Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 900: Inferior combat power!

The grade of this broken black sword was already astonishing, and under the urging of the gray-robed middle-aged man in the third realm, the sword light also contained a trace of original power.

The black sword light showed extremely amazing power, causing the strangulation power formed by the roulette of life and death to be severely impacted.

The artistic conception of life and death within the roulette of life and death seemed to be split in half in an instant, causing most of the originally integrated power to suddenly dissipate, and the Tai Chi Yin and Yang diagram was rapidly becoming dim.

In the terrifying impact of power, in just a blink of an eye, the wheel of life and death used by Li Xuanfeng collapsed, and the sword light used by this black broken sword also completely dissipated.

But at this moment, Li Xuanfeng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at the gray-robed middle-aged man with extremely solemn eyes.

This was the first time he used the Roulette of Life and Death when it was forcibly broken. The energy and blood in his body suddenly surged violently and spurted out uncontrollably, causing some injuries.

After the gray-robed middle-aged man forcibly broke the wheel of life and death, he immediately put away the broken black sword and did not use it to attack Li Xuanfeng again.

The black broken sword that he had just used to display its sword light had already caused great damage to his cultivation. If he continued to use it, although he could kill Li Xuanfeng faster, he was afraid that his own cultivation would also be exhausted and he would be so weak. It is easy for other monks to take advantage of it.

And seeing that Li Xuanfeng was already vomiting blood and injured, the middle-aged man in gray robe became more confident. At this moment, he rushed out in a flash and approached Li Xuanfeng again, preparing to suppress him directly.

Li Xuanfeng's eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly stepped back quickly. At the same time, he took out a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the storage ring, and directly used his full power to absorb them!

With Li Xuanfeng's current strength, coupled with the Five Element Devouring Technique taught by the Five Elements Venerable, his body seemed to turn into an invisible black hole in an instant, absorbing the treasures of heaven and earth at a shocking speed.

Seeing the large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that Li Xuanfeng had taken out, many of the middle-aged monks who followed him in gray robes suddenly felt extremely jealous. The resources that Li Xuanfeng had just taken out were already more than what many of them had gained from entering the secret realm of this planet.

Although they had heard that Li Xuanfeng of the Hualan Sect had monopolized the resources of a secret space, they thought that after Li Xuanfeng absorbed it himself, he distributed a lot to everyone in the Hualan Sect. At this time, there might not be much left.

They didn't expect that Li Xuanfeng could take out so many resources in an instant, which immediately made them feel jealous.

The expressions of the people of the Hualan Sect did not change at all. After following Li Xuanfeng, they had gained a lot, and they were extremely grateful to Li Xuanfeng. Even if Li Xuanfeng allocated more to themselves, they would not have any objection at all.

As Li Xuanfeng quickly absorbed it, these heavenly and earthly treasures immediately turned into majestic spiritual power and flowed into his body, causing the cultivation level surging in his body to continue to rise.

Feeling the increasingly strong aura on Li Xuanfeng's body, the gray-robed middle-aged man's expression suddenly changed, and he already knew Li Xuanfeng's plan.

He wants to strive for a breakthrough in cultivation!

The gray-robed middle-aged man couldn't help but change his expression. He already knew Li Xuanfeng's combat power. He knew very well that if Li Xuanfeng's cultivation level improved to a small level, the battle scene would probably become difficult for him to resist!

Moreover, in the previous battles, he felt that Li Xuanfeng's cultivation was extremely solid. He was probably already at the peak of the middle stage of the Tianxuan Realm, and it would not take long for him to break through to the late stage of the Tianxuan Realm.

If it is in the outside world, that's it. Li Xuanfeng needs to slowly understand the power of artistic conception in order to

Improve your cultivation.

But this is within the secret realm of this strange planet. Special rules allow the heavenly materials and earthly treasures here to enhance the cultivation of monks in the second realm.

As long as he absorbs enough resources, Li Xuanfeng can break through in cultivation in a short time.

Judging from the large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures he just took out, I am afraid that the conditions for sufficient resources can be easily met.

Moreover, he has sensed that Li Xuanfeng's ability to absorb heavenly materials and earthly treasures is extremely astonishing, and he may be able to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation in a very short period of time.

Therefore, the gray-robed middle-aged man did not dare to let Li Xuanfeng absorb these heavenly and earthly treasures to improve his cultivation, otherwise he might regret it.

Thinking of this, the gray-robed middle-aged man immediately rushed out with all his speed and galloped towards Li Xuanfeng in an instant.

He did not dare to delay at all, otherwise if Li Xuanfeng's cultivation level succeeded in breaking through, he would be completely at a disadvantage, and it would be extremely difficult for him to even escape.

While approaching Li Xuanfeng, the gray-robed middle-aged man immediately made a quick gesture with both hands to concentrate his magic. In an instant, he condensed a pale golden palm print again and slapped Li Xuanfeng fiercely.

Seeing the fierce slap of this palm print, Li Xuanfeng's expression did not change at all. He raised his hand and made a fist, instantly condensing a thunderous star-shattering fist and blasting it out.

While performing spells, Li Xuanfeng's absorption of heavenly materials and earthly treasures did not slow down at all, and his cultivation level was still improving steadily.

Even after using the Thunder Star-Shattering Fist, all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures he had just taken out had been completely absorbed. At this time, Li Xuanfeng once again took out a large amount of resources.

