Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 904: The battle against all the Tianxuan realms is complete!

Seeing six hundred monks and ferocious beasts entering, everyone in the Alchemy Sect couldn't help but feel a lot of worry.

Although they had great confidence in Li Xuanfeng's combat power, after all, the opponent was 600 strong men, and Li Xuanfeng might not be able to cope with it at all.

At this time, even Li Xuanfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect these monks and ferocious beasts to be so patient. It took a full 600 of them to enter this secret space.

In this case, these six hundred monks and ferocious beasts must have known about his terrifying combat power from other monks, and they gathered so many strong men to enter this place under strong fear.

Although Li Xuanfeng was confident that these monks could not do anything to him, they could not block the simultaneous attacks of so many monks.

This forced him to treat it with dignity, otherwise the people of the Alchemy Sect would be easily suppressed by these monks, and they would suffer heavy casualties in the end.

Thoughts were swirling in Li Xuanfeng's mind, but his expression did not change at all. At this time, he still replied indifferently: "This can't be done!"

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the group of monks and ferocious beasts suddenly focused their gazes. They did not expect that Li Xuanfeng would still be so strong in the face of six hundred monks and ferocious beasts!

Originally, they thought that even if Li Xuanfeng had a lot of self-confidence, the most he could do was bargain with them, and in the end he had to compromise.

The leaders of several forces immediately looked at each other, and they all noticed fear in each other's eyes, but there was still a strong greed hidden in them.

After a moment of silence, the eyes of the leaders suddenly glowed with intense light at the same time, and they had unanimously decided to take action!

With so many monks and ferocious beasts, they didn't believe that they couldn't do anything to Li Xuanfeng and the people of the Hualan Sect!

The key thing is that the resources in this hidden space arouse a strong sense of greed in their hearts.

Although they have reached the Perfect Sky Profound Realm, they have seen several monks or ferocious beasts whose strength exceeds the Perfect Sky Profound Realm in this black palace.

This incident let them know that within the secret realm of this planet, they still have room for improvement. Even if they cannot reach the third realm, or even half-step to the third realm, they can still improve their strength a lot.

Just when they were about to give the order, Li Xuanfeng suddenly said in a cold voice again: "This place is very narrow, so there is no need for others to take action. Li will fight against you all at the Tianxuan Realm!"

Li Xuanfeng's words instantly caused a lot of uproar. Many monks and ferocious beasts did not expect that Li Xuanfeng would be so arrogant and dare to fight against all Tianxuan Realm Consummation alone!

The leaders of several forces immediately stared deeply at Li Xuanfeng, feeling a little surprised and uncertain in their hearts. Could it be that Li Xuanfeng had an amazing trump card and was confident enough to defeat them?

Among their 600 alliances, nearly 10% were in the Tianxuan realm, and there were 50 monks and ferocious beasts added together.

After pondering for a moment, the leaders of several forces looked at each other again, but nodded slightly at the same time.

They all thought that no matter how powerful Li Xuanfeng was, he had not yet entered the third realm and could never stop fifty of them from reaching Tianxuan realm on his own.

As long as their fifty monks cooperate well with the ferocious beasts, they can even form an iron barrel-like defense, making it impossible for Li Xuanfeng to attack.

Even if Li Xuanfeng could block fifty of them by himself, he would probably be evenly matched at best.

The enemy, in the end, could not do anything to the joint efforts of fifty of them.

Moreover, if Li Xuanfeng could really block fifty of their Tianxuan realm consummators, the remaining monks and ferocious beasts, although numerous in number, would probably no longer be the opponents of the Alchemy Sect members, so there would be no advantage in attacking them all.

Among the people of the Alchemy Sect, there are also nearly thirty elders who are perfect in the Tianxuan Realm, which is enough to occupy a great advantage in the battle where the opponent is not perfect in the Tianxuan Realm.

Elders who have reached the Tianxuan Realm can rely on their tyrannical strength and astonishing speed to shuttle among many monks and ferocious beasts, and the people of the Alchemy Sect can gradually gain the upper hand.

Therefore, the leaders of several forces quickly decided to agree to Li Xuanfeng's request, so as to prevent their fellow sects or clansmen at lower realms from being accidentally killed by the aftermath of their spells.

Then they used the fifty Tianxuan realm consummators headed by them to compete with the Alchemy Sect represented by Li Xuanfeng to decide the outcome!

After looking at each other and nodding slightly, the leaders of the six hundred alliances immediately took a step forward and appeared in front of the team. At the same time, they shouted in a low voice: "We accept this battle!"

While they were shouting, all the perfect cultivators and ferocious beasts in the Tianxuan Realm in the rear team also flew out, all exuding their own cultivation auras, and gathered into an extremely astonishing momentum, causing the place to surge in an instant, and suddenly moved toward Li Xuanfeng, who was standing at the front of the Hualan Sect, pressed away.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuanfeng smiled and said lightly: "This is interesting!"

As he spoke, Li Xuanfeng also used all his cultivation power in his body, and he also exuded an astonishing aura, instantly able to withstand the oppressive power of the fifty Sky Profound Realm Perfectionists opposite him, and was even vaguely able to compete with them.

