Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1009: Form a God Organization!

Wood leaves in the dark base.

The senior officials of the Five Great Ninja Villages gathered again and held the first Five Shadow Conference after the Zhongni examination.

The theme of the meeting was still discussing how to respond to Xiao ’s threat to the entire ninja community, and how to rescue the village ’s people who were taken away by Xiao ’s organization.

When it comes to rescuing people, the four generations of Leiying are naturally the most active one.

This can't help him being inactive, because when it comes to losses, Yun Yin ’s loss of human pillar strength is the worst of the five Ninja villages. Although Yan Yin, like Yun Yin, also lost two people ’s pillar strength, but in strength On the other hand, the strength of the two perfect human column forces of Yun Yin can crush the column forces of Yan Yin who have hidden dangers at those two moments.

However, there are few responders.

Shayin has nothing to do with himself. Anyway, the end of their village is not lost, and Wuyin has limited ability. Now, all aspects of Wuyin are thinking about how to ensure the safety of the three-tailed person of the fourth-generation Shuiying.

In terms of wooden leaves, the focus is also on protecting the two people, Naruto and Fu, with more strength than power.

And let alone three hidden villages: sandy, foggy, and wooden leaves. Even the Yanyin Village, which suffered considerable losses, was not very concerned about the plan of the fourth generation of Leiying to actively rescue people.

The three generations of Toku Onoki are very pragmatic. In his opinion, no radical plan is advisable until he finds no means to restrain the leader of the Xiao organization.

In this way, the Five Shadows Conference was stuck in a stalemate and quarrel as before.

Itachi, still posing as Hyuga mirror, swept around the village leaders who were arguing with each other, and sighed sighingly.

The three Ninja wars made the foundation of mutual trust between the five ninja villages very weak. Even in the face of the threat of Xiao organization, the shadows of the villages could not completely let go of their prejudices.

At this moment, Kakashi on one side winked at Itachi.

Itachi nodded.

Waiting for Itachi's approval, Kakashi stood up and said, "Dear everyone, we have a proposal from Koyo, hoping to draw the elites of the villages, and temporarily set up a quick response team to perform high-intensity tasks such as intelligence gathering and tactical raids. ! "

The first to agree is the four generations of Lei Ying, he said sternly: "We really need such a team!"

The four generations of Fengying considered more, and bluntly said, "How many people do you want to transfer?"

The Kakashi language has been prepared to calm down: "This rapid reaction team should not be too large, otherwise there will be many inconveniences, so it is best to limit three people in each village. And we hope that the village of Wuyin Young and active ninjas such as Kirin, Didala in Yanyin Village, Dalui in Yunyin Village, and Shiluo in Sandy Village can join in! "

The purpose of the China-Ninja Examination jointly held by the five major Ninja villages is to strengthen mutual cooperation and tap the talents of the new generation.

Now that the China-Ninja exam has been successfully concluded, a large number of outstanding new-generation ninjas have indeed emerged in the exams, so the idea of ​​bringing these new-generation ninjas together to form a quick-response team was generated in Kakashi's mind. Already.

After hearing that Kakashi wanted to invite the new generation of villagers to participate in this so-called rapid response team, several filmmakers hesitated immediately.

Almost all of them, such as Didala and Darui, have been designated as the next film in their respective villages, so the several filmmakers present are really uneasy about letting their future films participate in this dangerous level, which is difficult to evaluate quickly. Response squad.

Seeing that everyone was a bit worried, the three generations of Naruto got up and said, "You, joining the rapid reaction team is also a rare experience for young people! And we will assure you that we will definitely formulate an action plan carefully. Let the ninjas in the villages suffer unnecessary injuries! "

Three generations of Earth Shadow immediately frowned: "So, the command of this quick response team is in your hands?"

Kakashi smiled and said: "At present, only our wooden leaves can contact the God organization, so in order to communicate effectively, this fast response team is temporarily directed by our wooden leaves, which is the most reasonable choice."

Water Shadow, Wind Shadow, and Lei Ying nodded one after another.

The three generations of Tuying instinctively wanted to refute two sentences, but for a while, they couldn't say anything.

To this day, everyone also believes that Didala is not a 'jizo' organized by the gods, because with the three generations of earth shadow Onoki's experience, if Didara really is a god's organization 'jizo', Iwamura would have talked to Organizations are online and will never be as passive as they are now.

After the Five Shadows Talks, Kakashi left the dark base side by side with Itachi, who was disguised as a sun mirror.

On the way, Kakashi said, "Mirror, go with me to the hospital!"

Itachi wondered, "Is there anything wrong?"

Kakashi explained: "In addition to the five Ninja villages, I actually want to pull the Yin Ninja village into the quick response team!"

Itachi, who understands Kakashi's intention, gently nodded: "Well, Jun Malu and Bai of Yinni Village are indeed very good ninjas."

What seemed to come to mind, Kakashi laughed: "Actually, I have another plan. Speaking of which, this plan is still the idea you gave me!"

Itachi asked calmly, "What plan?"

"Remember the last time you pretended to be a member of the God Organization to scare the organization?" After a pause, Kakashi said, "I think this is a good idea."

Itachi froze, and secretly said, "It's a senior who pretends to be a member of the God Organization? Uh, can it still be pretend?"

Kakashi didn't notice the flickering color on Itachi's face, and then said, "Your thought reminds me that we can form a fake **** organization privately. Once Xiao organization suddenly attacks us, We can use this fake **** organization to contain Xiao organization and fight for time for our five Ninja village organizations to fight back! "


As a member of the God Organization, Itachi is speechless, but can only pretend to listen carefully ~ ~ Kakashi continues: "I have analyzed it. Chuanzhu 'are all Bingyu blood follower ninjas, so Bai can perfectly pretend to be Chuanzhu, even if he starts, he will not reveal the stuffing. And Jun Malu of Yinni Village can disguise as the' wind chime 'organized by God, After all, they all have 'bone veins'. By the same token, Didala can be dressed as 'Zizang', and as for 'Flame Devil', we can let Shushui or Zhenyi pretend. "

"Your idea is really ..." It seemed like I couldn't think of how to describe it. Itachi shook his head and said, "But if we let God know this, the consequences will be serious, right?"

Kakashi pulled away the smile on his face and nodded solemnly: "Well, so we have to negotiate a good deal with God in advance, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money this time!"

Itachi shook his head: "This kind of thing is not a matter of money at all!"


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