The treasures of heaven and earth taken out this time were only much more than before, which made many monks who followed the middle-aged man in gray robes even more jealous.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng taking out resources in large quantities, although they absorbed them all, these monks still felt that it was extremely wasteful.

It's not that Li Xuanfeng wasted these resources, but that these resources were not used on them, so they felt it was extremely wasteful.

Many people are even thinking that if Li Xuanfeng absorbs the resources he took out these two times, his cultivation will definitely be further improved.

At the same time, the fist force storm formed by the Thunder Star-Breaking Fist instantly caused a huge distortion in the space in front, and suddenly hit the light golden palm print.


As the amazing roar echoed, several cracks suddenly appeared on the light golden palm print, and spread rapidly, and in an instant, the palm print was completely covered.

Under the terrifying pressure, the light golden palm print suddenly collapsed rapidly, and only a thumb was left in an instant, but it still rushed close and pressed hard on Li Xuanfeng with one finger.

As the palm print collapsed, this finger still contained extremely powerful power, which made Li Xuanfeng feel great pressure.

After Li Xuanfeng's body was injured, his combat power had been reduced again. At this time, the power of the magic was not as good as that of the gray-robed middle-aged man.

In the crisis, Li Xuanfeng instantly threw out three protective magic weapons, forming three light curtains to block the thumb, and at the same time, he tried his best to condense the five elements armor.


As the thumb touched the light curtain of the protective magic weapon, a shocking shattering sound was raised instantly, and almost three shattering sounds were heard at the same time.

These three protective magic weapons barely reached the level of perfection in the Tianxuan realm, and even the gray-robed middle-aged man, whose magic had collapsed by more than half, could not withstand it.

As the shattering sound echoed, the three protective light curtains collapsed instantly, and the three magic weapons also shattered directly, but this finger still approached suddenly and pressed on Li Xuanfeng's chest.

The extremely violent aura seemed to find enough venting points in an instant, and suddenly hit Li Xuanfeng's five-element armor.

In the impact, there was another shattering sound, and a lot of the five-element armor on Li Xuanfeng's body suddenly appeared, and his body flew backwards suddenly.

However, the five-element armor was not completely shattered, only a small part was shattered, and Li Xuanfeng did not spurt blood again.

As he quickly absorbed these natural treasures, Li Xuanfeng's recovery speed was greatly improved. At this time, by consuming some resources, he was able to withstand the gray-robed middle-aged man's magic.

Moreover, when Li Xuanfeng absorbed the natural treasures just now, he had already recovered the few injuries in his body.

During the backward flight, Li Xuanfeng's body suddenly flashed with brilliant lightning, and his figure disappeared from the spot in an instant at a speed as fast as lightning.

Just when Li Xuanfeng disappeared from the spot, a skinny palm seemed to suddenly reach out from space and slapped Li Xuanfeng fiercely.

However, this palm only hit Li Xuanfeng's afterimage, and he had appeared a hundred feet away at this time.

When this palm was slapped, the figure of the gray-robed middle-aged man also slowly emerged here, but his face was extremely gloomy at this time.

Originally, when he saw Li Xuanfeng being hit by the remaining thumb, he immediately continued to approach Li Xuanfeng and attack without stopping. It seemed that Li Xuanfeng would have no way to avoid it and was hit again, which would aggravate his injuries.

Unexpectedly, Li Xuanfeng's use of the state of thunder was already very exquisite, and he suddenly burst out with an extremely amazing speed to dodge his attack.

This was because Li Xuanfeng was not injured, and with the help of the impact of the magic, plus the amazing speed of the state of thunder, he easily avoided the attack of the gray-robed middle-aged man.

After dodging the attack of the gray-robed middle-aged man, Li Xuanfeng took out a large number of resources again and continued to absorb them at a rapid speed. The aura of cultivation emanating from his body had already increased a lot more than before!

Seeing that Li Xuanfeng still had a lot of resources to absorb, the gray-robed middle-aged man's expression had become extremely ugly, and he immediately took out a few pills and swallowed them. While restoring the loss of cultivation in his body, he flashed and chased Li Xuanfeng again at a rapid speed.

Seeing the gray-robed middle-aged man chasing him at a rapid speed, Li Xuanfeng did not force himself, but used all his strength to operate the state of thunder in his body, burst out with all his speed, and rushed quickly in this main hall.

Although the gray-robed middle-aged man's cultivation level has reached the third level of the half-step realm, he is not very good at speed. At this time, his full-strength burst speed can only barely be less than 10% higher than Li Xuanfeng.

Because of this, the gray-robed middle-aged man who was chasing and killing soon found that although he urged all his speed, he could only close the distance with Li Xuanfeng very slowly.

He could not catch up with Li Xuanfeng in a very short time!

Moreover, during his escape, Li Xuanfeng continued to absorb the natural treasures obtained in this secret realm, which made his cultivation level in his body continue to increase!

At this time, the gray-robed middle-aged man had to admit that Li Xuanfeng was the strongest person he had met in the secret realm of this planet.

Not only was his combat power extremely amazing, extremely close to him, who was in the third level of the half-step realm, but his speed was also very good.

Since his cultivation level broke through the third level of the half-step realm, the gray-robed middle-aged man has not experienced this kind of battle that makes him feel more difficult.

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