Reincarnation Immortal God

Chapter 920: The great array to protect the sect!

Hearing the words of the sect master, many elders and disciples of the Huadan Sect were shocked, and their uneasy mood seemed to be calmed in an instant, and they even emerged with an extremely strong will to fight. Everyone shouted in unison: "Fight to the end!"

As nearly 10,000 cultivators of the Huadan Sect shouted this at the same time, an astonishing momentum instantly rose to the sky, as if to directly disperse the dark clouds over the Huadan Sect.

Hearing the low shouts of all the cultivators of the Huadan Sect, the ancestor of the Cai family did not care at all, and still sneered and said: "Don't overestimate your own abilities, just struggle to death!"

The other great masters of the four major forces also sneered at the corners of their mouths, and they agreed with the words of the ancestor of the Cai family.

After sneering, the ancestor of the Cai family turned his head and swept across the other fourteen figures outside the flying magic weapons, and laughed and said: "Let's break the Huadan Sect formation first!"

The other fourteen figures nodded slightly after hearing this, and then rushed out almost at the same time, instantly approaching the Huadan Sect's protective formation, and directly used magic to attack.

For the third realm masters, they rarely use hand gestures to condense spells, and most of them can cast spells instantly.

Moreover, they all have realized their own original power, and when casting spells, they instantly integrate it, which greatly increases the power of the spells.

Even if a spell is cast casually by a cultivator in the early stage of the Palm Source Realm, it is not something that thirty or fifty Tianxuan Realm Perfection cultivators can take on.

Because of this, the fifteen Palm Source Realm cultivators outside the Huadan Sect, after approaching the Huadan Sect's formation, either punched out, pressed down with a palm, or pointed out with a finger.

In front of them, fifteen huge spell shadows condensed instantly, exuding extremely powerful and violent power, and suddenly rushed towards the Huadan Sect's formation.

Among these spells, there are fist shadows, palm prints, and hideous beasts, which cause the nearby space to collapse directly, revealing a deep void.

An ordinary Palm Source Realm cultivator can easily break the space, and now there are fifteen Palm Source Realm cultivators, including many late Palm Source Realm cultivators and perfect Palm Source Realm cultivators, which makes the space power here suddenly become extremely chaotic.

Seeing fifteen powerful and terrifying spells approaching the sect protection formation, Liu Chen immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone, support the sect protection formation!"

As his words echoed, many elders and disciples of the Huadan Sect took out a green jade slip and then used their cultivation to activate it with all their strength.

Li Xuanfeng also took out a green jade slip and activated it with all his strength. It was sent to all elders and disciples by the great elder after the announcement of preparation for war, and the purpose was informed.

This green jade slip can be directly connected to the sect protection formation. Injecting spiritual power into the jade slip can directly increase the endurance of the sect protection formation.

As the power of cultivation was injected into the jade slip, Li Xuanfeng immediately felt the jade slip absorbing rapidly, and then gathered at the top of the jade slip.

In just a moment, a solid beam of spiritual power rushed out from the top of the jade slip and rushed towards the protective formation in the sky.

As all the elders and disciples activated the jade slips in their hands, each jade slip immediately rushed out a beam of spiritual power, which instantly gathered in the protective formation.

And after gathering, because many elders and disciples did not stop injecting their cultivation power, the spiritual power beam seemed to connect the jade slip and the protective formation together.

From a distance, this scene was extremely gorgeous. Nearly ten thousand rays of light appeared in the Huadan Sect and connected to the protective formation, weaving a

big net.

These spiritual power beams were of different colors, making the Huadan Sect suddenly covered with colorful colors. This was due to the different spiritual power attributes cultivated by each cultivator.

Moreover, the thickness of each spiritual power beam was also different. Many elders and disciples soon discovered that the higher the cultivation level, the thicker the spiritual power beam that rushed out of the jade slip was.

After discovering this, many elders and disciples scanned the spiritual beams of people nearby and looked at Li Xuanfeng in unison.

They suddenly discovered that the spiritual beam of the jade slip in Li Xuanfeng's hand was much thicker than that of the perfect elder in Tianxuan Realm.

Before the great elder made a move, the spiritual beam of Li Xuanfeng was very conspicuous, and it was the thickest one at this time.

Many elders and disciples immediately recognized Li Xuanfeng's strength more clearly, and their recognition of his status as a Taoist child increased greatly.

As the spiritual beams of the jade slips in the hands of nearly 10,000 elders and disciples of Huadan Sect gathered, the sect protection formation suddenly emitted a brighter light, and the aura became more majestic, as if it had been greatly supplemented.

At this time, the three great elders including Liu Chen also took out a jade slip and urged it with all their strength, and a spiritual beam of much thicker than that of Li Xuanfeng suddenly rushed out of the jade slip.

Just as the light of the sect protection formation of Huadan Sect increased, the spells of fifteen powerful people in the source realm suddenly bombarded the formation.


When the magic and the sect protection formation came into contact, there was a thunderous roar, and the space was like a high-rise building collapsing. The shattered area spread rapidly, and in an instant it covered a range of a thousand feet.

