Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 991: You should have killed me just now!

Because it was Sasuke who was holding him from the back, he didn't catch the change in Sasuke's eyes at the first moment. When he was preparing to continue to stimulate Sasuke, the abnormality came out!

Wow ...

A purple phantom projected out of Sasuke's body instantly, squeezing his arm around Sasuke's neck!

"Suzano !!"

Hyuga mirror startled, and quickly backed away.


Almost immediately after Hyuga mirror receded, Sasuke's purple ‘Suzano Nobu’ arm slammed on the ground where Hyuga mirror was just now, making a loud noise!

All of a sudden, the floor of the conference hall was smashed by ‘Suzano Nerhu’, the rocks were splashing and the dust was flying.

Dangerous and avoiding the hitting sun mirror, a gratifying smile appeared on the face under the mask, secretly: "Sasuke, I can only help you here!"

In the dust, Sasuke, who was shrouded in 'Suzano Nobu', covered his eyes and whispered: "I was so embarrassed that I was so worried that Naruto's idiot was worried!"

After Yuyou laughed at himself, he removed his hand covering his eyes: "Is this feeling the kaleidoscope of writing chakras ..."

Immediately, he looked at the stands with his pair of kaleidoscopes, which exudes splendid glory, and looked at his parents: "Master Father, Master Mother, I did it!"

Then he turned his eyes to the referee zone and looked at Itachi as the referee: "Brother, I finally surpassed you!"

At the moment, Hyuga is also admiring Sasuke's ‘Suzano Noku’ in front of him, and admiring this kaleidoscope, Uchiha, almost created by him!

It seemed that he felt the gaze of Hyuga, Sasuke retracted his gaze toward Itachi, and his eyes gradually became cold while moving, and finally he was locked in his body with a murderous look.

"Uh, it seems to be overdone just now!"

Hyundai Mirror's heart froze, and Sasuke's new kaleidoscope was not very good for writing the chakras.

At this time, Sasuke said coldly, "Kirin, you should have killed me just now, but unfortunately, your ego has let you miss this only opportunity!"

Hyuga had to smile back bitterly: "Hehe ..."


VIP area.

When they saw Sasuke's eye-catching purple ‘suzano no su’ suddenly appeared in the venue, the names of the five nations exclaimed.

The five shadows on the side were not much better.

Three generations of earth shadows floated directly into the air, and their faces were full of shock.

Four generations of Lei Ying's mouth slightly opened, his face was incredible.

The ferret, disguised as a sun mirror, changed his previous calmness, and suddenly stood up from his chair.

The joy on his face was by no means a disguise. In the mood, even the breath on his body was disturbed a bit. If everyone's attention was on Sasuke in the venue at this time, his 'transformation' would probably It's exposed.

Four generations of Fengying said: "I did not expect that today we could witness the awakening of a pair of kaleidoscope writing round eyes!"

On the elder seat on the other side of the VIP area.

The three generations of Naruto watched the birth of another kaleidoscope in the village. The expression was extremely complicated.

Xiaochun, who was turning around, sighed.

The emergence of geniuses one after another in the Uchiha family made her a very weak power as an elder of Naruto.

Wood leaf rest area.

Sakura pointed to the purple "Suzano Nobo" in the field, and asked, "What's that?"

Naruto babbling replied, "Sho ... Suzano!"

Sakura wondered, "How do you know?"

"It was just Nine-tailed who told me ..." After a pause, Naruto continued, "Sasuke awakened their kaleidoscope of the Uchiha family to write round eyes!"


Ning Ci's face changed a few times before finally sighing.

If before, he can also compare himself with Sasuke, then at the moment Sasuke awakens the kaleidoscope to write the chakras, it is meaningless to make such a comparison.

the other side.

Zi Lai and Gangshou looked at each other, and they saw unexpected colors in each other's eyes.

They all know that Sasuke's talent is extremely high, and there will be some achievements in the future, but no one expected that Sasuke's talent was so high. He actually awakened the kaleidoscope to write the eye of the kaleidoscope in the middle of the tolerance test. Into the film level.

Guidance on this side, Asma smashed his mouth: "This ... how is this possible, Sasuke is less than 13 years old this year, right? Another Uchiha to stop the water?"

Silently said, "It is indeed the genius of the Uchiha family!"

Kakashi, who was Sasuke's guide on the sacrifice, discovered that when Sasuke awakened the kaleidoscope to write the chakras, he seemed to immediately understand something, and quickly turned to look at Sasuke's parents on the ordinary stand.

I saw Sasuke's father, Uchiha Fuyue, sullen face and forced joy, but Sasuke's mother burst into tears and shed two tears.

"They are more happy than they are surprised!"

Instantly, Kakashi captured key information.

The other end of the ordinary stands.

Jun Malu said with emotion: "I did not expect that Uchiha Sasuke has such potential, and it is indeed a talent that adults like."

Chongwu said with some surprise: "Is this" Usubo Kaleidoscope's "Suzano Nobo"? It really gives people a sense of oppression! "

Bai Fuhe nodded: "Well, if Uchiha Sasuke had these eyes during the second exam, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to retreat!"

Jun Malu said lightly: "White, even now, you should be able to kill him!"

Bailian quickly waved his hand: "How is that possible?"

Jun Maru said: "No need to hide, I know you have already surpassed me. If you shot in the second exam, Uchiha Sasuke should have died!"

The big snake pill, not far from the three of Yin Ren, also changed his calmness before, his face froze instantly.

"How ... how could this be!"

Even before Naruto entered ‘Tail Beastly’ and burst out five Chakra tails, his expression was calm, but at this moment after seeing Sasuke Awakening Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, he was startled.

Because I know Sasuke's father and elder brother awakened to write Kaleidoscope ~ ~, Dasumaru has high expectations for Sasuke, but he, like everyone else, did not expect Sasuke to awaken Kaleidoscope today. Writing the round of eyes, I regret it for a while, and did not take a decisive shot in the second exam and took away Sasuke.


In the field.

The appearance of ‘Suzano No Hu’ instantly exploded the enthusiasm of all the audience in the stands, and the cheering sounded like a row of mountains!

And in this deafening cheer, Sasuke said coldly: "As a reward for helping me to wake up and write the kaleidoscope, Kirin, I will try my best to keep you a whole body ..."


Thirdly, I would like to thank VDE lipstick classmates for their rewards yesterday and the classmates for their rewards today. Thank you!

Only the last day of the month is left. Students with monthly tickets in their hands pay attention. It will be wasted if they don't vote again. Tomorrow there will be more changes, I fight, please support me!

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