Feeling the astonishing aura exuded by Li Xuanfeng, the fifty Tianxuan realm consummates were secretly shocked. Li Xuanfeng's strength was indeed enough to stand out among the others, far surpassing any of them.

If they had not had fifty Tianxuan realm consummators to confront Li Xuanfeng, but only a few of them, they would probably not have any intention of resisting at all.

Feeling the majestic aura emanating from the fifty Tianxuan Realm Perfectionists opposite, several elders headed by the Alchemy Sect suddenly felt a strong sense of worry in their hearts, and immediately flew to Li Xuanfeng's side and said:

"Fellow Daoist Li, there are too many consummations in the Tianxuan realm on the other side, and you will easily suffer a loss. Let us help you together."

Li Xuanfeng shook his head and smiled, "If you take action, they will all take action, and everyone will only be more dangerous. Let Li try."

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's words, the people of Huadan Sect immediately understood that Li Xuanfeng chose to fight against fifty Tianxuan Realm Perfection alone in order to protect them, and they were immediately moved.

Although several elders were still very worried, they also knew that what Li Xuanfeng said made a lot of sense, and they had to retreat back to the crowd again.

Not only that, several elders also led the people of Huadan Sect to retreat to the edge of this secret space, and the alliance monks and fierce beasts on the opposite side also retreated at the same time, giving Li Xuanfeng and the fifty Tianxuan Realm Perfection space to fight.

Li Xuanfeng looked at the fifty Tianxuan Realm Perfection with a serious look, and the fifty monks and fierce beasts were also extremely vigilant, and they even communicated in secret.

"Li Xuanfeng is extremely powerful. Everyone must protect each other, otherwise he will defeat them one by one!"

"Everyone prepare your magic. If Li Xuanfeng appears, immediately attack him at the same time and leave him no way to retreat!"


It must be said that although the fifty Tianxuan realm masters were extremely vigilant about Li Xuanfeng, they still did not know enough about his combat power.

Although they interrogated the cultivator who spread the news, these cultivators only watched the battle between Li Xuanfeng and the gray-robed middle-aged man from a distance and did not experience it personally.

Li Xuanfeng certainly would not give the fifty Tianxuan realm masters too much time to prepare. At this time, he suddenly rushed out and approached them in an instant.

The fifty Tianxuan realm masters were immediately ready for battle, and instantly condensed the prepared magic and rushed towards the galloping Li Xuanfeng!

Moreover, after the discussion through voice transmission, they had reached a tacit understanding. At this time, only the thirty in front cast the spells, while the twenty in the back kept the spells to prevent Li Xuanfeng's sneak attack.

Although they did not gather all their strength to deal with Li Xuanfeng, they advanced and retreated in moderation, conserved their strength, and were more able to deal with Li Xuanfeng's terrifying speed.

The thirty spells instantly emitted an astonishingly bright light, containing a majestic and violent aura, and instantly submerged Li Xuanfeng's figure.

With the astonishing roar, many cracks suddenly appeared in the space where Li Xuanfeng was, generating an extremely terrifying shock wave.

After all, these thirty Tianxuan realm perfections attacked at the same time, and the power was already extremely amazing, enough to blast many cracks in the space.

These Tianxuan realm perfections were very clear that if any of them was submerged by these thirty spells, they would probably be instantly blasted into ashes.

They looked at the place covered by the spells with great anticipation, hoping to see Li Xuanfeng's broken body.

As long as Li Xuanfeng was killed, the other people of the Huadan Sect were not a concern at all. With the alliance of their six hundred strong men, they could easily suppress them.

However, before the magic here dimmed, Li Xuanfeng suddenly appeared in another direction, approaching them quite a distance, and his hands were rapidly pinching the seal to condense the magic.

Seeing Li Xuanfeng's figure suddenly appear in another position, and he was not embarrassed at all, the expressions of the fifty Tianxuan Realm Perfection suddenly became extremely ugly, and they knew that their magic had not touched Li Xuanfeng at all.

When their magic was about to touch Li Xuanfeng, he directly teleported away from the original place, making all their magic fail.

Although they had long expected that Li Xuanfeng's speed was far faster than theirs, they did not expect that he could avoid the simultaneous bombardment of thirty magics without any damage.

At this time, seeing Li Xuanfeng condensing magic quickly, the twenty people who still had magic were ready to cast it immediately, and the other thirty people immediately condensed magic again.

At this moment, they couldn't help but feel quite fortunate. Fortunately, they had decided to perform the spells one by one before, otherwise, they would be caught off guard when facing Li Xuanfeng's attack.

At this moment, the seal in Li Xuanfeng's hand suddenly paused, and he raised his hand and pressed the fifty Tianxuan realm perfections in the air.

The extremely rich artistic conception power suddenly spread out, and instantly gathered in front and behind the fifty Tianxuan realm perfections.

The white light ball and the black tombstone condensed in an instant, and even directly rotated rapidly, forming a Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram with extremely amazing power.

After performing the Wheel of Life and Death, Li Xuanfeng's hands still did not stop, and suddenly condensed the next spell again!

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