing the real palace wall.

Although the wall in front didn't seem to have changed much, it had been covered by formations before. Only now did everyone really see the wall without any formations.

At this time, in the center of the black wall in front, there was a completely different blue stone brick, which was extremely conspicuous.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of many monks and ferocious beasts flashed with intense anticipation, and their hearts were filled with great anticipation.

The elder looked at each other and his fellow Tianxuan Realm consummation disciples beside him, then deployed several layers of protection with great caution, and then used his spiritual power to press lightly on the blue stone brick from a distance!

With this press, the blue stone brick suddenly sunk in, and the walls in this area suddenly made a crisp clicking sound.

Amidst the reverberation of the clicking sound, the walls of this area suddenly and slowly opened to both sides, forming an entrance that was dozens of feet in size, and an extremely rich aura of spiritual power emanated from it!

As this extremely rich aura of spiritual power spreads out, even monks in the Tianxuan realm could feel a slight improvement in their body's cultivation!

Someone suddenly laughed and said: "It seems that this is the real hidden creation of this palace, and we have finally opened it."

It can be seen that the entrance is a cave, but when many monks and ferocious beasts used their spiritual consciousness to enter it to explore, they found that they could only explore a distance of a hundred feet.

The suppression of spiritual consciousness here is even more astonishing.

But looking inside, it was completely dark and difficult to see. Only an extremely weak light seemed to exist in the very depths of the cave.

Everyone was even more surprised. The monks who had reached their level could see through extremely long distances even in a completely dark environment.

Although there seems to be a faint light in this cave, the visible range is only a few dozen feet. It is obvious that there is a strange power affecting their vision.

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