Reincarnation in Naruto World

Chapter 1017: You are dead!

Rumble ...

Suddenly, a huge repulsive force erupted from Xiangxiang's body and swept away toward the soil.


With a look of astonishment, the soil was completely unprepared, and together with the surrounding trees, soil, stones, etc., it was severely scolded and flew away like a storm.

Just a blink of an eye, a large forest that came into view was instantly razed to the ground, and the original lush green was as if wiped by an eraser.

Looking at the mess in front of him, Shuiyue was stunned: "I'm not a magician, right?"

Xiangxiang did not bother Shuiyue, and his body flickered directly into the smoke that covered the sky.

In the dust.

"Ahem ..."

Coughing with soil, he crawled out of the mud.

At this moment, he was embarrassed, and his eye-catching red cloud suit was covered with mud.

You need to know that when launching the "Shenwei", he needs to maintain his materialized state, even if he took back the kaleidoscope that was given to Kakashi to write the chakras, and got the double "Shenwei", it only made him The ability to perform "Shenwei" in the air, but still needs to be substantiated when performing "Shenwei".

Therefore, just now he was performing ‘Shenwei’ on Xiangxiang. Because he was in a materialized state, he ate Xiang ’s angry “Shen Luo Tianzheng” firmly.

Compared with the wolf howling on his body, the shock in the soil was even more shocking. He looked at the messy and smoky surroundings, and said fiercely in his mouth: "Damn, why does a misty hunger have this ability? "

In his impression, there are currently only three people in Ninja who possess this ability to use repulsive force.

They are the leader of the Xiao organization, Nagato, the leader of the God organization Datong Mushe, and the Hyuga Aoki who died in the hands of the Datong Mushe.

In addition, no matter Wuying or other masters, they do not have the ability to use repulsive power without a seal, and now a faint haze can have this ability, which has to surprise him. Already.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng ... is reincarnation?"

Recalling the scene just now, his face with soil gradually slumped.

Because Hyuga Aoki, who had white eyes before, also exhibited similar abilities, he couldn't confirm whether the other party had 'reincarnation eyes' for a while and a half, but he just spit out the words 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng' He remembered it clearly.

Uh ...

Just then, a figure emerged from the smoke and rushed at him.

With a look of surprise, he immediately launched ‘Shenwei’ and passed through the opponent, easily avoiding the opponent ’s offensive, and looked solemnly at the masked mist in front of him.


In the ‘Shenwei’ space.

While thinking about the strategy to get out of the sun, he suddenly flashed his eyes and found that a half-length body with soil flashed on a stone platform about one hundred meters away from him.

"Is this ... hands on ?!"

Only half of his body was revealed in the space of ‘Shenwei’ and flashed past, which undoubtedly indicates that the outside band is using ‘Shanwei’ to dodge the enemy ’s attack.

"Why are you so far away suddenly? Is the battlefield outside shifted? Who is the one who forced the soil to perform 'Shenwei'? Shuiyue or Xiang phosphor?"

Suddenly, countless thoughts rushed into the heart of Hyuga mirror.

However, this did not affect the response of the sun to the mirror. While pondering these doubts in his mind, he rushed to the stone platform where the half of the body just fluttered by, and then hesitated to cast the 'multi shadow shadow' Operation '.

Uh ...

In a burst of white smoke, Sun Xiangjing separated ten shadow avatars at one time.

After looking at the shadow avatars, all the shadow avatars were scattered around this stone platform. At the same time, all the shadow avatars flashed a dazzling purple light on their right hands.

For a time, the tweet of 'Thousand Birds' resounded through the entire 'Divine Power' space.

A total of eleven sun mirrors, including the deities of the sun direction mirror, are waiting. As long as the body with soil appears again, even if it is only a short moment, he will immediately give a generous gift ...


In the forbearance world.

Staring at the opposite phosphorous, he swindled with soil: "I didn't expect you to have reincarnation eyes!"

Phosphorus did not answer the soil, and did not even respond much.

The soiled face sank, and immediately murmured, "Well, there is no response, isn't it reincarnation? It is like Hyuga Aoki, who has some other power?"

On Phosphorus side, the reason she didn't respond was not because she saw through the soiled tricks, but because she was listening to the words of Ai Luo, who lived in the "type 3 biological armor".

I love Luo said in the spiritual world: "I am responsible for the attack, you are responsible for sensing and launching the" Shen Luo Tianzheng "to crack the opponent's" prestige. "

Xiang Phosphor quickly agreed: "Okay!"

In terms of combat experience, Ai Luo, cultivated by Sha Yin as a human pillar, is obviously a lot higher than the phosphorous, and more importantly, I Ai Luo has really killed someone and seen blood, so in He will not be softened at any crisis.

Ai Luo then calmly said: "I will now turn on the overload mode of 'type 3 biological armor', which can last for about ten minutes, if it can not be resolved within ten minutes ..."

Before I finished talking to Ai Luo, Xiang Phosphorus said: "I understand that if even the overload mode can't be solved, I will immediately overdraw my life and launch the` `Earth Star ''!"

After a short period of communication in the spiritual world, Xiang phosphorus's body sank slightly, and said to the band, "You are dead!"

Daotu was taken aback by surprise, because he was surprised to find that the voice coming out of Xiang Phosphorus, although equally immature, was clearly different from the voice of a girl just now, but the voice of a boy.

And the boy's voice, although extremely gentle, contained a monstrous killing in it.


At this moment, the ground under Xiang Pho's feet cracked instantly, and her little body was wrapped in roar, as if the shell was hitting the opposite band.

"So fast!"

With soil again, I was surprised ~ ~ Almost subconsciously launched ‘Shenwei’.

The speed and power shown by the other party at this moment was even close to the four generations of Lei Ying who launched the 'Thunder Chakra Mode', making him have to deal with it carefully.

Uh ...

Instantly, the phosphorous and the soil passed through again.

At this time, the band of soil that avoided the attack of phosphorous was immediately turned around, and the 'kaleidoscope writing wheel eye' in the eye socket also focused on the phosphorous's back.

Uh ...

But just as he was preparing to launch ‘Shenwei’ to attack Xiang Xiang ’s back, a sharp voice of thousands of birds screaming came from his ears. Then, his throat was sweet and blood spurted out ...


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