Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 883 One's own strength! (Part 3)

Feeling the strong sense of danger from the artistic conception power released by Li Xuanfeng, the Tianxuan realm masters of all forces shouted in a deep voice: "Attack with all your strength, kill this boy directly, and strangle his magic in the cradle!"

After hearing this, many cultivators and fierce beasts immediately activated their condensed magic with all their strength, and bombarded Li Xuanfeng at the same time!

Just as their magic was released, the Tianxuan realm masters and fierce beasts immediately felt that the artistic conception power released by Li Xuanfeng suddenly gathered forward rapidly, with the focus on condensing in two places.

In a flash, they saw what the artistic conception power condensed in these two places.

It was an extremely broken black tombstone, and a white light ball emitting brilliant light.

After condensing, the white light ball and the black tombstone suddenly began to rotate rapidly, instantly forming a Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram of a hundred feet in size, exuding a terrifying aura that made them tremble with fear!

The speed of the Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram's rotation was so fast that even the Tianxuan Realm Perfection Strongmen could hardly see it clearly, while the cultivators with lower cultivation could only feel the Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram's roaring rotation emitting an aura that frightened them, and it was even difficult for them to even raise the intention of resistance.

In the rapid rotation, the black and white Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram suddenly rushed towards the spells cast by many cultivators and fierce beasts, and in a flash it enveloped the first few spells!

I saw that these spells suddenly showed great distortion, and the spiritual power in them seemed to dissipate on its own, and the shadow of the spells shrank rapidly.

In just a moment, these spells all dissipated, and even the spiritual power in them seemed to be absorbed by half of the Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram!

The cultivators and fierce beasts who cast these spells felt faintly that there seemed to be an amazing force suppressing and wearing away their spells, and there was another force that extracted spiritual power from their spells.

These are two completely different powers, but they seem to be perfectly integrated together, bursting out with extremely powerful power.

The realm of death naturally suppresses these spells, while the realm of life extracts the spiritual power from them.

Therefore, after these spells collapsed, the power of the Wheel of Life and Death performed by Li Xuanfeng did not seem to decrease at all, and it still rushed forward at a high speed.

Although they were shocked by the power of Li Xuanfeng's spell, many cultivators and beasts still had great confidence in their hearts.

Most of these spells were performed by low-level cultivators and beasts who had just arrived from the rear. Among them, only two were perfect in the Tianxuan realm, and the others were in the middle and late stages of the Tianxuan realm.

After seeing Li Xuanfeng's terrifying combat power, many cultivators and beasts did not expect these spells to block his spells, and even knew that they could not weaken his spells much.

At this time, the spells that the Wheel of Life and Death was about to touch were not only far more in number than before, but also many were performed by the late and perfect Tianxuan realm.

This time, there were dozens of spells, which also came into contact with the Wheel of Life and Death in an instant and were instantly enveloped.

The extremely powerful life and death realm instantly caused these spells to be greatly distorted, but these spells also burst out with amazing power, and they were about to tear the Wheel of Life and Death directly.

Dozens of spells instantly formed an amazing impact with the Wheel of Life and Death, setting off a huge roar, and even made the space here suddenly distorted as if it had reached the extreme.

It seemed that as long as a few more powers were added, the space here would be directly shattered!

In the echoing of the amazing roar, spells continued to collapse in the Wheel of Life and Death, but the power emitted by the Wheel of Life and Death was also constantly weakening.

In just a blink of an eye, most of the spells were directly crushed by the Wheel of Life and Death, and the rotation speed of the Wheel of Life and Death had become extremely slow.

In an instant, the Wheel of Life and Death cast by Li Xuanfeng suddenly collapsed, and the dozens of spells in it also dissipated, leaving only a few without much power.

Behind the dozens of spells that were shattered, there were still a small number of spells of cultivators and beasts, and dozens of them continued to blast down.

It was a long story, but it happened in an instant. The wheel of life and death and dozens of spells cast by Li Xuanfeng had just dissipated, and the spells behind them also arrived instantly, approaching Li Xuanfeng rapidly.

Seeing the spells cast by Li Xuanfeng collapse, many cultivators and beasts showed joy in their eyes. Next, Li Xuanfeng might not have time to cast spells again.

But when they looked at Li Xuanfeng behind, they found that Li Xuanfeng still had his eyes slightly closed, and the seal in his hand had changed, emitting an extremely violent artistic conception!

Feeling this, many cultivators and beasts suddenly changed their faces. They didn't expect that when they were fighting against Li Xuanfeng's artistic conception, Li Xuanfeng had already prepared the next spell.

Moreover, he actually had another artistic conception power!

However, this kind of artistic conception power already made them feel quite familiar, and it was the artistic conception of thunder that many people possessed.

But in their perception, it seemed that they had never seen anyone whose artistic conception of thunder power could be compared with Li Xuanfeng at this time.

Possessing two artistic conception powers was already extremely amazing, and both artistic conceptions had artistic conception techniques, which made them feel incredible.