This was because the fifteen palm source realms were concentrated in one place to attack, otherwise the range of space collapse would be even larger.

In the terrifying impact of the power, the spiritual light on the sect protection formation of the Huadan Sect flashed rapidly, and many cracks even appeared on the light curtain of the formation, as if it was about to be unable to bear it.

Many elders and disciples who activated the jade slips couldn't help but tremble slightly, feeling an invisible impact force spreading from the formation, and invading along the spiritual light beam and the green jade slip.

However, this impact force had been blocked by the formation for the most part, and was dispersed by many elders and disciples, so each person did not bear much.

Moreover, the sect protection formation will disperse the impact force according to the strength of each person's spiritual power, otherwise the disciples with low cultivation may not be able to bear it directly.

After all, there are fifteen people in the palm source realm attacking at the same time, and there are three people in the palm source realm.

However, the sect protection formation of the Huadan Sect is indeed extremely powerful. Although it is flashing rapidly and even has many cracks, it begins to recover rapidly in an instant.

The light that was originally flashing rapidly on the formation light curtain gradually subsided, and even the cracks on it were recovering rapidly. In an instant, several of them disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the expression of the ancestor of the Cai family suddenly became gloomy, and he sneered and said: "The Huadan Sect is indeed worthy of its reputation, even the power of the sect protection formation is so amazing."

However, he also found that after blocking the attack of the fifteen people, the runes on the Huadan Sect formation seemed to be a little dim.

Therefore, the ancestor of the Cai family changed the subject and suddenly sneered in a deep voice: "I just don't know how long this turtle shell of your Huadan Sect can stop us!"

As he said this, the ancestor of the Cai family raised his hand and waved it.

At the same time, he quickly condensed the magic again, and the other fourteen Palm Source Realm also immediately cast magic, instantly forming fifteen huge magic shadows again, bombarding the Huadan Sect's protective formation.

As the earth-shaking roar echoed again, the extremely terrifying violent force suddenly spread rapidly, and the space near the place where they attacked was instantly shattered again, revealing a dark void.

The space that had just shattered was not restored until a few breaths later, but now it was shattered again in an instant.

With the bombardment of the magic of the fifteen Palm Source Realm masters, the Huadan Sect's protective formation suddenly trembled again, and several cracks appeared in an instant, spreading to a wider range than before.

Obviously, after enduring the first attack, the protective formation had weakened a little, causing more cracks to appear in the second attack.

At this time, the cracks on the light curtain of the formation had spread to a small area, making the light on the light curtain seem to be dim again.

Seeing the cracks on the light curtain, tens of thousands of cultivators from the four forces suddenly showed pride in their expressions. They seemed to have foreseen that the formation of Huadan Sect would be broken in a moment, and they would be able to rush into Huadan Sect.

Tens of thousands of cultivators were not something that the people of Huadan Sect could stop at all, and they were enough to complete the thunder suppression!

The expressions of the people of Huadan Sect became extremely ugly, and their bodies were slightly shaken by the impact of the formation.

This time the impact was a few points stronger than the last time, and even many disciples had their blood and qi violently surged because of it.

As the magic of the fifteen people in the Palm Source Realm dissipated, with the blessing of the people of Huadan Sect, the cracks on the sect protection formation healed rapidly again, but the light on it had dimmed again.

Before the people of Huadan Sect could recover, the ancestor of the Cai family shouted again in a deep voice: "Continue to attack, blast open this sect protection formation!"

The eyes of the fifteen people in the Palm Source Realm suddenly showed a strong ruthless intention, and they immediately used magic to attack again.

Seeing that many elders and disciples had not recovered yet, the fifteen people in the Palm Source Realm had already attacked again. The expression of the leader of Huadan Sect suddenly became extremely gloomy, and a green token suddenly appeared in his hand, and he directly activated it with all his strength.

As the extremely bright green light burst out from the token, a very thick spiritual power light column suddenly rose into the sky and instantly gathered in the sect protection formation.

The light on the sect protection formation suddenly became brighter and became much thicker in an instant. It was obvious that the cultivation power of the leader of Huadan Sect could greatly help the formation.

Not only that, the green token in the hands of the leader of Huadan Sect could perfectly control the sect protection formation.

At this time, the attacks of the fifteen people in the Palm Source Realm fell instantly, and the light of the sect protection formation suddenly gathered rapidly towards the place where they attacked, obviously using most of the power of the formation to resist their attacks.

The roar sounded again, and the nearby space was shattered again, but the fluctuations of the sect protection formation were much weaker than the last time, and even the cracks on it had not increased, and the previous cracks were also recovering rapidly.

At the same time, many elders and disciples of the Huadan Sect also clearly felt that the impact from the formation was also weakened a lot, making them feel much better.

Feeling this, many elders and disciples of the Huadan Sect suddenly looked excited. After the addition of the sect master, the sect protection formation could easily withstand the attacks of the fifteen palm source realm masters.

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