They had to be shocked by Li Xuanfeng's amazing talent, and their fear of Li Xuanfeng in their hearts increased again, and a stronger killing intention emerged.

If this child is allowed to grow up completely, he will probably become the top combat force of the Huadan Sect, and a great enemy to other forces.

When the remaining techniques approached Li Xuanfeng, a strong artistic conception power gathered in front of Li Xuanfeng, and quickly condensed into a colorful thundercloud.

The five-colored thundercloud rushed out quickly and touched these spells in an instant, causing the surrounding area to be completely filled with violent power, and the space was distorted very obviously.

Under the impact of the violent power of the five-colored thundercloud, many spells collapsed instantly, and it was obvious that the power was completely not at the same level.

However, there were too many spells of cultivators and fierce beasts, and the impact still caused the five-colored thundercloud to vibrate greatly, and the power was rapidly decreasing.

Seeing this scene, many cultivators and fierce beasts were immediately grateful. Fortunately, they were nearly two hundred people working together to deal with Li Xuanfeng, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Judging from the terrifying combat power displayed by Li Xuanfeng, even if dozens of people were to deal with him together, unless they were all powerful people in the late Tianxuan realm and perfect cultivation, they would not be able to match him at all!

Seeing that the power of the five-pole thundercloud was rapidly weakening, Li Xuanfeng suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Explode!"

The five-colored thundercloud suddenly shook violently, collapsed instantly, and turned into an extremely powerful storm, covering all the nearby spells!

Under the impact of the self-explosion force of the Five-Polar Thundercloud, these spells collapsed rapidly in an instant, like a bubble hit by an air wave, breaking one by one.

In just a moment, these dozens of spells all dissipated, but they had successfully blocked the self-explosion force of the Five-Polar Thundercloud.

And because the location of the spell collision was close to Li Xuanfeng, many cultivators and beasts did not die, only those who were closer suffered some minor injuries.

On the contrary, Li Xuanfeng, because of the close distance, was hit by the terrifying and violent force generated by the spell collision. At this time, he stepped back several steps before stabilizing his body.

After stabilizing his body, Li Xuanfeng flashed and disappeared from the original place in an instant. When he appeared, he was already in an empty area, and rushed towards the exit in front.

At this time, the people of Huadan Sect were very close to the exit, and Li Xuanfeng was rushing towards them.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng escaping at a high speed, many cultivators and beasts suddenly changed their expressions and shouted: "Not good, he is trying to escape!"

As they said this, many cultivators and beasts immediately chased after Li Xuanfeng and rushed towards him at a high speed, but they soon discovered that Li Xuanfeng's speed was far faster than theirs!

Even the Tianxuan realm perfection, who was good at speed, could not match Li Xuanfeng's speed at this time.

Moreover, Li Xuanfeng first used teleportation to move a long distance, and then used all his strength to speed up, leaving many cultivators and beasts behind in a flash.

Many cultivators and beasts felt a very strong sense of powerlessness in their hearts. They had already seen the huge gap between themselves and Li Xuanfeng's speed, and they were afraid that they would be unable to see his back in a blink of an eye.

Thinking of this, many of the cultivators and beasts who chased out had already slowly slowed down their speed, knowing that they had no chance of catching up with Li Xuanfeng.

At this time, they even heard Li Xuanfeng's words with endless coldness: "Those who are not afraid of death can come and chase Li, Li doesn't mind giving you a ride!"

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, many cultivators and beasts felt extremely cold in their hearts. They all knew very well that they had already pulled away and it was difficult to surround Li Xuanfeng.

And it would be very difficult to join forces to deal with Li Xuanfeng. They would have no advantage at all, and they might even be gradually killed by Li Xuanfeng!

Although they were very unwilling in their hearts, they were more afraid of being killed by Li Xuanfeng in the process of chasing.

Thinking of this, many people even stopped and dared not continue to chase, otherwise they might turn from hunters to prey!

Many cultivators and beasts sealed in the cave also saw this scene. Although they were extremely angry, they also knew that they might not be able to do anything to Li Xuanfeng.

Although they hated Li Xuanfeng to the core, they still couldn't help but admire him. They didn't expect that this young man could fight against their many forces and the ferocious beasts with his own strength. In the end, he not only protected the people of Huadan Sect, but also left safely, and even killed dozens of Tianxuan Realm.

At this moment, a young man with great unwillingness in his eyes looked forward and found that the people of Huadan Sect had already reached the exit. His eyes suddenly lit up.

This person immediately shouted excitedly: "Although Li Xuanfeng's speed is very fast, the old, weak and sick people of Huadan Sect can't do it. Everyone, hurry up and chase him. As long as we surround and suppress them, we can force Li Xuanfeng to surrender!"

Hearing his words, many cultivators and ferocious beasts, whose eyes were already dim, suddenly showed a lot of light. They felt that what this person said was very reasonable, and immediately urged their speed to chase in the direction of the exit again!

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